The CW surprised us with an early Dynasty Season 5 premiere for the holidays, then took almost three months off before diving into the season proper. This third episode of the season had a lot going on, and we had a lot to remember from Season 4 and from the holiday episodes, so just about all of the main cast had something to do this week, and … a classic Dynasty character has finally made an appearance!
Let’s Talk About ‘How Did the Board Meeting Go?’:
- Fallon has recovered from her gunshot wound and infection and is ready to get back to her life, but something is off with both Liam and her job.
- Amanda is certain that drone captured footage of Adam committing murder, and is determined to find the owner … with some ‘help’ from Kirby.
- Jeff is down in the dumps because of his spectacular failure with Colbyco’s space program. Now no one will even consider taking a meeting with him.
- Adam is preparing to launch his new company founded on the stolen formula for the anti-aging cream, but Amanda and Alexis have a thing or two to say about that.
- Fallon Unlimited’s Board of Directors are basically attempting a hostile takeover of the company, placing Fallon on a forced medical leave, banning her from the building and closing her remote accounts so she can’t work from home.
- Culhane has decided it’s time to settle down, and Sam and Kirby offer to help him find a wife. But his list of demands may be more than any woman can match up to.
- Blake’s deal with the governor to pull out of the race in exchange for the land he wanted for his airport turns out to simply be a rug pulled out from under him. But Blake Carrington will not go down without a fight … by any means necessary.
- Beto has groomed his Cristal imposter perfectly, kidnaps his sister, and sends in the fake on the night of a huge gala at the manor.
Fallon is back on her feet and ready to jump back in the saddle but Liam is tiptoing around her, fearful that he’s going to bump her back into a coma. Fallon assures him that she is fine but she senses that everything that’s happened — from her unfortunate one-night stand to her injury — is keeping Liam at arm’s length. She assures him that once she gets settled back into her office, they will get their sexual mojo back. But once she gets to the office, she learns the Board of Directors has placed her on a forced medical leave, which includes a ban on working from home, and if she attempts to come into the building she will be removed as CEO. Never one to back down from a fight where business is concerned, Fallon concocts a plan with Liam for him to vote on company matters as Fallon’s proxy. They actually agree, which is a surprise, but there is an urgent matter they need to address involving payment to the talent on the shopping channel — an issue brought to Fallon’s attention by Dominique, who is threatening to leave the network if the company goes through with its plan.
With Fallon in Liam’s ear (and unbeknownst to the Board, right above their heads), she feeds him the information he needs to repeat to the Board, which comes out hilariously stilted but Liam pulls it off as if he’s thinking very hard about his response. And what he says on the matter is actually considered by the board, that they have to treat the talent as artists. Unfortunately, a rat sneaks up on Fallon and as she tries to squirm away from it, the ceiling collapses and she comes crashing to the floor (brava to whoever did that stunt because that was a hard fall). After these shenanigans, Fallon is going to be removed as CEO unless she can pick a temporary one to fill in for her until such time as the Board is ready to bring her back. Dom tells Fallon about Jeff’s funk, that no one will do so much as take a meeting with him because of the failure of his space venture, and that gives Fallon the perfect opportunity to pick a stand-in CEO — someone she can trust and who is family — and use her free time to focus on her marriage. It’s a win-win all around. Now if Blake will stop barging into their bedroom.
Speaking of Blake, he’s found that his opponent is trying to out-Carrington a Carrington by reneging on the deal for Blake to withdraw from the race in exchange for the land he wanted for his airport. Blake tells Cristal what’s going on and she asks him to visualize the office of the governor’s aide and he remembers a few framed photos, one in particular that sparks Cristal’s interest — a group of frat brothers. Blake and Cristal show up again at the office and the aide tells them there is no negotiation to be had because there never was a deal. Cristal tells him otherwise, insisting that there are several members of his fraternity who are more than willing to spill some dirt on their brother … and the next thing you know, Blake’s got his land deal. And Cristal was completely bluffing.
Alexis is still being held in jail — complete with a tailored jumpsuit and an entire collection of earrings — and Amanda tells her about the drone. ALexis doesn’t know how a UFO can help her, but Amanda explains that it is recording while it’s flying around so there may be footage of Adam pushing the doctor off the balcony. Alexis is all on board now and now all Amanda needs to do is figure out what apartment the drone has come from. Arriving at the manor to enlist Fallon’s help, Kirby volunteers since she doesn’t have a job and is bored — but the two bond over their love for ‘Celebrity Intervention’ — so they take their posts on Alexis’ balcony … but the drone does not show up at its usual time. Kirby unbuttons her blouse and tells Amanda that if there’s nothing to see then the drone won’t come and in a second it’s there. Amanda figures out the apartment in the building across from the balcony and marches herself over. The man answering the door claims to have no idea what she’s talking about, but when she explains there may be footage that can exonerate her mother, he admits that his 10 (or 14) year old nephew is the one with the drone and he lets her in.

Back at the jail, Amanda shows Alexis the footage that clearly shows Adam and the doctor having a confrontation, and they summon Adam to see the footage as well. Unfortunately, the video ends before there is any definite resolution to the doctor’s demise, but it’s enough to free Alexis and put Adam behind bars for murder … unless he makes a deal with Alexis to transfer ownership of his new company to her. Adam is pretty much over a barrel but he has to agree or she will show the footage to the authorities. Adam isn’t thrilled, and he’s even less happy with Amanda, telling her there’s room for one troublemaker in the family and that position is already filled. But at the gala at Carrington manor, Alexis shows up — both Adam and Fallon ask her if she broke out of jail — and reveals to Adam that the footage he saw was incomplete. Before he signed his company over to her, he claimed the doctor had lunged at him and that’s what sent him over the balcony … and that is exactly what the video showed. She showed that to the police, after he signed the contract, and she was released and he was in the clear. And Alexis assured him he’d still have a minor stake in the company. She isn’t a complete monster.
In the week’s ‘we have no idea what to do with Michael Culhane — or Sam — at this point’ storyline, Culhane announces to Sam and Kirby that he’s ready to settle down and get married because he wants a life like his parents had. Sam and Kirby immediately volunteer to play matchmakers and Culhane gives them a list of things he’s looking for in a woman. One thing he notices about Sam that sickens him is that Sam licks his fingers when he eats, something Culhane considers unsanitary (perhaps if the episode took place in a world of COVID, which is does not, that would make sense but who doesn’t lick their fingers if they eat something with their hands?). Sam and Kirby are dubious about Michael’s idealized list of attributes but they forge ahead, striking out one after another. But they finally find a woman named Nina who seems to be perfect (both Sam and Kirby admit she’s hot and would sleep with her) … until she licks her fingers. Knowing they’ll never find someone to meet Culhane’s standards, they bring in the big guns … Mama Culhane, who tells her son that not even their marriage was perfect but if she’d held on to her impossibly high standards, she’d have never married Michael’s father and he wouldn’t be here today. That finally knocked some sense into him and Sam and Kirby are back on the hunt. But, no, they absolutely cannot reach out to finger-licking Nina.
At the gala, Amanda arrives with a guest — the man who helped obtain the video footage that exonerated Alexis (and Adam). Amanda introduces him but Alexis already knows who he is as their families have a long history. It’s Farnsworth Dexter, aka ‘Dex’ Dexter! The two have a lot of catching up to do.
What did you think of this episodes? Tell us in the comments section below!