Grey’s Anatomy begins its 15th season


For the record?? TOTALLY called that DeLuca/Meredith as a dream nonsense. It won’t be the first time Shonda’s opened a season with a totally unrealistic but absolutely realistic dream sequence (hello Season 5? House of candles and Derek’s dying the first time around?) Glad to see we still know how to recycle plots and television tricks. And that’s exactly what Shonda has done, only it’s been so long that most of us have forgotten all of these old tricks that have worked so well in the past. And fasten your seat belts … it looks like we’re in for a lot of that! (Nobody remembers the big old ‘all the girls in the shower with George’ dream the morning of the bomb-in-chest-cavity?)

No one gets to act all shocked and doubly surprised about Teddy and the might-be Owen Hunt baby (that will probably not come to fruition when all is said and done.) Does nobody remember that he’s double-dipped before? It wasn’t the Amelia-Teddy double dip but the Emma Marling-Cristina Yang double dip that got him in trouble the first time around. Owen is actually just a deeply flawed human with lots of issues that we all forgive … why? Because he’s hot? Because he’s a soldier? Because he wasn’t Burke? I got nothing and I’m seriously over him. (I was never that into him.)

But back to history’s repeating itself …… this cocky new Ortho ‘God’ whose name we’ve only just heard is Lincoln? Or Link? (Or so far who cares? And once Mer takes him down a peg with ‘you got named after history and literature’s two greats but you chose a video-game character?’ Totally worth it …) But he basically stroll-strutted into the ER with the same bad-ass attitude as Hunt did when he stormed in, ripped out Cristina’s icicle and then got a job there. His little short-hand with the yet-to-be-named other half of this Ortho-God team in surgery … and the way Hunt and Avery mocked him?? EXACTLY the way Derek & Sloan were not coping and subsequently mocking Hunt when he arrived. #anyonehearanecho

Can anyone tell me the name of this guy? The one that winked at Glasses (seriously? THAT is way WAY too forward considering we don’t even know that doctor’s name yet. Make him Sloan 2.0, I don’t care … but DAMN at least give us his name first!) This hot, new … whichever specialty he is … do we seriously now have two Other Gods? (And what does THAT say about needing two men to replace one Callie?) But yet again … as poor Nisha the biker casualty said … it’s ‘heaven’ because all the doctors are hella hot.

Also, pretty sure that’s the end of Roy. IDIOT. But good riddance. Anyone else wondering why the female interns were nowhere to be found in the first half of this two-hour season opener? Also – have we ever dealt with an intern having unreturned love/feelings before? I feel like in every previous instance (even when Meredith was in her intern year) that whenever an intern had the hots/feelings for ANYONE, but especially attendings and fellows, no matter how badly it turned out … it eventually happened. Very curious how they’re going to handle Hellmouth being rejected by Meredith, if it should ever come to light (to Meredith at any rate) that she’s in love with her. Also, Qadri better get to keep that dog and it better make a reappearance.

Alex Karev of all people would not forget sunscreen. Once upon a time he married crazy, crazy got metastatic melanoma and died (but then didn’t die because they ignored her DNR) so he would definitely not forget his sunscreen. Two second honeymoon seems about right for them. Love that Jo’s an ultra brain. Always knew she had it in her. Bailey buying this imaginary fellowship so she can step back? LOW. But hey, at least we get to keep Jo … and apparently we’ve bumped up Alex. Because you know, Alex Karev as chief. Arizona is cringing but simultaneously jumping for joy all the way across the country in NY.


Not sure I’m ready to have a comment on Teddy and her hot mess of a mess. For all we know she may yet lose the baby … She HAD to know that risking a flight like that and jumping straight into an 8-hour surgery wasn’t the smartest of ideas … But we all know she isn’t going far since they found money in the fictitious non-budget to hire Kim Raver on for the season as a ‘regular’ but somehow couldn’t find it to keep Jessica Capshaw … but drama sells … and since Arizona was all wrapped up happily ever after with a Calzona reboot … she got the actual boot and back comes Preggo Teddy to wreck the ‘ready to try again’ Omelia.

Also very surprised to see both Koracick AND She-DeLuca have returned … but if they’re the reason we had to get rid of Arizona? #fail

Anyone else worried that Richard is off the wagon? Bailed on his AA meeting and although he seemed fine through the rest of the episode and almost fine through the second half … he seemed very squirrely dodging that subject with Catherine. And the promo for episode three … with Karev throwing him out of the OR? My money (like it was on Meredith’s dreaming about sex wth DeLuca) is on his being on the sauce again.

I’ve got say, as the episodes moved along, the hair-pile hunka-nerd grew on me. Moon Spa. Now that was cute. Still not sure he’s a surefire fit or fix for anything or anyone, and he’s no Callie Torres … but I suppose we ought to give him a chance. Still want to know what his doctor-friend’s name is. Though from the looks of it, Dr. Link might be Sloan 2.0 (first asking out Meredith and then Amelia?) Or does that just make him Riggs? Too bad that didn’t pan out quite the way we’d hoped and thought.

Not even going to touch the Jaggie mess. As it is exactly where we left it, only Jackson now has PTSD. (I feel like you can’t have a season on Grey’s where at least one character isn’t experiencing it for one reason or another.)

This season has potential … lots of ground to work with and cover, especially if it’s the penultimate. All I can say is that by the time 16 rolls around, every single loose end better be tied up to perfection, no questions left unanswered and all our dearly departed – Cristina, Arizona … I guess April … and somehow Derek … better make their way back for the finale. Also – did anyone notice how tall and old Zola has gotten?!? Where has the time gone?!?

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.

What did you think of the season premiere? Start a conversation in the comments section below.


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  1. The show has SO many issues, none of which even matter to me anymore because I don’t seem to be able to stop watching it, even though I’ve tried many times.

    Right now I just want Glasses and Dr Kim to kiss. Their out of the blue chemistry fogged my glasses.

    WHEN did Teddy become such a mess?

    • Dr. Kim?!? Is that his name?? Why didn’t they tell us this?? You know, IN the actual episode? And yes, sooooo many issues. But with all addictions, you use if it’s available. And here we are.