Dynasty :: A Little Fun Wouldn’t Hurt


Let’s Talk About ‘A Little Fun Wouldn’t Hurt’: 

  • Elizabeth Gillies must have really pissed off someone in the wardrobe department judging by the outfits they put her in this week.
  • Blake wants to sell the family’s vacation manor.
  • Dom tries to get Jeff to look the other way so she can violate her FSN contract and sell Domystique clothing on another shopping channel.
  • Sam is suddenly smitten with some social media influencer named Carter — who we’ve never seen or heard of before — and they begin dating.
  • Blake mentions Cristal’s headaches and dizziness to Adam, who insists she come to the hospital for a checkup.
  • Liam’s film is ready to roll as soon as he touches up the script, and he’s got an answer to Fallon’s question about having kids.
  • Fallon’s horse trainer Daniel seems to be interested in Sam, asking him out to dinner.
  • Blake keeps wavering on turning the Flores family business back over to Beto.
  • Fallon and Liam seek some solitude at the vacation manor, but run into some obstacles.
  • Alexis and Dex must be in Dubai because they are nowhere to be seen this week. They must have taken Amanda with them.

I think we can characterize this week’s episode of Dynasty as pure filler, stretching out minor storylines to fill out the hour, and keeping Alexis, Amanda and Dex completely out of the action. There was one major end of episode bombshell, but I think what we really need to be questioning is … who picked out Fallon’s outifts for this episode and what did Elizabeth Gillies do to deserve them? From the cleavage-baring prairie dress with the puffy sleeves and the weird shoulder straps, to the black and green hooker outfit, to the square-shouldered blood clot with pink go-go boots, it’s hard to tell if she lost a bet or really made someone angry. It also makes me think back to the first season when just about every was outfitted in ‘WTF were they thinking’ clothing. But let’s try to get past that and focus on the storylines.

Fallon & Liam

Liam is about to be super busy with his movie, and Fallon is concerned that after she asked him about having kids he fled to Los Angeles and hasn’t talked to her. But he’s back in Atlanta preparing to polish the script and get into production so Fallon has to ask again about kids. Liam said he’d already made it clear how he felt, and he was about to be very busy … but he really did think about it and he’s ready to get started. Except for some reason they never lock the door to the bedroom and as they try to get intimate, Adam bursts in with some helpful hints on positions to ensure the optimum chance for conceiving, but they toss him out. Unfortunately, that killed the mood and they only have two days while Fallon is at her most fertile. So why not head over to the family’s vacation manor that Blake now wants to sell. It’s empty so they will have all the privacy they need … except it isn’t and they are surprised when the caretaker, Winston (the vacation house’s version of Anders, apparently), pops in and isn’t shy about his admiration for the shirtless Liam (and who could argue with him?). But with little privacy, again, Fallon decides to help Winston pack up the rest of the house so he can be gone at the end of the day. Except as they pack she notices family heirlooms out of place, things she told Blake she really didn’t care about initially, and freaks out believing Winston was stealing them to sell since he was going to be out of a job. She and Liam do find the items in another room, and she confronts Winston which leads to a ridiculous cat fight of mutual shin-kicking that ends with Fallon’s grandmother’s crystal candleholder smashed into a million pieces. Oops. Winston denies stealing the items and quits, but Fallon fires him too. Later she learns that Blake asked for those items to be moved for safe-keeping but didn’t tell Fallon because he didn’t think she cared that much. Well, she learned that she does and wants to buy the manor for herself and Liam. They go back to their room and try to make a baby again, but Fallon is almost too sore from the fight to do anything. Liam tells her if it isn’t this month, it’ll be next month or the month after that. There’s no rush. Fallon was afraid Liam would change his mind so that’s why she was in such a hurry. But now they can get to business and enjoy the process.

Dominique & Jeff

Dominique thinks that having her son as the CEO of Fallon Unlimited will give her carte blanche with doing whatever she wants with her fashion line, but he is firm in that while he is trying to rebuild his business reputation, he cannot show his mother any favoritism. He reminds her that her contract with FSN forbids her from selling her clothing line on any other shopping network, but she’s hoping he’ll just look the other way. He won’t, so she offers to buy his 50% stake of her company but the offer comes with some demands from him — profit sharing in perpetuity, for example — that she’s not willing to accept. While she keeps pressuring him, and he keeps reminding her of the contract, their relationship begins to deteriorate and Jeff finally admits to her that if he sells his shares to her then they won’t have any reason for their weekly breakfasts together. Dom assures him that as his mother, those breakfasts are not going anywhere. And Jeff has some good news for Dom — a loophole. Her FSN contract says she can’t sell her clothing line anywhere else, but it doesn’t say anything about accessories. But she doesn’t have an accessories line. Yet.

Blake & Cristal


Fake Cristal is gloating to Beto and Real Cristal that her dizzy spells have Blake eating out of her hand and he’s ready to turn the Flores family business over to Beto. But back at the manor, she ‘forgets’ that she can’t have grapefruit juice with her medication and that and the dizziness are cause for concern. Fake Cristal says it’s just the stress from trying to get the deal done with Beto, but Blake insists that she go to the hospital and get checked out by Adam. But Blake says if she comes back with a clean bill of health, he’ll go forward with the transfer. Except she needs Real Cristal’s blood, and the hospital gave her an ‘at home’ blood drawing package. Because when you have the last name Carrington, you can apparently get anything especially if that name is on the hospital. Real Cristal tries to tell her brother Fake Cristal’s plan to kill her and take over her life with Blake but he thinks she’s just trying to turn him against his accomplice. He draws the blood and Fake Cristal goes to the hospital, and while she tries to switch the vials Adam walks in and spooks her. She isn’t sure which vial is the right one and makes a guess, hiding the other one in her puffy sleeve. She hugs Adam weirdly which kind of spooks him, and later at the manor Adam reveals that her tests came back completely clean. Fake Cristal gives him another very inappropriate hug. She might as well have been waving red flags. I thought for sure that Adam would have pulled Blake aside and told him that Cristal’s blood was too clean considering her medical history, but we didn’t see that happen (maybe it happened in a scene we’ll see later). But with a clean bill of health, Blake agrees to follow through on his promise and sign the paperwork turning the company over to Beto. And then he doesn’t because he still feels that Beto is up to something. (And maybe Adam did tell him Cristal’s tests were suspect.)

Sammy Jo

Culhane is all excited for ‘Jazz Night’ at the new club at La Mirage, but Sam has no interest. All he’s interested in now is finding someone to share his life with. Culhane thinks his recent search for Miss Right was Sam’s inspiration. Sam says it was not. And without a thought, Sam books a party at the club and postpones Jazz Night because a social media influencer named Carter has caught his eye. Now all Sam can think about is this exciting influencer lifestyle, so much so that when Fallon’s horse trainer Daniel asks him to dinner (he’s got a suite now at La Mirage because … he’s Fallon’s horse trainer?) Sam just kind of blows him off. But politely at least. But Sam now has to spend too much time pumping his body up, and not wearing the same outfit twice so he isn’t trolled on social media, and the night of the party Carter wants to document their first kiss for his followers. Which same finds a bit absurd because they have to stage it again for lighting and to find the right angle for their faces (same learns the left side of his face is perfect for social media). In the end he admits to Culhane that the influencer lifestyle is just too much for him, and he apologizes for postponing Jazz Night without even consulting his business partner. And it finally dawns on him that maybe Daniel is the type of person he needs in his life (even if Kirby does think Daniel is old … and in reality the two actors are just ten years apart in age). So Sam marches himself up to Daniel’s suite to tell him he’d love to go out on a date. Daniel is a little stunned by Sam’s wish to go on a date now, telling him he’s misunderstood Daniel’s desire to have dinner with him. Daniel reveals to Sam that he is Sam’s father (again, they are only ten years apart in age so how did that work?!). That is certainly not the kind of ‘get to know you’ date Sam had in mind. So now I suppose we are all to begin asking if Daniel is really Sam’s father, and if so how did he just randomly happen to choose ‘horse trainer’ as a way to meet his son … which would not have even happened if Fallon hadn’t decided to volunteer at the stable in the previous episode. That is some major hoop-jumping to get to that plotline (or is it ‘shark jumping’?).

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