Grey’s Anatomy :: Ready To Run


Not that we ever like losing a patient, never ever do we like losing a patient, but it does seem slightly more balanced … we see a slightly more proportionate good outcome to loss ratio these days. And that was hard because Adams saved this one. Only to have him die on the table. Well the CT Table, which might actually be a Grey-Sloan first. Having to bust someone open on the CT Table because their triple-A ruptured.

Patient had zero interest in the surgery and Adams found a way to get through to him. But it was too little too late, which is a hard rejection for Adams, but it taught him his big episode (possibly his season) lesson — if you don’t shoot your shot, you’ll miss 100% of the time. Which led to his big old, tear-inducing confession to Griffith at the end of the episode. The TL/DR of which is ‘Don’t get married. He loves old you. I love you now.’ And these Grey’s 2.0 residents are ‘evolved’ (though not for the better) because even four seasons ago if that kind of confession would have happened — it would have immediately resulted in a kiss. It did not.

Jules is still dealing with the fallout from Maxine being in the hospital. And then she literally falls just trying to use the bathroom. Brain bleed. Shepherd’s on it and Kwan is trying to be open, trying to be there (even trying to share his ‘I can relate’ story) but she just shuts him down and shuts him out. And has all her feelings alone in the on-call room.

Marsh and Winston have been nominated for C-Fox awards (formerly Harper Avery’s.) Winston is sucking it up because he’s co-nominated with Maggie … which apparently means she’ll be back next week (ugh-and-eyeroll) and going to Boston. Marsh … eventually, thanks to Adams, decides to suck it up and go to Boston. Because where is Meredith? Oh right. Boston. (Hell, we might even get Jackson Avery in addition to Catherine Fox on next week’s two-hour Season 19 finale. We’re already getting Maggie and Meredith back. Though we all knew Mer was never really gone.)

Bailey has a beautiful tirade moment — ‘If anyone should be bemoaning the lack of acknowledgement for her award it’s me!’ And she rattles off the 12-person Kidney Domino, curing post-operative fistulas, and her deactivated HIV to cure bubble boy (though she got them out of order, she said Domino, Bubble Boy, Fistula. But Fistula happened when she was messing around with Eli. Bubble Boy happened after she married Ben.)


Jo keeps flirting with the freebase patient. And it’s clearly getting in Link’s craw. (Next week’s two-hour-finale preview shows him basically blowing his mind over it — to her face.) Oh and Helm has agreed to come back. And she’s coming back as co-chief-resident. And going with Yasuda to Griffiths’ wedding because their date will pre-date her being Yasuda’s boss. You can date the chief resident if you’re a resident and it’s not technically a breach of … well who knows what rules still apply — everyone in that hospital is shacked up with everyone else in that hospital. Though I think they did that so there couldn’t be anymore Attendings with Intern/Residents.

It’s all going to explode next week — will Simone get married? Or will we have a Japril-Wedding-Explosion repeat? Will Marsh and Meredith reconcile? Or are we all still secretly clinging to the theory that Derek is actually alive at Mayfield (think back to Holden McKee from S02E09) because she couldn’t cope, lied to everyone and sent him off as a John Doe because her doctor brain quit when just after his last breath, his heart kept going? (Not everyone who visited her on COVID Beach was dead, after all.) Team MerDer forever. Never bought into Nick Marsh. The only potentially suitable replacement was Nathan Riggs. (Bring his ass back if you’re really going to keep McDreamy dead forever.)

Will Jo and Link figure their stuff out? Will they crash and clash at the wedding? Is the whole hospital coming to this wedding? Will it be happening at the same time as The Catherine Fox Awards so only the interns will be at this wedding? Guess we’ll find out on the two-hour season finale next week.

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New episodes of Grey’s Anatomy air Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.


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