Grey’s Anatomy :: Put The Squeeze On Me


Plane Crashes, Mudslides, Super-storms, ferryboat crashes — you name it — the Grey-Sloan Memorial doctors have seen it all. Now you can add Burmese Python-swallowing-patient to the list.

This week coils mostly around Gigi, the obese Burmese Python (who is likely going blind — they never explained why a previously perfectly docile pet python bit her owner’s arm instead of her food that morning … often times when this happens it’s because the snake is going blind …) who has taken a big ol’ bite out of her owner’s arm, and has wrapped herself tightly all around said owner … who has been driven to the ER bay by his boyfriend. Cue the antics and shenanigans.

Turns out Link, Amelia, and Helm are all terrified of snakes. But Link gets put on ‘reptile removal’ duty alongside Winston and Wright (the too-kissy resident) after Bailey has to subdue the snake with rubbing alcohol. (Turns out Winston knows all about snakes … he was almost briefly a herpetologist! The bigger takeaway here is this is one more thing that Maggie had no idea about …) And the patient basically keeps crashing — once they figure out that the snake squeezed all his organs up through his diaphragm and herniated them into his chest cavity. (What happened to the Lodox? Did we lose that in a superstorm? Is that why we had to go to CT?)

So while they’re all dealing with the squeezed-almost-to-death patient, everyone is feeling the emotional SQUEEZE of all their love and life traumas. We do FINALLY get some ‘closure’ with Teddy & Hunt back home. (Megan and Farouk leave, after Farouk basically whoops Owen at PT.) And we do FINALLY hear Teddy admitting to the fact that she DOES support Death With Dignity. It’s the ‘you didn’t discuss it with me first and this puts our family in danger’ part she takes issue with. But when Owen flies out of his wheelchair and takes a step to stop her from leaving the room — in true Grey’s fashion, suddenly all is forgiven and fixable.

Meanwhile in Minnesota … Mer gets put on the spot by the charismatic Dr. Hamilton to take what looks like a bajillion dollar contract and become the head of the Grey Center and General Surgery there. And this causes some turmoil — mostly because he put her on the spot in front of the entire staff AND because ‘Dark & Twisty Meredith’ makes a brief resurgence. When prodding at Dr. Nick Marsh for his opinion, she basically accuses him of being with her for grant money. Which he of course denies and even goes so far as to point out that when she gets something good she looks at ways to find the bad/pick it apart. (She does cop to having trust issues … hopefully she’s not going back to the dark place!) The beauty of that moment when Kai Bartley comes to Hamilton’s defense, Kai tells Mer that Hamilton just accepted them when they changed their name and pronouns and called them brave while their parents said it was too big of an adjustment. Hamilton never dead-named them and they love Hamilton for that. (Meanwhile all Mer sees in Hamilton is her mother …) LOVE LOVE LOVE that we don’t dead-name/dead-pronon Kai AND how Meredith says she does not like the word ‘triggering’.


Back in Seattle, we’ve got Richard coming to terms with the fact that age is finally catching up with him — he asks Catherine for a full review: physical, mental, etc. to determine whether or not he should still be in the OR. We’ve got Jo coming to terms with the fact that she really misses Link but that ship has sailed. (She asks a patient’s brother out on a drink after the patient tries to set her up with him — and over at Joe’s! Glad to know it’s still called Joe’s!) And again we see poor defeated, heartbroken Link just staring at her.

Link also tells Amelia he can’t do smalltalk and that he has to hate her for a while because when he’s not hating her — he’s busy loving her. And they can’t have that.

No sign of Schmidt (sort of half expected him to come riding in a rig a la Cristina when she flamed out that one time.)

Bailey & Ben have a great conversation about how they are feeding this lifestyle with the teenage sons, the baby girl they’re in the custody battle for, and the fact that they’re squeezing the ‘us’ out of their marriage to the point where they’re both sending signals to randos. He rescued a woman who thought he was asking her out on a date to Thanksgiving dinner and she got kissed by that skeevy resident who thinks he’s too cool for school. So they had a glorious ‘let’s make more time for each other’ reunion on the couch.

Oh. And Mer brought Nick home to meet the kids. (Not without Maggie having her ‘So … Winston joined a gym for us and now I’m going to a gym …’ in that way she used to refer to Jackson and camping … anyone else seeing repeat red flags?) But it was cute. You could see Bailey and Zola just sort of eyeing him up to see if he passed the Ellis test of approval — Surprise Chocolate Pudding — and the surprise is gummy worms!

Will be very curious to see if the Family Grey picks up and moves to Minnesota. More likely than not, she’ll be moving Nick to Seattle, but all is still up in the air!

What did you think of this episode? Start a conversation in the comments section below.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.

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