Grey’s Anatomy :: Hold Back the River


Grey-Sloan Memorial’s Elevator Etiquette 101: a class which Jaggie needs to take. When did Meredith and Derek ever get seen making out in the elevator before the door was shut? Or Cristina and Owen? Or Callie and Arizona? Or anybody and anybody? THAT was just sloppy, and not sloppy editing either. You’re public, fantastic. You do not have hot-hot makeout sessions in the elevator BEFORE the door is closed. This door wasn’t even halfway closed! PS – Maggie, if you get all fussed up over the fact that Jackson didn’t tell you that April basically threw himself at her whilst she was drunk and deteriorating – you need to take a hike. He didn’t tell you because he barely processed it himself AND he did the right thing and got rid of her. Poor phraseology on April’s part.

RE: April-n-God BFF4LIFE!!! OMG yaaaay. Whatever. Here we are back to old-school April (who says you can’t go back?) like ever-so-slightly less annoying than Kepner 2.0 (Oh Chief Shepherd, Chief Shepherd! That one) but still pretty damn annoying. Blah blah she’s all fixed and whole and healed, good for her. Someone please escort her out to the parking lot of no return already?

I continue to love on Arizona for all the reasons. I continue to not care about DeLuca and Bello. Apparently they’re moving in together because he can’t deal with his sister’s polyamourous and bisexual lifestyle when it involves his roommates who also happen to be his bosses. (He was living in the on-call room. Torres did it first. But with more class. In the basement.) Back to Arizona – she went hardcore bad-ass in no time flat once she became the victim of that scam. One on hand, I’m sort of like – ‘Seriously? Is this the plot nonsense we’re resorting to because we can’t keep our actual plotlines alive on their own?’ And the other part of me is like ‘this is horrific because it probably happens all the time, maybe not to that psychotic degree … but phony doctors cooking up non-existent medical conditions and snake-oil-salesman’ing their way to a magic cure.’ The fact that that probably happens way more often than we as a society should be comfortable accepting is enough to make your skin crawl.

Not sure what we were trying to achieve with Hunt there. We already know he’s not a violent-psycho … unlike Alex, who apparently hasn’t slayed all of his anger demons, since you know, he shoved Dr. Ally McBeal across the room. (Do sorta love on Koracick though – since he’s like ‘let me take my four weeks vacation and take Kimmy & her grandma to every show on Broadway … and go, go, GO Dear Even Hansen!) Alex, why are you so hellbent on this one?


Good to see Shepherd’s super-hero pose make it’s reprise. But the reprisal of the ‘I’m a sick wife and want sex’ thing … oh wait – Bailey did it soooo way more badass and better with Ben than Izzie ever could have with Alex. You go, Bailey! (Shame on you, Ben Warren, for that ridiculously cute pill box, I don’t care how thoughtful it was!) Are we hedging our bets that Station 19 isn’t going to get picked up for a full season? Is that why Ben is around so much?? Still no sign of Catherine …

I’m touched by the Richard struggle. Nice parallel with Maggie’s story and a good bonding moment for the two of them. And Bailey with her ‘you know you have a village,’ that was also very touching. Everyone that’s still there – Arizona, Hunt, Alex, obvi Bailey herself, Mer, and now obvi Maggie too – knows he’s a recovering alcoholic, so she’s right. He does have a village. But it was still very, very touching, the whole storyline with Ollie.


Still hate all the interns. Except Parker and Qadri, and Qadri wasn’t even in it this episode. Oh – and yay Meredith! She’s performed magical science! Rats who grow livers without polymers! You know – so we can – save lives *cough cough BEAT MARIE CERONE* Haha! Awesome. Next week … here we go. They’re cooking us up to look directly at Qadri … since they keep zooming on her in the promo video cutaway because of ‘immigration enforcement.’ But I bet it’s actually not. I bet it’s DeLuca’s sister.

But nobody has time to care about that because on APRIL 26 … SYPH NURSE IS BAAAAAAAACK!!! (Who cares about Teddy’s one-night stand with Season 14 … and we’re not counting her BS season opener nonsense …) when NURSE OLIVIA is coming back! WHAT?!? What other ghosts are we going to dig up??? Please oh please oh please let it be Joe from the bar!!!

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.

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