The Good Fight :: Maia & Lucca go for a ride


If the second season of The Good Fight is like the first, we’re now halfway through the season and the team has come up with another episode that takes place within a few hours but with everyone scattered in various locales around Chicago. And while there is still the underlying theme of the ‘Kill All Lawyers’ season arc, it doesn’t overtake the storytelling like the Rindell scandal of the first season did.

This week, it’s Lucca’s and Maia’s turn to go on overnight ride alongs with local police and the two couldn’t have ended up in more different situations. And that was probably for the best when Lucca was told she didn’t really need to sign an ‘in case of death’ waiver while Maia was told she should sign hers. While Lucca’s patrol car was parked near a completely dead intersection — only a duck crossed the road — Maia was being tossed around in the back seat of her cruiser during a chase, which led to a great sight gag involving a text and Maia’s attempt at a reply.


Both women, however, did have some interesting experiences from a bust that the cops insisted on doing ‘by the book’ because Maia was present to Lucca being present for a traffic stop that involved a slightly inebriated Frances Lovatelli (Andrea Martin), Colin’s mother. She only had a mai tai! But again, Lucca’s presence put pressure on the cops to do everything by the book, regardless of the fact that she knew Frances. Lucca did call Colin to give him a heads up though and his arrival at booking — and Lucca insisting she was no longer paying attention — let the police write his mother up for wreckless driving instead of a DUI.

Maia’s officers got another call that ended with the discovery of a dead body and Maia seeing the cops taking jewelry and other belongings. She recorded the theft but the incident put her in a moral dilemma — report the cops or confront them. She chose confront, and told Officer Torino that if he put the items in evidence she would delete the video. Torino revealed that the dead guy was a cop, a married cop who had a girlfriend on the side. The items they took were a photo of the girlfriend and the jewelry he was going to give her. They took the jewels to make up a story and give them to the wife. Always protecting their own. But both women got a little lesson in how police work isn’t always black and white, something they can grade on a report card. They have to consider the human factor as well. A pretty interesting storyline for this show which has made the focus of the law firm representing victims of alleged police brutality. But seeing firsthand how they work may make the firm’s job a little more difficult.


And speaking of difficult, while Lucca was running through a gamut of emotions dealing with Frances and Colin, getting some potentially troubling information about Colin’s family history (drinking, mental illness), it all pushed her to tell Colin that she’s pregnant. And considering that three hours earlier he was with another woman, he took it surprisingly well. Maybe too well because when Lucca had finished the shift, he was waiting outside with a proposal. A down on one knee proposal. She seemed to almost consider it but told him no, a few times. But he may break her down yet.

Back at the offices, Diane and Adrian were working through the night on a potential libel case that involved a TV news segment accusing a popular star of sexual misconduct. It was kind of a throwaway storyline, but the writers did manage to put some eye-opening moments in there for Adrian. Diane was concerned that he was losing his partiality as he was obviously smitten with the reporter. He felt like he knew her but he thought it was just from TV. Then it turned out she was in his law class, and told him he was the reason she didn’t become a lawyer because he had another student he seemed to favor … Liz.


Adrian insisted that wasn’t true but when Liza arrived she recognized Naomi immediately. In private, Liz and Adrian talked about that class and Liz gave him point by point details about Naomi and how good she was but he was too busy trying to get into her pants to notice Naomi. It was a bit of a bombshell for Adrian to swallow, especially considering the case he was currently involved with. The question now is does Adrian treat women any differently at the firm than he does the men — and remember how he kept brushing off Marissa when she was trying to become an investigator — and will this knowledge inform his actions moving forward?

The only thing we didn’t get any resolution to this week was Diane’s husband’s decision that he was done with their break and wanted to move in together. She was still home alone when she got the call to come to the office, and she was still dealing with Tully the bartender she had a roll in the hay with when her husband popped into town. Did she say no to her husband or did she leave that door open? Only time will tell.

What did you think of this episode? Give us your thoughts in the comments section below.


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