Okay, before everyone starts getting their hopes up — because let’s be real, every time we get a hint of a text or a call or a mention of the name, everybody fully expects Cristina to just show up — but seriously. Seriously!? We know that’s not going to happen. Why on earth — or even, really — what on earth — she’s doing sending Addison Montgomery supplies … from Switzerland … to Seattle … let’s try to at least put some logic behind these random name-drops …
At any rate, it appears Kelly McCreary couldn’t be kept away … we got facetime with her, just like we did shortly after Jackson left. So I’m sure, much to our chagrin, she’ll pop up sometime in Season 20 too.
Addison, who was teased on the promo, is in fact back in Seattle. Not to check up on Amelia, as she’s accused of, but to do a wellness check on Bailey. And rightfully so. Because Bailey almost gets attacked by one of those lunatics who keeps blowing up her phone. Kwan tackled him hardcore though and that was pretty awesome.
It was harrowing to watch Bailey have that rage-vent-meltdown — which Addison told her to direct at her, after she slam-smashed the juju-cocoa. (JUJU came back!!!) Having seen Bailey have that evocative of an outburst since they cut the power when Gary Clark was shooting up the hospital and she couldn’t get Charles Percy down to the OR and he died in her arms.
It’s ironic that tonight’s emotional explosion from Bailey calls back to that episode because Owen was dealing with a patient who was a survivor of a mass shooting (in a grocery store) and he told the patient that he too was a survivor of a shooting — I forgot he got shot trying to get the gunman off of Cristina while she was operating on Derek.
And his harrowing confession in the office with Teddy — he’s just grown so much as a person, it’s really impressive to see. Talking about how he doesn’t recognize the country anymore, that while he was in surgery taking bullets out of that patient, two more mass shootings happened. And that we used to grieve as a nation but now they’re so frequent most people don’t even notice. And how raw and numb and shocked and pained that makes him. Nothing changes. And he’s tragically correct about that.
Teddy shares the ‘VIP’ role of the episode with Addison this week. She takes Addison’s suggestion of Bailey’s ‘kill them with kindness’ and distributes to the hospital a huge list of all the numbers of haters who keep spamming Bailey’s phone, encouraging them to call them and talk to them. And we get a whole montage of everyone calling these Pro-Lifers saying things like ‘Doctor Bailey is praying for you too. Doctor Bailey loves her family.’ And we even saw three of the girls from Station 19 (included Carina) making those calls. If that’s a real life thing — that’s awesome. And if it isn’t — it should be.
Addison, aside from showing up and putting all that into motion with Teddy’s assist — slam-checks Amelia. Physically drags her ass to a supply closet and grills her — is she high, is she using. And basically tough-loves-the-hell out of her, telling her to get her head out of her ass, get to a meeting, and get her shit together because the world is already burning itself to the ground and doesn’t need Amelia Shepherd to burn things down too. And it is a profound and powerful moment.
The end result of which is Richard seeing Amelia in the parking lot and stating straight up that he’s in an alcoholic spiral about being abandoned and desperately needs a meeting.

Oh and the super-nerd-convention trope returns! This time — some nerd with a LARPing accident. And let’s be honest — there’s no world wherein Schmidt did NOT know what that was. But LARP-nerd has to confess his love to Princess Astrid … only his airway gets compromised and Jules and Lucas, mainly Lucas, end up doing an emergency crike. How many times have we seen interns do emergency crikes before? Too many. Princess Astrid shows up at the end, beside herself with excitement that he had even mentioned her too. So win-win … and Jules and Lucas didn’t even get in trouble.
Oh and Luna is fine. Well, there’s no underlying cause to her hearing loss, just isolated hearing loss. And Jo apologizes to Link for being an ass — because he and Scout are learning sign language and she told him off for it — and they had a great big bear-hug moment. They just need to get it together and confess their love already.
GreyHouse is looking almost identical to how it did before the fire and the mass-exodus of the GreySisters. Simone is still wedding-prepping, Lucas is still burying/denying/hiding his love for her, and Yasuda is about to flame out … which prompted Helm to barnstorm Teddy’s office … like it’s her fault the budget is the way it is … demanding that Teddy fix the wages issue of interns. There was a lot going on this episode.
Not the least of which was that false-hope facesmack of Yang. Leaving a hand-written note in Addison’s supply load of Mifepristone.
We’ve got a two-week delay … because ABC is apparently bad at scheduling … before Episode 17, and a promise from the departing Krista Vernoff that Meredith didn’t actually leave Grey’s Anatomy which is why she had such a lackluster send-off. (Hey, Derek didn’t either when he went to DC … but when he came back … he died.) So … we’ll see?
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New episodes of Grey’s Anatomy air Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.