Dynasty :: Mind Your Own Business


Let’s Talk About ‘Mind Your Own Business’: 

  • Liam is getting ready for the first day of shooting and Fallon has a meeting but they still have time for baby-making.
  • Daniel tells Sam that he’s leaving because he misses home. But that isn’t the complete truth.
  • Adam wants to begin working on a new product for Alexam just days after the product launch, but Alexis isn’t on board.
  • Fallon wants to turn her entire company green, but the board says they can’t afford to at the moment because sales on FSN are flat and not even Dominique’s line is performing well.
  • Fallon makes a proposal to Alexis that could be financially beneficial to them both.
  • Liam’s filmmaking experience begins to sour when casting and script issues arise.
  • MIA this week are Kirby — who is presumably still in Milan on her modeling gig — and Amanda, who must be actually working instead of sniffing around everyone else’s business. Cristal barely makes an appearance.

There was a lot going on in this week’s episode of Dynasty, from the ridiculous to the plot-forwarding. On the ridiculous side of things, Fallon’s Board of Directors is on board with her plans to turn the entire Fallon Unlimited company green … except it’s not going to happen any time soon because they don’t have the budget for it mainly because the FSN network sales are flat. Even worse, Dominique’s clothing line has a solid fan base but it’s not attracting any new viewers so sales are stagnant. Fallon needs to come up with a plan to boost viewership and sales, and luckily her mother has been texting her non-stop about the successful launch of Alexam. Bingo! Fallon can give Alexis a time slot to haek her product and it’s a win for both of them. Except Alexis isn’t interested … unless she can have the Thursday at 5PM time slot. Which just happens to be Dominique’s hour. Until Fallon can come up with a new plan she offers Alexis a place on the FSN website to sell which she agrees to, but she still wants the TV exposure.

Dominique isn’t having it. She has an iron-clad contract guaranteeing her that spot and that is when her ‘Dominos’ expect to see her so she is not budging. (But seriously, Thursday at 5PM is the highest viewing time?!) Dom also has no idea that Fallon is trying to give Alexis the spot and she’s trying to hold Alexis off by telling her the contracts aren’t ready. So Alexis shows up with a temporary contract in hand right before Dom is to go on air. Dominique shows up and realizes what’s been going on, but somehow Fallon convinces her to give Alexis five minutes on her show. And it goes about as well as expected with Alexis trying to take over, the host running off set to safety and the two women engaging in a catfight, basically destroying the set. Fallon just sees the FSN ship sinking. Seeking advice from Blake on how to deal with the two overgrown children, he tells her that she has the confidence and authority to put them in their place, so act like it. And she does, calling them both into her office under false pretenses so she can sit them down together. She tells them they can all help each other is they can get along, and in fact the viewers loved them together. Every time they replayed the video, sales numbers went up and up so … they will each get a show and twice a month on Saturdays they will host together. Dom agrees but she says only twice a month. Alexis tells her that’s what Fallon just said. Crisis solved, but there’s still one thing that’s bugging Fallon and that is how Alexis has been favoring Adam over her. Alexis admits she’s right but says it’s Fallon’s fault in a way. Fallon is successful and independent and Adam needs a little guidance, so in reality Alexis knows that Fallon doesn’t need all that attention but she will try to be a little more motherly toward her.


Liam, meanwhile, is dealing with havoc on the set of his film. The co-star had to leave and Culhane was trying to get in touch but Liam and Fallon her busy when he called. So he hired … his girlfriend to take over the role. When he arrived on set, he learned that an important scene was being cut for time and budget with the director dismissing his concerns, saying the audience won’t know what they’re missing. Liam learns that the writer is not really necessary on the set once filming begins, and his scene has already been rewritten. But he persists in rewriting it again and after a pep talk with Culhane, who says he’ll try to smooth things over with the director and get him back on set after he deals with the newest crisis with the star who won’t leave her trailer, Liam also decides to take the bull by the horns. He shows up on set and tells Culhane and the director that he’s talked to the star and she’s coming to the set. He said she loves his newly rewritten scene and the director is happy he solved the problem but not thrilled that he did all of this behind her back. However, since he got the ball rolling he’s allowed back on set and Culhane is going to get him a director’s chair with his name on it.

Sam is so in deep now with Daniel that he’s putting all of his own business to the side so they can continue their father-son bonding. But after a huge breakfast at the manor, Daniel tells Sam he’s returning home because he misses his family there, the food, the music. Cristal tells him that he should be happy for the time he’s had with Daniel but if he wants Daniel to stay then he should tell him. Sam doesn’t want to come right out and say it so he comes up with a plan — he buys a horse. Basically he wants Daniel to groom and train the horse, so putting his father to work is his plan? Daniel is flattered but he says that’s not enough to get him to stay. So Sam’s next scheme is to change the menu at La Mirage to native Caracas food and he’s auditioning bands to bring that musical favorite to the place as well. Blake tells Sam that while what he’s doing is admirable, it’s not going to be a substitute for home. He has to make Atlanta feel like home, and with his connections he should be able to pull it off. So Sam gets them into a training session with the soccer team, which Daniel enjoys even if his knees don’t. He appreciates everything that Sam has done but the truth of the matter is he hasn’t stopped his cancer treatments because he’s better, he’s stopped them because the cancer has advanced and there’s nothing left to do. He wants to go home so Sam doesn’t have to go through those final terrible days with him.

Sam is heartbroken but understands and asks Blake if he can borrow his jet to fly Daniel home. Blake says yes and offers to come along so Sam won’t have to fly home alone. On the plane, Sam has to see a man about a horse — well, call a man about a horse to make sure the one he bought was returned — and Blake has a heart-to-heart with Daniel. He tells Daniel how loyal Sam is and how much he’s enjoyed spending time with Daniel, and that if he knows anything about Sam it’s that he will stay with Daniel no matter what city he’s in. Daniel realizes the gift he’s had being with Sam and realizes he may have made a mistake in leaving. He looks out the window and sees Atlanta, Blake having the pilot just circle the city with the certainty that Daniel would change his mind. Sam is thrilled but not long after they get to the hotel, Daniel’s condition worsens. Sam makes a call … to his mother, leaving a message not even knowing if she will get it, telling her he knows about Daniel and that he is in bad shape, asking her to come to Atlanta because they both need her now.


Adam wants to quickly build on the successful launch of Alexam, but Alexis says it’s too soon to start working on a new project. They don’t have the money and they need to focus on the first product. Adam insists this will help move the company forward so Alexis tells him if he funds it and develops it, then he can bring it to her and she’ll consider it. The only problem is his new ‘youth serum’ is made with an ingredient that is illegal in the United States, and a shipment he was expecting was confiscated at customs. He’s also been receiving calls from Jeff but ignoring them. Adam sets up a meeting with a customs official to try to get her to reveal where the ingredient was impounded but she refuses to tell him. So, naturally, he blackmails her, or extorts her by threatening to donate to her competitor in the next election. She agrees to get him the information and as she leaves the hospital, Jeff arrives and wonders what’s up. But he finally gets Adam’s attention and tells him he needs help getting into a medical convention. Since Adam is a doctor and has an invite with a plus one, Jeff wants to be the plus one. He reminds Adam of how he tried to poison Jeff with a neurotoxin and Adam reminds him he gave Jeff part of his liver so they are on equal ground and he’s not going to help.

Adam doesn’t know Jeff is friends with the customs official he was extorting, and he doesn’t know Jeff contacted her to find out what Adam was up to. Adam got a call with the information he needed to find the ingredient at the impound lot and was told there would be no guards on duty when he got there. Locating the truck, Adam was surprised to see a guard who had just come on duty. He waved a bunch of hundreds at the guard who told Adam he could not be bribed … but he would accept a donation to his vacation fund. He opened the truck for Adam and — empty. The product was turned over to a private entity earlier in the evening, but who? Of course it was Jeff, who knew that was the only way to get Adam’s attention. Jeff will sell Adam the product for less than what it’s worth if he helps get Jeff into the convention, but what Jeff wants to do is illegal. Adam isn’t willing to go to jail for aiding and abetting, but Jeff said he didn’t have a problem with that when he was trying to bribe a federal official. Adam says that was for him, and what he’s trying to do will revolutionize the medical industry. Jeff says that’s what he’s trying to do as well, so for them to both succeed they both have to make a deal with the Devil. So is Adam in or out? Adam is in. But will it go horribly wrong for both of them? Will Blake have to eventually save the day since they are both Carringtons? Stay tuned.

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