Well it’s life back to normal-ish at Grey-Sloan this week. No awesome visiting surgeons from other parts of the country, no chaotic people causing chaos in the ER … but things are a little messy. Ish.
Can someone remind me what Owen Hunt is chief of again? Sticking his nose in places where it doesn’t belong? Being over-zealous and making surgical plans outside of his field when the patient is a veteran? Riiiight. So he’s done that. Again. He winds up redirecting Link to the BASE-jump crash guy who got brought in from Boise. And we’re going to pretend, whether it’s true or not, that it’s the same hospital where the plane-crash kids ended up (remember Arizona saying that she wasn’t leaving it up to some half-wit surgeon in Dumptruck, Nowhere?). Because Boise clearly only has one hospital.
At any rate — this guy has 93 breaks over the bones in his body. And Link thinks staged surgeries over the course of several days is the ticket. But then Hunt sticks his nose in — because the guy’s a vet — and basically reroutes the surgical plan, without consulting Link, in front of the patient — to a 19+ hour surgery all in one go.
Link does definitely put him in his place at the end, not only by succeeding but telling him if he ever pulls that crap again they’re going to have a problem. Link also thanks him for his service, which I’m sure is meant to be reverent but actually reads a little ‘back-handed-compliment’.
And WHAT is with all these stupid clip-montages? Is that just the way of Grey’s now? We don’t know how to write Emmy-quality material anymore so we do montages? We had TWO of them in this week’s episode. NONSENSE. That epic surgery back in the day — like when it was Amelia with Herman’s tumor or Derek staring into Isaac’s spine — would have involved scenes of Link making self-discovery or other characters having meaningful banter. For this? We get a montage. Why do we not care about our characters anymore, Shondaland?
Meanwhile, Teddy has Amelia, Richard, Marsh, and Bailey all gathered up in her office discussing the intern issues. And there is definitely a delightful comeuppance moment there — as they’re all bemoaning the things they suffered as residents. Bailey flat out says, ‘My attending asked me if I knew why we were called residents. Because we lived at the hospital.’ And as Richard’s asking the dag-on question, we all know the answer. He says, ‘Did I know this attending?’, and Bailey just busts out in true Bailey fashion. ‘It was you.’

The resolution is a grant. Which Teddy and crew offer to Yasuda (but not before she pulls a ‘you can’t fire me, I quit’ which she quickly rescinds) so that she doesn’t have to keep working at Joe’s to pay her student loans and keep her parents house above water. This prompts Richard to hop back across the street to Joe’s and re-invite Helm back to the hospital.
Millan turns out to be a good-ish new-maid of honor. Or at least a good people reader. Right up until she loses her mind at Kwan for failing to accurately diagnose her 81-year-old roommate’s sepsis/shock from her UTI. And she’s also furious about the fact that she wasn’t called until Max went into septic delirium. (But let’s be honest, she’s also pissed that he’s dating that nurse.)
Marsh and Adams have a little heart to heart, which gets dragged out and basically results in the discovery (by Adams) that he’s ADHD. So too, apparently, is Marsh. And it’s a beautiful moment (aside from the ‘takes one to know one’ confession from Marsh) but because Adams says, ‘I never figured I was divergent’ meaning neuro-divergent, and Marsh immediately claps back with ‘Typical is so boring.’ (Neuro-divergent vs Neuro-typical. Falls in line with my personal favorite saying, ‘Normal is a setting on the dryer.’) So that was really lovely.
Amelia is the only true champ of the day, except for continually-benevolent Teddy. She runs around apologizing for her grief-storm-explosion, which is incredible and probably a healthy part of her sobriety as well. Yasuda accepts — after accidentally apologizing because apparently Dr. Shepherd makes her nervous. Winston just walks away. He’s clearly still not coping with the part he played in the him-Maggie split and can’t accept her apology right now. That’s fine. He was never developed as a stand-alone character, they rushed into it way too soon, and he’s going to flounder in the background because he lacks personality. He’s not charming and badass like Warren was, he’s not crazy-backstory-with decades of personal growth to achieve like Karev, he’s not whatever crazy hot mess they made DeLuca into so that DeLuca worked. He’s just sort of — there. Maybe at the end of the season he’ll hop a plane to Chicago and stay there. (Giving Cristina time to come back for the Season 20-Finale-Season of Grey’s?)
Next week appears to be something of a filler episode, but we’re getting close to the end of the season so we’ve got to be careful and keep our eyes out for the Return of the Meredith.
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New episodes of Grey’s Anatomy air Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.