Dynasty :: Go Catch Your Horse


Let’s Talk About ‘Go Catch Your Horse’: 

  • Fallon is dreaming again of her life with Liam and their children.
  • Liam’s book has been optioned for a film, and now he has to convince a director to take on the project.
  • Alexis and Dex seem to have jumped right into a relationship, and Amanda trusts him as far as she trusts Adam.
  • Fallon Unlimited interim CEO Jeff Colby takes a meeting with Dominique to push her to expand her fashion line globally.
  • Fallon asks Sam to help her find a purpose in her life that is about her and not business.
  • Fake Cristal relishes rubbing real Cristal’s nose in the fact that she really seems insignificant in Blake’s world.
  • Blake is a bit suspicious of Cristal’s sudden desire to give the family business back to her brother.
  • Fallon finds purpose at a stable, reigniting her love for horses as well as a feud with a former classmate, who finds Fallon’s motive for being there questionable.
  • Alexis refuses to agree to some of Adam’s demands in running the company she basically stole from him.
  • Daniella Alonso hilariously gets a ‘Guest Star’ credit at the end of the show for playing Fake Cristal, in the same way that Elizabeth Gillies did when she stepped into the role of Alexis after Nicolette Sheridan exited the show.

This was another week of Dynasty where almost all of the principle cast members had storylines, and while Adam was mostly absent save for one brief scene, none of what transpired this week was as dumb as the ‘Culhane wants to get married’ storyline from the previous episode (and no, there was no mention of Culhane wanting to get married this week). Let’s break this down by character.


Being banned from her own company, Fallon now needs to find a purpose for her life because she realizes that her life have basically been about business. She has nothing to leave the world except the title of CEO and Carrington heiress, and her dreams of a family of her own are weighing on her. So she enlists Sam — and it’s always great when Fallon and Sam are collabing on something (which the show has been missing for some time) — to help her find a purpose. His initial ideas are more career-based, which is not what she wants, so he has one other idea: philanthropist. That’s it! Fallon can use what she’s gained through her career, and apply it to her personal life and help others in the process (yes, Fallon actually wants to help others). So she starts to volunteer at a stable that rehabilitates horses and sells the to fund the charity. Fallon has always loved horses and she has her sights set on one named Leonora … and then an old school rival, Patty de Vilbis, shows up who is also doing philanthropic work at the stable. Sam instantly senses the rivalry and how this can undo everything Fallon is trying to accomplish and he tries to steer her away from that. But the fact that Patty has let it be kwown that she plans to bid on, and win, the horse Fallon loves only intensifies Fallon’s drive to one-up Patty again (especially after Patty has accused Fallon of only succeeding because her daddy paid people off to help her win … she’s not buying this suddenly generous Fallon).

The auction begins and the two women are doing all they can to outbid each other, with Patty up to $3.1 million. Fallon offers $6 million but the auctioneer has to close the bidding due to time (and the physical brawl the two began to engage in) and will accept one final, sealed bid from the women. Sam again tries to steer Fallon away from needing to win against Patty, introducing her to one of the horse experts at the stable. They try to give her an idea of opening her own stable to help the horses, but she is laser focused on Patty, and the money still goes to charity. Sam expresses his deep disappointment in Fallon, telling her how happy he was when she came to him to help her be a more fulfilled person, but she doesn’t need his help to beat someone. That actually struck a chord and when the bids were unsealed, Fallon’s bid was $1.00 to Patty’s $4.1 million. Fallon tells Patty that she forgot for a moment that none of this was about Patty or winning or competition, it was about doing something to help others and herself. Patty still doesn’t buy it and tells Fallon she’ll get her ‘tix’ when Leonora runs in her first race, just call her ‘whenevs’. Fallon says when she calls Patty it’ll be something much worse than ‘whenevs’. But now with Fallon finding a purpose in her life, she’s focused on those dreams she’s been having about her and Liam’s children. She tells him she’s finally ready to move forward with that because if she’s going to leave a legacy — and her many recent brushes with death have put her own mortality at the forefront — the best way to do that is to build one with Liam. Except … Liam still isn’t on the having kids bandwagon and that is concerning.


Liam is excited that his career is finally moving forward with his book optioned for a movie. And he knows the perfect person to direct, he just has to convince her. He sets up a meeting with her at La Mirage, and as they are going over some of the potential scheduling, Culhane stops by to say hi to Liam … and then sees who he’s meeting with — his bad date Nina. It seems that as soon as she sees that Liam and Michael are friends, she gives Liam the old ‘don’t call me, I’ll call you’ brush off and leaves the restaurant. Michael says he did Liam a favor (okay, Mike, she licked her fingers, that’s not quite enough to screw up someone else’s life). And Liam begins to think Michael did screw things up because Nina won’t return any of his calls and the producers are pressuring him to get her on board. Side note: shouldn’t it be the producers who are wooing the director, not the writer? Anyway, Liam asks Michael to apologize and he refuses, and Amanda gives Liam the idea that he can’t wait around for things to happen so Liam orders a bouquet of ‘I’m sorry’ flowers. Nina finally meets with Liam at the manor, and things are going swell until … Michael pops out of the kitchen. What a coincidence that he’s there at the exact same time! Nina assures both him and Liam that everything is fine, she was busy, Michael was not a factor in her apparent ghosting of Liam. Oh, and those flowers and apology note from Michael didn’t hurt. Oops. She knew from Michael’s face that he didn’t send them, and Liam had to explain he just panicked because of the pressure and Nina … actually did tell him thanks but no thanks. And Mike wasn’t too happy either, so Liam dropped by La Mirage to bring a peace offering, and Michael congratulated him on getting his movie made because he talked to Nina and convinced her that Liam was a good guy. Now if Liam only wanted kids, everything would be perfect.

Blake & Cristal


Beto and Fake Cristal are carrying out the plan to get the family business turned back over to him, but they don’t know that Blake has to co-sign anything related to that business. And when he finds out Cristal is trying to go behind his back to do so, he tells her that he’s not going to let that happen. Plan B is to make it look like Cristal overlooked an important email and lost the company millions of dollars, Again Blake says that’s not a problem, the company can afford a couple of hits. Finally, Fake Cristal pretends to be so emotionally and mentally overwhelmed by running a company, surviving a brain tumor and running Blake’s campaign (umm, that’s over, girl) that she can’t even carry on with the evening of romance she’d set up. So Blake finally agrees to sign the papers. Fake Cristal can’t wait to tell Cristal that the plan worked and, by the way, she’s also not just going to disappear after helping Beto score his payday. She’s rather enjoying life at Carrington Manor and she’s going to continue making herself at home.


Fallon Unlimited interim CEO Jeff Colby calls a meeting with the shopping network’s biggest star — his mother — to discuss the plateau in sales of her clothing. He wants her to pursue a contract with an airline to redesign their uniforms which would take her fashion line global. Dom wants to break out of the Ready-to-Wear business, but the airline only works with award-winning designers and so far she has none. But there is a major fashion event coming that they both know she can win. Dominique enlists the help of Kirby, who has some connections to the industry even though she no longer wants to model. But Dom needs headpieces that Kirby had designed, and she needs Kirby to contact the company that produced them. Kirby reluctantly agrees to help, and she gets the items Dom needs. One in particular is for the showstopper final gown, but the model is one of the most inept models in fashion history, unable to pull off a simple reveal without lots of practice. Adding a headpiece only compounds matters. But after the model leaves, Dom notices there is a huge tear in the dress with little time to fix it. Kirby tells her to work with what she’s got, and Dom does manage to turn out a new outfit from the old one … which only confuses the model more because now the reveal includes a zipper. Panicked that she’s not going to be able to pull it off, Dom asks Kirby to coach her before she takes to the stage. Watching from the sidelines, Dom is terrified to see what is about to happen and starts to walk away but Jeff convinces her to stay and watch. They’re both surprised — and they are the only ones — when Kirby walks out in the dress and perfectly pulls off the reveal. And while Dom didn’t win, she’s proud of what she did and going after that airline contract is now her focus. As for Kirby, Dom inspired her to get back into the fashion world so those two may be collabing in the future.


Alexis is practically shacked up with Dex — we have no idea how much time has passed since the previous episode — and Amanda is not thrilled, thinking he’s just as bad as Adam. But Dex assures Alexis that this isn’t just a fling. Amanda also has some demands from Adam about Alexam that she feels are completely unreasonable, and Alexis drags Dex to the manor — where Fake Cristal is uncharacteristically nice, for a moment until Alexis wants to know what’s wrong with her — where Blake assumes the man with her is a paid escort and then realizes he’s Farnsworth Dexter, and then to the hospital to let Adam know she’s not about to agree to any of his demands. Adam also makes a snarky comment about Dex, and Alexis decides to lay it on the line with Dex. If this is just a fun diversion for him, that’s fine, but she doesn’t want to get too attached and think they’re in a relationship when they’re not. Dex assures her that he is all in and he hasn’t had a problem being dragged all over town by her — hopefully his 10 or 14-year-old nephew has gone home — and he’d like to drag her around while he conducts some family business. From their castle. In Dubai. How could a girl down that offer?

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