Dynasty :: The Only Thing That Counts Is Winning


Let’s Talk About ‘The Only Thing That Counts Is Winning’:  

  • With a big horse race on the horizon, and quite a lot at stake, Fallon puts everyone including her horse on a lighter diet.
  • A new rule is implemented at the hospital, but one doctor is ignoring Amanda’s directive.
  • Jeff gets a clean bill of health and runs into a fellow patient who hopes they can catch up on the outside..
  • Alexis’ relationship with Adam is getting in the way of her relationship with Dex.
  • Culhane thinks he’s found Ms. Right in the form of one of Kirby’s model friends … whom Kirby forbids him from dating.
  • Liam wears a ridiculous hat to Fallon’s office. He may have it on backward.

There is a lot to unpack on this week’s Dynasty, which takes the week off next week before returning April 29, and for the first time in a couple of weeks all the main cast appeared … which means that some of them only had a few short moments of screen time. Let’s break it all down.


Of course Fallon is at the forefront of the episode with her horse about to have her first race … against Patti de Vilbis’ horse. But, boy, does she have one issue piling up on another. Daniel tells her the horse is fine and ready to run and the he says there’s something wrong and she’s not eating. And without food in her system, she can’t win a race. Earlier, Sam had confided to Kirby that he saw Daniel shooting up in the stable and she encouraged him to tell Fallon and confront his father before he loses him. After the issue with the horse not eating, Sam panics and tells Fallon his father is a drug addict which makes her question everything he’s telling her about the horse. Could the trauma of watching him shoot up in front of her be the reason she’s not eating? To compound matters, Patti shows up and wants to make a bet with Fallon to the tune of $1 million. Feeling cocky, Fallon ups it to $2 million … and the horse riding competition trophy Patti stole from her when they were kids. Patti had already suggested that if she won she’d get Fempire, Fallon’s publishing house, so she could write her own tell-all about Fallon. A dollar store trophy or a multi-million dollar publishing house seems like a fair trade … ? But with the horse unwell, Fallon needs to come up with a plan to make sure Patti’s horse can’t run so she’s going to spike some carrots with a diuretic to make the horse fail the pre-race drug test. And she gets caught by Patti, who switched horses because she knew Fallon would try something. Fallon tried to play it off as charity, getting in a dig that since Patti’s father cut her off she didn’t have any money to feed her horse. And she ups the ante once again — the loser walks away from the stable’s charity.

But first Fallon has to confront Daniel about his drug use. Luckily the horse is fine, she just had ill-fitting shoes so she was too uncomfortable to eat. He took her for a walk and he’s sure she can win. But Fallon doesn’t know if she can trust anything he tells her. He finally comes clean with the truth — what Sam saw was Daniel injecting himself with a drug for his cancer treatment. But Sam doesn’t know so she can’t tell him. Which puts Fallon in an awkward spot. But they have a horse race to attend to, and on the big day Liam is trying to untangle everything Fallon did to try to win the race — and if it involved drugging or painting a horse to look like hers he doesn’t want to know. And out of the gate Fallon’s horse is way behind Patti’s and she can see her money and her Fempire fading away. But … the horse kicked into gear, easily passing Patti’s, winning the race and keeping Patti from being Liam’s new publisher. But when it comes time to collect, Fallon tells Patti to donate the money to the charity. But she still wants that cheap trophy, which she’ll let Patti visit when she gets the proper winner’s name engraved on it. For Daniel, she gifts him the silks from the horse and gives him the winning purse to help with his cancer treatment … but he has to tell Sam the truth. Luckily, Sam walks into the room and wants to speak to his father. Daniel asks if he can speak first, Fallon makes a quick exit and he reveals the truth to his son. Which is sure to make Sam overcompensate for everything in episodes to come.



Amanda gets a proper storyline this week as she is tasked with introducing an intern to a doctor as part of the new hospital guidelines requiring doctors to always be shadowed by a second party, a result of some inappropriate conduct at the hands of another doctor. The doc is a dick and refuses to listen to her (and also completely alienates an intern who was a huge fan), and Adam takes some joy in seeing his sister struggle. Blake and Cristal meet Amanda for lunch, which she’s forgotten about, and she tells them about the doctor’s attitude. Blake offers to make a call to get the guy on board, but Amanda’s not quite ready to have a hit squad take anyone out. Blake likes her idea but assures her that was not what he was thinking. She turns the offer down and tries to solve the issue herself, but Adam warns her to leave the doctor alone because he’s a big moneymaker for the hospital. If he wants to operate solo in a broom closet, look the other way. With the level of disrespect too much for her to bear any longer, Amanda pays a visit to Blake at the manor but he’s out working on the airport. But Cristal shares some advice with her. When she first had to behave like a Carrington, she had to take sleeping pills for weeks to not be wracked with guilt all night but when she realized that the Carringtons are always under attack and they do what they do to survive, she was okay with it and had a nice cold glass of champagne before bed, sleeping like a baby. Amanda tells Cristal to tell Blake she’s ready. At the hospital, the doctor confronts Amanda and Blake telling them he knows they had something to do with his wife getting a cushy ambassadorship in Iceland. Blake says he’s not in politics anymore but … he should be thankful because he could be in a much worse position with his career in tatters. Amanda gives him a pair of gloves as a going away gift because it’s cold in Iceland. Amanda is now fully a member of the Carrington dynasty.

Culhane & Kirby

A beautiful woman checks in to La Mirage and the sparks between her and Michael are instant. He upgrades her to a suite and Kirby shows up … because the two women are friends. After she leaves, Michael asks Kirby to fix them up and she refuses because she doesn’t want to mix business with pleasure and if anything goes wrong between them she will be the one who suffers. But Sasha pursues Culhane and he politely declines her advances, even though she is a model and rarely asks strangers out on a date (and when she does they say yes), and tells her he’s trying to be respectful of Kirby’s wishes. Sasha thinks that’s a load of bull because Kirby is mixing business with pleasure by dating their agent Charlie. Well in that case the date is on and Michael is going to let Kirby have it for being a hypocrite. Kirby is not happy when she finds out Michael and Sasha did go on a date, and he calls her out but she tries to claim she’s not being a hypocrite because he didn’t ask her not to date Charlie. How could he since he doesn’t even know Charlie? So whatever Kirby thinks about him and Sasha is meaningless at this point. And after ending their evening in Michael’s bed, Sasha drops a little bit of a bomb about Charlie — she takes a huge percentage of her modeling fee but she isn’t in a place to protest because Charlie gave her a second chance when no one else would. As she did with Kirby, whose career was dead. Sasha doesn’t know if Kirby is aware of the financial agreement, but she tells Michael to warn her to read the fine print in her contract. The good news is both Sasha and Kirby booked the gig they were both up for.

Alexis & Adam

Alexis is at the end of her rope with Adam, who has not been attending to his responsibilities with their company, mishandling a snafu that resulted in the wrong size jars being ordered for their anti-aging product. The issues with the business are putting a wedge between Alexis and Dex but he’s a businessman himself and knows what it’s like starting up a new company so he cuts her some slack. Unfortunately, Adam is being Adam and he’s set up his own boutique doctor service, administering the product behind Alexis’ back and before their big launch. Feeling he’s violated their business deal, Alexis informs Adam that she’s suing him and Dex tells them that he knows a therapist who can help them iron out their issues … because if they don’t then he’s not going to be in Alexis’ life. Neither of them want to go, but Alexis appeals to Adam, saying that this isn’t just about the business, it’s about her relationship with Dex as well. They go to the therapist, who thinks at first that they’re married, but is even more confounded by the long list of issues the two throw at each other, at one point thinking when Alexis mentions Adam burning off her face that it’s a metaphor. He quickly realizes it is not. But he is sure their issues are fixable if they put in the work. But Adam isn’t interested because Alexis never put in the work on trying to find him when he was kidnapped, so he storms out. Alexis finds him at their office and he’s packing his books, telling her she can have the formula to do with what she wants. She tells him she never gave up looking for him, she just had to give up hope because if they didn’t find him it would have been much harder, and when he did come home she should have been kinder to him. Adam admits that he’s done some terrible things as well, like framing her for murder … and a few other things, and says the therapist was right, they need to talk more. Alexis agrees but first she needs to talk to Dex. But she thinks he’s going to break up with her, and she tells him that his therapy suggestion worked, they didn’t fix everything but it was a start, and now he can break up with her. Dex says he wouldn’t have spent all day fixing her packaging problem if he was breaking up with her so instead of a break-up, he suggests a make-up … in bed.



With Fallon’s horse race coming up and Jeff getting a clean bill of health from the doctor, Dominique wants him to sport some of her new accessories at the race since the media will be out in full force. Jeff isn’t sure he’s going but as they talk in the corridor, another patient that Jeff shared some hospital time with shows up. He’s happy to see Luna and she suggests they catch up later at his place, which he agrees to. When she arrives, she notices a gift box and he tells her its from his mother. Luna opens it and is impressed by the ties that Dominique has created. But Jeff says he doesn’t really want to go to the race because he doesn’t want questions about his health being thrown at him. Luna says she can throw the press off of him with the help of some of Dom’s accessories so he agrees to go. And the press goes in on him, with one reporter asking if his mission to Mars was the cause of his mental problems. Jeff had to calmly tell her he never went to Mars, but before he lost his cool Luna sprang into action, showing off an outfit she created from the ties. She won that bet with him — her prize request was a BBQ sandwich — but since he didn’t have the sandwich right there, she was ready to accept a kiss as a consolation prize. But Jeff said as part of trying to get his life together, he wasn’t ready to get into any relationships just yet. Luna said that was okay, she could wait. The next day Jeff found out Luna had been admitted to the hospital so he brought her the sandwich to brighten her spirits but … she had died from renal failure. She hadn’t actually been discharged from the hospital. When she found out she only had a few days left, she snuck out so she could have her last few days not spent in a hospital. Sadly, she couldn’t afford the drugs to keep her alive. She left Jeff a note that said ‘Don’t miss out on your life while you’re trying to get it together. Take some chances.’ Now Jeff has found something to focus on — making someone pays for Luna’s death, whatever it takes.

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