Grey’s Anatomy :: Everyday Angel


Can we take two seconds and acknowledge that Dr. Newbie-No-Name finally sort of has a name? I mean we did hear a page of ‘Dr. Kim’ as he parted company with Glasses on the floor. I guess that counts, right? This is the slowest build-up of potentially nothing-something ever. Frozen molasses mid-January moves faster than this. If you’re going to bring him on as the first openly gay doctor, just rip the band-aid off already and quit faffing about.

Also – where was Qadri this week? Helm, Parker, and Glasses all accounted for … but not Qadri. Did the interns of yesteryore go missing for episodes at a time like this? Speaking of the missing … Jackson turns up with a charity case just like Izzie did when she brought Joel Grey on the show after her ‘I’m leaving, peace out’ nonsense.

Jaggie – on-again-off-again-on-again. Why do we care. We don’t care. Move along. Sad about Cece, though Maggie seems legitimately recharged with her attempt to get her rechargeable hearts going. Whatever happened to that contest that was being funded? I think someone was declared the winner … but did all the other projects just get scrapped? I forgot that was all tangled up in the Kepner-story.

Meredith is a Grade-A stalker. Good job. But funny when she called Teddy out. Also funny that despite Zola practically being a teenager that she still hasn’t figured out how to bake. Gotta love good ol’ Meredith. That said – the whole back-n-forth with Teddy and her at the house? FLUFFY FILLER. Ugh. It’s like – we had no actual way of motivating things forward so we had to have the Meredith-Teddy pep-talk (which exists in no universe ever except apparently for this week’s episode.)

Green is not Alex’s color, and I feel a bit repulsed by the way he was going at (or rather silently not going at) Link – right up until we get the reveal of ‘did you know and why didn’t you do something if you knew?’ And then of course the ‘I didn’t know’ which stands to reason. And why – why why why why why WHY did we not get all that glorious smooth jazz singing from Richard Webber back during the musical episode of Grey’s Anatomy circa the Calzona Car Crash?!? HOW did we not get that wonderful Webber sound in that episode???

Owen and Amelia are nauseatingly saccharine. Stupid cute in the ‘make you want to gag because they’re so gushy’ kinda way. And yes, yes, it’s all one big build-up so that when Teddy drops a big old bomb next week that it looks and feels extra devastating. LOVE that we had a throwback to the Cootie Catcher. But in no world – Shondaland, reality, or otherwise – are you convincing me that a teenager in today’s world (especially not one who mostly did drugs for her teenage years) is going to have any idea what a Cootie Catcher is or how to use it or think it’s neat enough to use. So that whole little ‘Does Owen wear dad jeans?’ cute and stupid as it was – NOT BUYING IT.

Bailey spinning out over Ben is just hope that we’ll be reeling him back from Station 19. I often wonder if Addison ever could have come back (for more than just ratings-bump-driven crossover episodes) to Seattle Grace and made a go of it. Maybe they’ll do a dramatic redaction of Ben Warren when Bailey tells him his new job is her stress. I mean he’s an anesthesiologist, a surgical – what semi-half resident – AND he’s got fire training. (And he cooks, remember that?) So really … it’s not like he’s got nothing to fall back on … poor Bailey.

Next week is a doozy – though it does answer my question of ‘did Thatcher die …’ then again, he’s not actually in the preview … so maybe he’ll die before Meredith gets to make up her mind about what to do with him. (And doesn’t she still have another half sister? One that she never really bothered to get to know – Molly – with the baby and the husband that live on a military base in Guam?) We all know Teddy’s truth … but what in good grief-n-gravy is going to come out of Jo’s mouth now? Guess we’ll all wait with bated breath…

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.

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