Mothers. The women who give birth and nurture their young … unless, of course, they come from the world of Dynasty. Hoo boy, Alexis Carrington, Melissa Daniels and the newly introduced Laura Van Kirk (guest star Sharon Lawrence) can give Joan Crawford a run for her money in the ‘mommie dearest’ department.
This week Fallon had to continue to play wifey to Liam after the sudden death of Uncle Max — which Fallon also has to work to cover up since she hired the escort who accidentally gave the man a heart attack — so that she can meet his mother and get a signature on the contract to sell the family Carrington Atlantic. But Laura Van Kirk is a real peach, in the most sarcastic sense of the word. She berates and humiliates poor Liam without mercy, and she sticks her nose into Fallon’s business thinking she’s telling Liam something he doesn’t know — that Fallon has a side piece named Michael. Fallon finally had enough with the harridan and told her off while saying some surprisingly sweet, and loving, things in Liam’s defense. But would being so forthright with the woman put the kibosh on the contract?
Turns out Max did sign the contract, but that is now in the clutches of some breathy woman who is willing to let Culhane have it … for a million bucks. Sensing something is not right with this woman, he turns her down but when Fallon tells him that she pretty much blew it with Laura, Michael has to go crawling back to her. Of course, it’s not so easy when you turn down an offer and have to go back and this time Breathless Mahoney has a new deal for Culhane — he can have the contract, she doesn’t really care about the money, she deals in power. All she wants is for Culhane to be her new ‘consultant’. It’s a deal he can’t refuse at this point because of Fallon’s actions, but it may put a strain on their relationship, especially as Fallon begins to realize she does have feelings for Liam.

Meanwhile, Alexis is bribing a psychiatrist to get information out of Kirby — who has court ordered anger management sessions after attacking Fallon at Monica’s club — to see what she knows about that night of the fire. Kirby has long maintained her innocence, blaming Fallon for the fire to set her up. But her sessions have led to a breakthrough in her memory. And she chose the absolute worst time to reveal what she had learned — at the way over-the-top baby shower for Melissa and Steven, courtesy of Sam who is in serious over-compensation mode.
Kirby had placed a nanny cam in a room where Alexis and Anders just happened to be talking and learned some shocking news — the pair had had an affair resulting in the birth of a child. Kirby approached Fallon at the party all smiles and called her ‘sister’ but Fallon and Steven just thought it was more of her crazy coming out. As the gender of Melissa’s baby was about to be revealed in a big video presentation, the video cut to Kirby’s nanny cam footage of that conversation. Not only was there a child conceived, but it seems it was Alexis who set the fire to frame Kirby — a 12-year-old who really had no idea what she had overheard at the time — and have her sent away.
Alexis tried to brush off the whole thing in front of all the assembled guests, but Anders piped up and admitted there was an affair and a child. But it wasn’t Fallon. It was Steven. As everyone’s jaws hit the floor and Blake stormed out, Melissa realized that her child would not be a true Carrington, meaning no Carrington money, and she admitted the kid wasn’t Steven’s, it was her gynecologist’s! Of course this will give Alexis (and Sam) a chance to say ‘I told you so’ but how much more can poor Steven take?

A couple of other things worth mentioning this week:
Blake is hitting it off with Cristal Jennings, who is filling him in on how she met Cecila, and how she thought she was dying so she gave Cecila permission to use her identity. Okay, have we had any real confirmation that Cristal actually knew Cecila? The first time we saw her she seemed like just an obsessive fan of Blake Carrington. But Blake is buying her story, so much so that he invited her to dinner — in Miami — and told her to pick out one of Cristal’s outfits to wear. Then it got weird on his private jet when new Cristal wanted to get comfortable and take off her shoes and earrings … something old Cristal would have never done. And Blake made it quite clear he was trying to make new Cristal into old Cristal … and she didn’t like it. Before the baby shower, she said her goodbyes to Sam, who really wanted her to stay, and Blake apologized, knowing that what he did was kind of creepy, asking Cristal to give him another chance.
And what was up with Liam’s flaming step-father? It was hilarious when Fallon invited them to the baby shower saying he has so much in common with her brother.
How will the news of Steven’s parentage affect Blake and Steven? It was hard enough for Blake to accept the Colby kids were actual Carringtons, but now he has to accept that his son is not? Which could also play into Blake regaining control of Carrington Atlantic since Steven technically wouldn’t have a say in things since he doesn’t have a drop of Carrington blood in him. The plot thickens!
What did you think of the episode? What will Blake do with this new information about Steven? Tell us in the comments section below!