Dynasty :: A Real Actress Could Do It


Let’s Talk About ‘A Real Actress Could Do It’: 

  • Liam asks Fallon to allow a major star to shadow her for 48 hours to help her decide if she wants to play the Fallon character in Liam’s movie.
  • Blake and Cristal reveal to the family — except Adam who is MIA — that she had been kidnapped and replaced with a double.
  • Kirby lands a shampoo commercial and her new agent flirts with her.
  • Blake catches Daniel in Sam’s room possibly up to no good.
  • Alexis applies for a Female CEO workshop to hone her skills (i.e. to not be such a bitch to her employees) and is appalled to learn Cristal has enrolled as well.
  • Dominique is also a no show this week.

This week’s episode of Dynasty was mostly about Fallon interfering with and trying not to screw up Liam’s movie. She’s apparently been critical of the actresses who have audition to play the role inspired y Fallon to the point that Liam told her she wasn’t allowed to watch the audition videos anymore (of course Fallon was a little taken aback when she realized the auditions were filmed at the manor). But Liam says none of that really matters at this point because they have a big fish on the line, superstar … Janelle Crowley, who will only consider the part if she can shadow Fallon for 48 hours. Okay, this would have been the perfect opportunity for Dynasty to do one of two things: hire an actual well-known celebrity for this role to make the stakes higher, or have that star be Elizabeth Gillies playing herself and Fallon. If Daniella Alonso can do it … but maybe too soon for another twin plotline?

Anywho, Fallon is actually thrilled because Janelle is very big on saving the planet with green energy, and Fallon and Jeff could use her star power to help the get Morrell Green back on track. It’s all going well until Fallon gets a message that while transferring some toxic waste from a site that the previous owners of Morrell had left behind, there was a spill into a marsh that endangered egrets and other wildlife. Going into panic mode, Fallon thinks she has to keep this all hush-hush lest Janelle get wind of the environmental disaster and quit the movie. Even if none of this is Fallon’s fault. Doesn’t she think Janelle might prefer to see her take action and right this wrong to the artificial Fallon she’s being served?

Fallon thinks that since Alexis is coming to the office for a visit, she’d be the perfect one to be a distraction for Janelle until Fallon and Jeff fix the toxic mess. And before Alexis can get into any really embarrassing stories from Fallon’s youth, the problem is under control and the leftover employee from Patti de Vilbis’ ownership of Morrell is sacked, pronto. And then Janelle quits the movie because said employee has gone to the press and claimed she was fired because she wanted time off to spend with her family. Also, Jeff thinks there’s more to the accident than meets the eye, but Fallon knows she has to get Janelle back because Liam and Culhane are blaming Fallon for her departure without actually saying they blame her. But they do. Even though it’s not her fault. But Fallon meets with Janelle, mentions some lies that had been printed about her in the gossip rags, and gets Janelle to come back to the office to watch her take the high road with the employee.

At the office, the woman admits that she basically did nothing and really had no idea what she was doing when the leak occurred. But Fallon still wanted to show Janelle that she wasn’t a horrible person so she rehired the woman … who then demanded some conditions like a 40% pay raise and a five year contract to guarantee her security with the company. For her family. Fallon silently gnashed her teeth but agreed to the terms, at which point Janelle thanked her for showing her the real Fallon — someone who would do anything like rehire that incompetent boob for her husband’s sake. Janelle then asked if she could re-fire the woman as Fallon, sure why not, and gave her 30 days to clean out her desk and beat it. Fallon said she would have given her ten days, but whatever. And in unison, they both told her to ‘get out’. And that is how Fallon saved Liam’s movie.


Meanwhile Blake and Cristal called a family meeting — no one mentioned Adam (maybe he’s off visiting Steven) — about some airport business that no one cared about, and then admitted that Cristal had been kidnapped by her brother and replaced with a double named Rita. Sam was more upset that he let a non-professional massage his shoulder, and Fallon said she suspected something when Cristal actually gave her good advice. But the question on everyone’s mind was how could Blake not know the double wasn’t his wife? And poor Cristal just wants to be done talking about Rita and the ordeal. So she enrolls in some sort of CEO seminar for female businesswomen and is not happy that Alexis has also signed up after some prodding by Dex (to improve her personal skills with her employees so she doesn’t keep referring to them as morons). Their task as a team is to set up a hot dog stand in the park, develop a business plan and see how mnay they can sell. Alexis shoots down Cristal’s plan and instead comes up with one in which they sell Wagyu beef hot dogs sprinkled with gold and selling them for $100 each. Of course no one is buying (the weiner looks dreadful to start with), so Cristal ditches Alexis and hits up a fire department (I think) to drum up sales. They love the sample she gave them but before anyone can show up to buy more she gets a text that the guy who tasted the dog has gotten deathly sick and no one is coming. Alexis has no idea if she used edible gold, they start smacking each other with bags of hot dog buns and are tossed out of the program. But Cristal seemed to get what she needed from the experience, handing Blake a proposal to combine the Flores company with Blake’s airline. For her part, Alexis realized that she is a bitch and that’s not changing, but she worries this will impact her relationship with Dex since he pushed her to sign up in the first place. He said he really doesn’t care who Alexis is when she’s at work, but as long as she’s not that person at home everything will be fine.

Kirby is excited about landing a shampoo commercial as her first modeling job, and her new manager gets a little flirty with her. And she likes it … so Kirby is into women now? But she’s so freaked out about acting in a commercial that she seeks help from Amanda. Amanda has become the character who just shows up when someone needs help with something, and this week we even got to see her at her actual workplace. But she helps build Kirby’s confidence — and I seemed to detect just a little bit of flirting between the two of them as well — and she nails the ad … and asks her manager out for a drink. She is quickly rebuffed, the manager saying she doesn’t date clients. Okay gurl, but you def led Kirby on with that just a few seconds too long touch of the hand earlier. But after the client gives her excellent feedback about Kirby, the two do end up having a drink after all.

And Sam is trying to get to know his father better, but Blake walks into Sam’s room after he steps out and catches Daniel opening a briefcase, suspicious of his actions. Sam is disappointed that Blake is behaving this way, so Blake suggests they all go horse riding to get to know each other better. But Blake sends Sam to get a bottle of scotch and Blake tells Daniel he’s on to his scam and he’s not going to take advantage of Sam to get his money. The two almost come to blows but Sam gets back in time to stop them. Later Blake goes to apologize to Sam, admitting that he was a bit jealous of Sam now having a relationship with his father because Blake has always seen himself as Sam’s father. Sam was touched and said Blake would always be a father figure to him. Blake was going to apologize to Daniel, but Sam said he wanted to go apologize himself first. Heading out to the stables to find Daniel with a tray of snacks, he did find him alright, groaning as he injected himself with … something.

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