The sign that one has a really good agent? You get a guest star credit for basically walking through two scenes. Corbin Bleu, give your agent 20% for that glorified extra role on this week’s Dynasty (and to the guy who played Colin McNaughton … fire yours because you actually had a storyline and got no on screen credit; even Colin’s secretary with zero lines got a credit)!
So there was no reference to the funeral at the beginning of this week’s episode, but could the final scene have been a clue? We’ll get to that, but first this was a week of scheming as Blake — and Dominique — upped their game to get Alexis out of the manor, and Fallon continued to pursue her property deal in Scotland.
For Fallon, it seems the second the deal closed on said land someone had an issue ordered by the historical society that a pile of rocks found on the land may be an ancient castle and no building can take place. And it seems the perpetrator of the edict was an old chum of hers from Wharton, Colin McNaughton. Yes, they sang together in the Warblers, but it seems Fallon exposed Colin’s cheating and got him kicked out of the university … so she could finish first in their class. It’s a grudge he’s been holding for a decade, and now that he’s conveniently in the real estate market as well, he had his chance to screw over Fallon, making her the ‘generous’ offer of buying her newly purchased land for 50% of what she paid. And the more she resisted his offer, the more it went down, as far as 20%.
Blake advised her to sell, which she saw as backing down but what he told her was cutting their losses because Colin would bleed Fallon Unlimited dry in the prolonged legal battle (Blake has seen the McNaughton family in action, apparently). But Fallon enlisted Liam to help dig up some dirt on Colin, hoping to find some big name he’s mixed up with that she can use for leverage to get him to back down. They come up with the initials M.P. and they assume it was a Prime Minister on the take. Fallon dons her best Emma Peel skin-tight, cleavage-baring catsuit — much to Liam’s delight (okay, the ‘hiatits’ is over but she did look fabulous) — and the two of them head to the drive-in to spy on Colin. Turns out the M.P. getting into Colin’s car was Michelle — whose last name must begin with P, Fallon muses — his secretary, and the two of them begin making out passionately. Liam starts snapping photos for Fallon to use as blackmail. Wouldn’t want Mrs. McNaughton to see those photos, right? But when Fallon found out there was collateral damage from outing Colin’s cheating, she decided not to ruin Michelle’s life, and instead found an obscure law that allows her to build on the land outside of a 500 foot radius of the castle location. She’s willing to adjust her construction plans and restore the castle because in the end the land will be worth at least three times what she paid for it. Touché. But Colin doesn’t seem to be the type to let this go, so he may be back (and perhaps we’ll also know the actor’s name next time).

As for Blake and Dominique, their plan to take back the manor is in full swing as Dom begins to rig things — super gluing doors shut, knocking pictures on the wall crooked, somehow piping in the sounds of creaking wood — to convince Alexis that by abruptly shifting the dig for diamonds to a new location, they’ve made the foundation of the manor unstable and unchecked it could cost millions more to fix it if the foundation were to crack. Dom ran a hose into … the basement? … to make Alexis think things were really, really bad. Dom even pretended (badly!) to have twisted her ankle on a bottom step outside the manor that had shifted. And on top of all that, Blake was threatening to sue for half of the profits from the diamond mine because Thomas was his father too so he’s entitled to half of whatever is on the land. Looking to cut her losses, Alexis meets with Blake to offer him the manor in exchange for the mineral rights so she can keep digging. Blake agrees if she throws in the Loft and vacates the premises in 24 hours. She agrees and says she’ll be gone in twelve.
With the manor back in his hands, Blake is feeling very generous by allowing Dominique to stay there, saying half of it is hers. But the ghost of Thomas Carrington is all over the place and she found she really doesn’t want those reminders so she gives Blake her half of the manor … if she can stay in the Loft. Deal. And as Alexis begins to haul her stuff out, Blake fills her in on the scheme that there’s nothing wrong with the manor, and all of the geological information about the diamonds was faked. There are no diamonds, and now Alexis is back to having nothing. Dom decided to pay one last visit to the empty mine to bury a photo she had of Thomas (one that neither she nor Blake remembered) and rid herself of that negative energy. But Alexis showed up in another ridiculous outfit and wig, complete with a pink, bejeweled hard hat, and had a classic Dynasty catfight (we haven’t seen one of those in quite some time) that dislodge one of the supports for the mine causing large rocks to fall in front of the only way in or out. So, about that funeral less than four months from now … Alexis? Who else would Fallon and Adam be mourning? (Yeah, yeah, they can’t kill Alexis but they sure want you to think they can … and will that be the season finale cliffhanger, forcing us to wait until Season 5 to find out who is in the casket?)
Side stories this week: Adam got the job as the hospital’s new Chief of Staff, Culhane is trying to heat things up with Mia and … surprise, it’s the same woman Jeff was hitting on a few episodes back (how did I not put two-and-two together?). While Culhane agreed to preserve the bromance and step aside, he kept finding himself in situation where he was always alone with Mia, and she was not shy about flirting. He wants her to break the news to Jeff about them, but she has no news to break — she’s planning on dating both of them. Is that a problem? And Sam is finding his romance with Ryan on the rocks because Ryan is too busy now to even return a text. And while he’s eying an expansion of La Mirage, the team he’ll be working with includes the blink-and-you’ll-miss-him Corbin Bleu and … Fletcher Myers, the guy who led Sam on and then wouldn’t leave his husband. But he took this job to work with Sam because … he’s left his husband and wants Sam back. Sam tells him he’s with Ryan now, but the constant ignoring of his messages leads Sam to hop into bed with Fletcher … and then Ryan finally returns Sam’s calls. Oops.
And Cristal isn’t pregnant. She has a brain tumor! Hmmm, could Cristal be the one in the coffin?
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