Let’s Talk About ‘A Friendly Kiss Between Friends’:
- Former Melrose Place pals Grant Show and Daphne Zuniga reunite this week.
- Liam has a bit of writer’s block, and Fallon is irritated that the only news she garners these days is not for her company, but for her ‘baby bump’ … which was just a few tacos.
- It’s Blake’s turn to host a Future Business Leaders event but isn’t in the mood since he currently has no businesses to promote, and he can’t get the loans necessary to complete his airport.
- Alexis is planning a launch party for Alexam, but Amanda doesn’t have the confidence that she can pull it off.
- Jeff quits Morrell Green to take some time for himself after the death of his friend Luna, but Fallon learns he isn’t being quite honest about his decision.
- Kirby has booked a gig in Milan, but busybody Amanda still believes Charlie is screwing her out of a lot of money.
- Fallon wears an entirely inappropriate outfit to work.
- No signs of Dominique, Dex or Daniel this week.
There were four storylines to juggle on this episode of Dynasty, and it’s the first time in a while that Blake has been more than a supporting character (since this really is the Fallon show now). Poor Blake is fretting about his business woes as he’s forced to host an event for Future Business Leaders (and he hasn’t been this upset since his phone updated itself) because he has no business to speak of at this point. His airline is up and running but there’s still no airport because he just can’t get a loan. Banks fear even the great Blake Carrington won’t be able to pay them back in this economy. Cristal tries to soothe his nerves and frustrations and makes him go to the event.
After performing his duties and ready to head home, he runs into an old friend, Sonya Jackson (Daphne Zuniga), and they reminisce about the past. Having someone he knows to talk to actually makes Blake more comfortable so he decides that they can stay a bit. Things take a bit of a left turn when Sonya runs her foot up Blake’s leg and she and her boy toy Henry drop some not so subtle hints that they are a couple of swingers and would love to continue their conversation up in their suite … in their bed that has room for two more. Leaving them with a key card, Blake and Cristal actually consider the offer to maybe help spice things up in their marriage. Both seems to be saying they’ll do it for the other, but once they get to the room and actually think about what they are about to do, they both realize they only agreed because they thought the other was in to it, so they quickly sneak out and head home to their own bed. But Blake is still feeling a bit emasculated by the banks and worries that Cristal sees him as a lesser man which she does not, and with her encouragement he makes a call to the bank demanding that loan by the end of the business day or he takes all of his business elsewhere (and the way things work on this show, he’ll have a fully operational airport next week).
Amanda is being a complete busybody this week. You’d think she doesn’t have an actual job the way she’s always butting into people’s lives. First she tries to convince Alexis that she doesn’t have what it takes to actually run a company, and she should stick to painting pictures of her dogs and backstabbing people. Alex is determines to show her that she is perfectly capable. But on the eve of their big launch party at the club at La Mirage, an accident plunges a truckload of her youth serum to the bottom of a river and there’s no way the manufacturer can make more in less than 24 hours. So Alexis sends Adam to the lab to make some since it’s his formula and he returns with … one small jar. With Sam’s help, the party will be filled with social media influencers, and they will be demanding swag in exchange for a hashtag … whatever that means. Feeling that Amanda was right, Alexis is about to bail but Adam convinces her that coming up with a plan under pressure is where she excels so Alexis does manage to put together an idea. Instead of giving out samples, there will be a contest and the influencer who finds the one empty jar with the blue insert gets a lifetime supply of Alexam. The reaction to that at the party is crickets until Adam adds a $1 million prize which leads to a frenzy when one influencer finds the blue insert. Another accuses her of jumping in front of her and the jar is hers, which leads to a catfight in the middle of the party. Sam tells Alexis to do something because once this hits social media, it’s all over for her. Proving again she works well under pressure, Alexis dumps a tray of lids on the floor ‘accidentally’, finds the blue one and gives it to Sam so he can proclaim himself the winner. And no, he doesn’t get the million. But at home Alexis feels that Amanda was right after everyone deleted their posts and hashtags about Alexam. But one article did have something positive to say and her spirits were raised, and now she has the confidence to be the businesswoman she knew she was. So take that, Amanda.

While not screwing with Alexis’ confidence, Amanda also felt the need to insert herself into Kirby’s affairs, having a conflab with Culhane about Charlie’s shady contract with Kirby’s model friend. Is Charlie also taking more than she deserves from Kirby? Amanda ropes Culhane into her scheme to ‘borrow’ Charlie’s phone while at the Alexam launch party so she can get a peek at Kirby’s contract. Amanda fakes a phone call from the airport telling Charlie the flight to Milan was cancelled, and gets Charlie away from the phone by having Culhane tell her that another model with a shellfish allergy is eating shrimp. Charlie gives Culhane the phone while she’s on hold with the ‘airline’ (because she had no reception over by the raw bar), and Amanda swoops in to get that contract … but Kirby appears out of nowhere and wondering where Charlie is decides to text her. The phone in Amanda’s hand rings — she wasn’t quick enough to turn off the volume — and the jig is up when Charlie returns. And then she lays it all out for Amanda that no one wanted to hire the other model because she was a total diva and a bit of a mess. Charlie has to pay various fees for her out of pockets just to get her hired so the 40% is fair enough compensation. This all made Amanda feel like a complete jerk, and she quite possibly ruined her friendship with Kirby. Back at the manor, Amanda ran into Kirby as she was leaving for the airport and again tried to apologize, which actually surprised Kirby. She’s not really used to anyone in the Carrington family taking responsibility for their actions. Amanda tells Kirby how close she’s grown to her and that she just acted out of jealousy. Kirby said she’s just a stupid model and Amanda has nothing to be jealous about. Amanda says Kirby is not stupid and she’s not jealous of her, she’s jealous of Charlie because she really likes Kirby as more than just a friend but she doesn’t want to come between her and Charlie. That sends a bit of a shockwave through Kirby and then … she leans in to kiss Amanda and then runs out the door leaving Amanda to wonder if she might have a chance after all.
Fallon manages to mess things up this week without Amanda’s help. She’s feeling the world is now only concerned about whether or not she’s pregnant but she knows that once things really get rolling with Morrell Green, there will be more to talk about than a possible baby bump. Liam, meanwhile, has a bit of writer’s block and can’t figure out how to end his screenplay. Fallon dons an entirely inappropriate outfit for the office, and Jeff drops a bombshell on her — he’s quitting Morrell Green. Everything is up and running and Fallon is entirely capable of taking the reins, but she sees Jeff as her moral compass and needs him by her side. He tells her that he needs to find himself now after the death of his friend Luna, and Fallon understands and reluctantly lets him go … while calling for applications to fill his position while he’s still in the room because it was more fun that way.
A headhunter brings her a few names and drops some information that Jeff has an interview with the head of a big pharmaceutical company, and that sets Fallon off. She’s outraged that Jeff would use the death of his friend to play on her sympathies so she’d let him go without a fight and now she is determined to make sure Jeff knows how angry she is. So she pops up at his interview, makes a scene and scares the guy off, with him telling Jeff that once he and Fallon sort out their issues not to call him. Jeff is not thrilled but he tells Fallon what he was really up to — the company he was hoping to work for was the same one that manufactures the drugs that Luna needed to survive but could not afford to because of the price gouging going on. He wanted to get inside the company so he could steal the formula and make an affordable version. Fallon asks why he didn’t just tell her that in the first place and he said because it’s illegal and she’d try to talk him out of it. Feeling like a heel, Fallon decides she has to come up with a plan to help Jeff so old Fallon snaps back into action.

With the Alexam party as a backdrop yet again, Fallon was able to lure the scientist from the company to the party because she apparently rarely goes out, so an invite with some bells and whistles seemed to be the trick. At the party, she introduces herself to the woman, and also introduces a handsome man and they all do some shots. It isn’t long before the slightly uptight woman is all over the man while Jeff not very discreetly snaps photos of the two making out. Fallon and Jeff then confront the woman and Jeff asks for the formula or else they will make sure her soon-to-be ex-husband sees them. Since the divorce is not final yet, this could really do her some harm. But she tells them to do what they need to do because she’s not going to give Jeff the formula. And not because she doesn’t want to, she’s just terrified of the people she works for. Fallon begins to feel bad for the woman and admits they weren’t going to send the picture but she is still too afraid of the dangerous people she works for. Fallon tries to appeall to the woman by telling her that she’s pregnant and they have the opportunity to do something right for the world but she leaves and Fallon and Jeff feel defeated.
Back at her office, Fallon asks if she might be able now to talk Jeff into coming back but he is more interested in the little bombshell she dropped — but Fallon is not pregnant, she was just hoping that would help the woman with her decision. Fallon feels now that all of her good deeds are not panning out but she gets a text from an unknown number with an address to a lab. Perhaps her little speech did make a difference and this is the location of where the formula is kept. But Fallon now tells Jeff that perhaps he should just let this go because of the danger involved but he promises to be careful. Famous last words. Fallon gets home and Liam is still trying to figure out the ending to his screenplay and Fallon tells him about her antics with Jeff and … BINGO! She’s just solved his problem. She also reveals that when he saw her earlier she had taken a pregnancy test, which was negative, but she didn’t want to tell him just yet. But he’s not worried about that because they have plenty of time to keep trying, and even though he needs to have those pages finished by the morning, that’s not going to stop him from trying again right now.
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