Don’t even know where to start with this one – other than wondering if somehow there was an episode between ‘Gut Feeling’ and last week (like an episode 2.5?) that was missed? Or if Shonda and the edit crew is really just getting sloppy. Lots of things felt out of place – like a lot of something was missing. It just didn’t have that usual seamlessness that Grey’s has (even when they’re doing something weird with the timelines!)
ROY. Don’t let the door hit ya’ where the good Lord split ya’. BYE. I seriously thought when he became his own human bbq last week that was the end of him … but no. We had to let him come back and kill one more patient before we could finally be rid of him. And don’t even get me started on all the mistakes that Mer & Alex, etc. made as interns and how they got to keep their jobs. THEY learned from them. Roy did not. GOOD RIDDANCE.
Anyone notice how we STILL don’t know Dr. Kim’s name? Or what exactly it is that he does other than be there as a smoking hot doctor? (Seriously, does he have a specialty? He’s got fellow/attending navy scrubs … but WHAT DOES HE DO!?) Also, the more I encounter Dr. ‘Link’ the more on the fence I am with him. Really like that he very clearly made peace with Webber at the end (what is that – Link, Webber, DeLuca – the new boys club!?) despite their bucking heads over a patient. Rarely was that the strategy with new doctors in the past. Still don’t know what to make of him otherwise. Clearly he’s suggestible, as all it took was a little push from Maggie to get him to ask Amelia out.
And WHAT is with next week’s promo??? ‘Momma Knows Best’ shows her going back in for brain surgery under which she totally might die? I know, that’s next week, but it makes all the ooey-gooey ‘family/us’ crap with Owen from this week look totally foreshadowing and SUPER sketchy. Is this how we’re going to deal with Teddy’s impending baby? (You know, Kim Raver, who we hired on as a full-timer and was in episode 1 for all of five seconds and is gone?) Kill her off so Owen gets to be the good guy? Or gork her out? Or make her not who she was when she wakes from the surgery? LAME. We need to stop letting Owen be the good guy here. He’s not. End of story.
Also, unless Jackson’s clearing his head involves him going to New York to pick up Arizona and Callie (or the more likely and ultra unfortunate ‘retrieve April’ mission) he needs to settle down and stop being such a mess. Makes us all wonder what Jesse Williams is really up to. I think I’d be okay if he was jumping ship. He too has lost his charm as time has marched on.
It was great to see some case-focus once again. Saw blade in a patient with a potentially drunk teacher. (Definitely with Link, Webber’s diagnosis did sound made-up. Glad it wasn’t.) Does sort of topple the theory that Webber has fallen off the wagon, given his overzealous attack with the teacher, who really just had no idea what was happening. But that whole exchange was really well played.
Nice to see Mr. Fire Fighter AKA Ben Warren. Things must be slow over at Station 19. WHAT is Koracick still doing here? Did we seriously keep him and sheDeLuca in exchange for Arizona and April? Much as I dislike April … I’m not sure the exchange was worth it. Though he did hold his own when it came time to address the nosebleed patient. And throw Roy the hell out.
LOVE LOVE LOVE getting to see The Grey-Shepherd children! Excepting that Bailey is as tall as Zola now, which just looks weird. And did anybody notice that Ellis looks like that little girl they were using to play ‘young Meredith’ in the flashback carousel scenes? Maybe that’s just what I’m seeing.
Where were all the other interns this week? Just Hellmouth, Glasses, and (nowgone) Roy? Wompwomp. And did anybody else notice people walking around in the poop-brown scrubs? I feel like that’s new. And ugly. Yay for Karev getting rid of Roy, as that seems like it’s the only thing he managed to do right this week. And Jo took his name. Yay! That’s delightful. It’ll be like having the double-Shepherds in house. Again. We had double Shepherd (twice, technically thanks to Addie) and double Grey’s (poor Lexie) and now double Karevs. Is that all the doubles?
Meredith … oh, Meredith … do you really need love to get laid? Why can’t you just find an intern like everybody else used to do? I miss Ross. All the zany ups and downs this week (what with Maggie harboring secrets and having to deal with Jackson’s BS) it just felt like a really weird episode … unfinished or slapped together with bits missing somehow. WEIRD. Fingers crossed for something other than a predictable outcome for Amelia next week. And are we ever actually going to see Teddy again? Or are they holding her off for mid-season finale?
Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.
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