Why was this a two-hour special? Anyone? Anyone? No, seriously. I’d like to know. It’s like whoever’s calling the shots at headquarters these days is just randomly throwing around words like ‘Two-hour special’ and ‘crossover’, and they’re totally meaningless. Circus clown car shenanigans. Seriously!
I mean two weeks ago — when Bailey got doxed? THAT was an actual crossover episode with Station 19 but did it get touted as such? Absolutely not.
Was this a necessary two-hour special? Absolutely not. Did they run out of Thursdays on ABCs schedule for the backside of spring because we did six episodes from mid-September to December and forgot we still had to air over a dozen episodes but weren’t going to start until mid-February and had to contend with March Madness BS!? ABSOLUTELY.
At any rate — throw a party because Maggie Pierce has left the building!!! You know who else got a big, long, drawn-out, overly-exaggerated goodbye like this and has never once come back to Grey’s? Cristina Yang. You know who got 30 seconds of send-off with crappy cake because she’s not actually gone? Meredith Grey. End of story.
The one impressive thing about sending Maggie off though was the elevator. With her two dead mommies flanking her on either side. That was well-played. And then when she left the elevator, they nodded to each other. Kate Burton’s Ellis has been dead since Season 3 and yet has recurred more than a dozen times since. Go figure.
This ‘unnecessary two-hour-special’ was basically two different episodes that had network scheduling conflicts — but we got to revisit lots and lots of old plotlines.

Kai showed up to comfort Amelia, because all her sisters keep leaving her, only to bomb-drop that she’s moving to London. Long-distance relationships do not survive on Grey’s Anatomy. We’ve proved that time and again. And if you try to fix it by moving back home? Your wife is knocked up both times and there’s a 50% chance you’ll die in a po’dunk hospital from incompetent surgeons. I’ve always wanted to support Kai because they are the first transgender character to have real, mainstrain character-time and romantic involvements on this show. But Kai basically blurted out, in not so many words, that they are selfish and only interested in a relationship with Amy on their terms. So good riddance to London to them.
You remember what happens when you make a big grand gesture that involves setting up your house with flowers and rose-petals everywhere? Like when McSteamy helped McDreamy setup an ‘almost proposal’ in Mer’s bedroom but then they had to stash it all away because Addison called in total crisis because of — what was it? Tumor in her brother’s brain? Or was that the parasites? Either way, Link set the house up — because he’s finally come to his senses about Jo … only for her to call because Luna is apparently experiencing progressive hearing loss. And she, Jo, is not coping. And all Link is trying to do is be supportive.
Of course that ‘I love you, Jo’ realization came from this rambling tale that Owen yarned on to a patient about him and Teddy. With Teddy in earshot. Which resulted in some hilarious snark from her later, but they’re all still good on an even keel. Funny thing is how you can forget that in the Altman-Hunt timeline … he was ENGAGED. To Beth. When he first met/loved Altman. Then he was with Cristina. Then she married Henry. Or maybe he married Cristina first. Either way. Then she was widowed and GTFO to Germany and he married Amelia. And then Tom Koracick was in the mix somehow. The patient was like ‘That’s nice, next.’
Interns are still interns. Stealing surgeries, being hot messes, falling all over themselves to not show their feelings for one another. Simone’s about to pull a Japril on her poor soon-to-be-husband-who-won’t-be-her-husband … because of Luke. But hey. He’s a Shepherd. How many ‘left at the altars’ have we had on Grey’s? Just the two? Burke left Cristina. And April left Matthew. We’ve had delays and messes but those were the only two who were actually left at the altar, right?
The big, beautiful, wonderful takeaway from this was — yet another recycled plotline. Schmidt, still perpetually coming into his own and we love that for him, helped a patient, who just wanted to be normal, have his Bar Mitzvah. By throwing it in the hospital. Hey, if we can throw the chief’s niece a prom, have countless weddings, baby showers, etc. in this hospital, we can throw a Bar Mitzvah.
Yasuda probably needs to quit working the overnight at Joe’s if she wants to still have a job. And it looks like Winston is staying.
Bailey has had to change her number, change her email, and she’s had to pull Tuck and Joey out of school, can’t send Pru to daycare, and has moved them to a temporary rental because of being doxed. But next week’s preview makes that look horrifying too. At least we get Addison back amidst all the departures.
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New episodes of Grey’s Anatomy air Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.