Dynasty :: I’ll Settle for a Prayer


Let’s Talk About ‘I’ll Settle For a Prayer’:  

  • Everyone makes Fallon feel bad for having a good day, yet no one informed her of Daniel’s condition.
  • Daniel tells Sam that he’s leaving because he misses home. But that isn’t the complete truth.
  • Amanda has moved in with Alexis, but Blake wants to assure her that Alexis cannot be trusted.
  • Adam comes through with Jeff’s invite and also gets roped into Jeff’s plan to steal the formula.
  • Lima’s film runs into more problems as a designer dress needed for the shoot is held up in customs.
  • Daniel assures Sam he’s feeling better, but the doctor drops a truth bomb on him.
  • When Alexis goes low, Blake will go high.
  • No sign of Kirby this week, but Amanda assures Blake that the two are enjoying a closer friendship.

This episode of Dynasty, the mid-season point, was mostly about wrapping up one major storyline — Sam and Daniel. There were also a couple of minor subplots along the way to drive storylines for a few more episodes. Sadly the news broke this week that the show has been cancelled, so we have just eleven more episodes before the saga of the Carrington clan comes to a close … and hopefully not on a major cliffhanger!

The most inconsequential subplot this week involved the production of Liam’s film … and Liam wasn’t even involved. Instead a designer dress from Milan was the culprit, being held up at customs and causing a major issue with not just the shoot but a an exclusive deal with a magazine that was to have a photo shoot in exchange for a lucrative deal that off-set some of the budget. Without the dress and the photo shoot, there is no money and the budget is already at its breaking point. Director Nina wants Culhane to ask Dominique to provide a designer gown but he doesn’t want to get involved with her. And while Nina informed him the stitching on the gown needed to be impeccable, he somehow ended up with some chain-link showgirl monstrosity. So Nina contacted Dom herself and got a gown, and Culhane told Dom that no pictures were allowed on set of the actress wearing the gown because of the magazine deal. Dom agreed but a photo was leaked on social media and Culhane knew it was Dom, and fired her on the spot. She claimed her innocence but he was hearing none of it. Nina later discovered it was the film’s co-star — Culhane’s girlfriend (whom I don’t think we’ve even seen in the flesh) — who snapped a picture on set and accidentally caught the gown in the background. It wasn’t done on purpose but this woman has been a nightmare to production, basically the cause of there being no budget for costumes. Which means Michael has to eat crow and apologize to Dom … and ask her if she will provide the clothing for the rest of the filming. Of course she accepts because this will only help in her quest to land the contract with the airline to redesign their uniforms.

Another minor plot that will certainly stretch over several episode is a brewing war between Blake and Alexis. Jealous that Amanda has moved in to Alexis’ penthouse apartment, Blake tries to implant in Amanda’s brain that Alexis is a snake who cannot be trusted. Amanda tells him Alexis says the same about Blake. But when Amanda tells Blake that she and Kirby are growing closer, he tells her that Kirby can certainly tell her some stories about Alexis. It’s unclear if Amanda gets the dirt from Blake or Kirby, since Kirby is never seen, but Amanda confronts Alexis about that time she flew Kirby’s ex over from Australia and got her hooked on drugs again which nearly left her dead. Alexis admitted it was true and continued to show complete disdain for Kirby, unaware of Amanda’s relationship with her, and that caused Amanda to pack her belongings and head back to the manor. Of course it wasn’t long before Alexis made an appearance and warned Blake that what he did was an act of war and she will do all she can to smear him in Amanda’s eyes.

Adam finally came through with the invite to the open house at the pharmaceutical company, but Jeff informed Adam that he would have to accompany him so it didn’t look suspicious that Jeff was there alone. Adam did not want to get involved in Jeff’s scheme and face possible prison time, but Jeff has the items Adam needs for his skin care line so he had no choice but to act as a distraction so Jeff could steal the formula for the drug to help people suffering from neurotoxin poisoning. Once inside, Adam acted as a distraction and Jeff lifted a fingerprint from a champagne glass so that he could access the vault where the hard drive with the formula was kept. He manages to sneak it out in an ice cream container even after a security alert was issued. Jeff got what he wanted and posted the formula online as an open source code so it could not be tracked to him, and he gave Adam what he’d been waiting for. But, Jeff received a phone call from the head of the company who knew Jeff was behind the theft. After the job interview, the invite for the chemist to attend the Alexam launch and seeing him at the party, two and two added up to Jeff Colby. (The chemist also spilled the beans when she was offered a large payoff to squeal.) But … he wasn’t going to call the authorities. He has something much bigger in mind to make Jeff pay.


The main story was about Daniel and Sam. Somehow after Daniel decided to stay in Atlanta, his condition took a serious turn for the worst. Now hospitalized, he assures Sam he’s feeling better but the doctor pulls Sam aside and informs him that the cancer has spread throughout his father’s body and he may have a few weeks to live, but more likely a few days. Earlier at breakfast, Fallon came in all chipper, unaware of Daniel’s condition and Sam, Blake and Amanda made her feel like dirt just for being in a good mood, assuming she knew. Instead of allowing her to apologize, Sam stormer out and went back to the hospital to be with Daniel. Fallon and Liam also showed up and Fallon tried to apologize, but Sam was still angry, telling her that she was trying to make this about herself. He’s also upset that his mother isn’t returning his calls, so Fallon’s lightbulb went off and she told Liam that her good deed will be to track down Iris and bring her back to Atlanta … even if she did kidnap Fallon way back in Season 1 (coincidentally in the 11th episode which is also the number of this episode).

Liam was a bit surprised that they were flying to Idaho, but Fallon remembered that the ‘ransom money’ they gave Iris was all marked bills, and a large portion of that money was used to make a donation to a church in Idaho so that is where they will start, not knowing if Iris is even still there. Upon arriving at the church, they question a priest who says he remembers the donation but not who made it. Liam — and anyone with eyeballs — noticed that every time the priest said he didn’t know Iris he tugged on his vestments which Liam said was a ‘tell’, that he was lying. Fallon assumed that meant Iris was actually in the church so the only way she could get in was … to dress up as a nun. Unfortunately a nearby costume shop only had ‘Sexy Nun’ costumes and she somehow still managed to get inside the church where she found Iris and told her about Sam and Daniel. Iris said she had made her decision and was staying at the church.

Not one to be defeated, Fallon sent Liam inside dressed as a priest — unfortunately not a ‘Sexy Priest’ — and even though Liam revealed in an earlier conversation that he believed in a higher power but not necessarily God, he managed to be convincing enough as a ‘visiting priest’ from ‘up north’ — Minneapolis — and laid it on thick with Iris about the importance of family and forgiveness. Back in Atlanta, Fallon showed up again at the hospital and told Sam that she knew he didn’t want to talk to her but there was someone else he might want to have a chat with, and Iris walked in. Fallon let them have their family reunion and both Sam and Daniel were happy to see her. She tried to apologize for all the bad things she did but Daniel told her not to. He did tell her that he forgave her as did Sam, but it wasn’t long after that Daniel passed away. Sam eventually did thank Fallon for what she did and apologized for being so snappy with her but Fallon was okay with it all. She realized that she could be selfish and selfless at the same time. Poor Liam had to fly back to Atlanta on a commercial airline since they couldn’t let Iris see him on the Carrington jet. And after all that they had been through, Liam decided that if and when they have a baby, he’s okay with doing the baptism ritual. So a win for everyone. The question now is will Iris stick around and find out Fallon and Liam tricked her, or has she already returned to Idaho?

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