Grey’s Anatomy :: One Day Like This


All the feels – good, bad, and otherwise this episode – but first – the very last second. What in the world was that?!? I mean we all saw what it was (or wasn’t and trying to be) ‘then-Meredith’ looking over to the door to see if Derek was coming into the bar. But that’s so not the right line-up. THEY MET AT THE BAR. She never saw him come in. It was only once she did her desperate ‘pick me, choose me, love me’ that she sat waiting vigil at the bar, looking over every time someone walked in. So yes to the concept – and FAIL to the execution.

And anyway, are we really ready for more nonsense in the Meredith box? I think not. It took all that time stringing us along with Riggs and we saw how THAT panned out. And then she says that Dr. Kidney made her feel something she hadn’t felt since Derek. So … Riggs made her feel nothing? Right. I do like Alex’s point (hi Alex, for two second and then bye) though ‘is it so bad knowing that it’s out there in case you want it.’ So maybe this was just a reminder that ‘IT’ McDreamy 2.0 is out there. Somewhere. Another season or two down the road.

Conspicuously and completely absent from this week’s episode were Webber, Jo, Maggie, Arizona, Amelia, and thank god – all the interns. But I like this ‘focus-of-three’ thing. Granted, there were major faults and flaws with just about all of it, but it was still a nice touch. Let’s address the big April-shaped elephant first because that’s the one I take the most issue with.

First of all, Chief Dr. Miranda Bailey, no matter how cowed or in the wrong she may have been (and she wasn’t – at all) would not just stand there and take Kepner’s verbal berating and trade. Mistake number one, ShondaTeam. Although the little moment in the chapel at the end was a nice touch. I loved the Eli character arc, tragic as it was, and it did appropriately bring a tear to the eye. Maybe if TeamShonda had written out this kind of exit for Katherine Heigl – wait … no … she still would have screwed that up somehow. At any rate, this sudden ‘act of God’ style transformation is really giving us the feels for Kepner, (though I’m not falling for it, I’ll be throwing the Goodbye, Kepner party just as soon as the episode airs.) And I LOVE the way he kept referring to ‘the sequel’ when he spoke of the New Testament. THAT was much needed levity, but still poignant.


Meredith and her flirty whatnot with Dr. Kidney was cute. I like how she dodged the bullet of what actually happened to Derek. Still a little bit telling of how she hasn’t 100% processed the grief of his death. ‘They had a father.’ Also – did anyone get the shudders when she mentioned living in that little village because we knew she was talking about her time as ‘Deth & Di’ where they slept their way through Europe? (Does anyone even remember Sadie?)

Speaking of things no one remembers, I completely forgot – and feel really bad about forgetting him because I loved him – that Teddy was married to Henry. That it started as an insurance sham and then she actually fell for him, and then Cristina assisted in killing him by way of surgery. Okay, backing up to the Owen-Teddy Dramallamadingdong here. For everyone out there who was squealing with joy and losing their minds and falling off the couch when she said nothing and then immediately kissed him, and then they tumbled into bed together – and you’re all hitting the deck praising Shonda because you’ve all been waiting for eight seasons for that to finally happen — just stop for a second and think about how utterly pathetic that makes Teddy.

She builds this whole life, without a man – and that’s completely respectable, she’s got her career and her friends, etc. But she’s been gone for AGES. No way in any universe on any plane could a man just walk back in like that after AGES and the woman just hits the ‘un-pause’ button and picks up like that. And good for her, throwing his sorry ass out and standing up for herself. Nobody deserves to be sloppy seconds. And of course he was going to say he made it snow for her. Too bad Sloan was head over heels in love with Lexie (may they both rest in peace) as her and Sloan were pretty solid together (and they were hot.) Also, Teddy’s house? INSANELY GORGEOUS. It was great to see Kim Raver again, but please for the love of all that’s good and holy, do not bring her crawling back to Seattle reconsidering and attempting to give Owen another chance. He’s had enough chances. He needs to spend some time figuring his stuff out. Maybe he needs to hitch the next plane out of Germany and go far, far away – to wherever Kepner and Arizona are going to end up.

Next week looks promising – Dr. Ally McBeal is back! Yay? Oddly enough I’m growing more fond of him. Hopefully the rest of the cast will resurface as well (Amelia and the interns, though them I could do without, are shown in the promo.)

All in all it wasn’t a bad episode, very powerful all of the things exchanged with Eli, and that was a character brought in for a reason, even if the reason is to put April back on the right side of faith before she gets shoved off the show. I’m not complaining, because I’m April’s #1 anti-fan, but all of this excellent writing she’s getting – man! It’s like Shonda’s got something to apologize for … and also – WHO was that guy running Joe’s bar?!? (I know … I know … it hasn’t been Joe’s bar since at least Season 6 … but seriously?! BRING BACK JOE. BRING BACK JOE! And Walter … and the kids they probably went and adopted!!!)

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.

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