There was a mix of lightness and darker drama in this week’s Dynasty, with all of the more comedic parts of the episode centered squarely on Fallon … who never once mentioned her new husband. Instead she declared herself the new head of the Carrington dynasty … on TV no less but we had to take everyone’s word for that … which just opened up a whole can of worms for her, but solved Alexis’ and Dominique’s problem about Fallon owning the access roads to the manor. Being the head of a dynasty didn’t give her much time to get drawn into that diamond drama. Hilariously, Alexis took credit for Fallon’s decision and tried to change the terms of her agreement with Dom to 60-40, but Dom was not having it.
Fallon had her sights set on a new financial deal that was going to catapult her company to the top but her father had other plans, sending Anders to her office with a date book of all of Blake’s obligations as the head of Carrington Atlantic, things like library openings and hospital grant presentations. Anders did his best to shame her into taking on all of these responsibilities as the head of the family, telling her she’ll be putting the ‘care in Carrington.’ She asked Anders to never say that again.
Those things did not go well. First she had words with a child who was goading her about Carrington Atlantic and the bodies in the lake (the kid was obviously a plant), prompting her to threaten a lawsuit and rip off his name tag … in front of all the media. And that killed her deal because the company didn’t think Fallon represented ‘family values’. With the hospital grants, she had too much to think about herself so she just gave grants to everyone … which apparently caused a problem that Adam now has to fix. And she still had to give a presentation about the state of her company and the Carringtons.
Which was going to cause her more problems because Dominique’s mother died unexpectedly and the funeral brought Monica back to Atlanta, and Fallon knew she should be with her friend but was stuck giving her press conference. But in the middle of it, and after having a conversation with Blake about how to prioritize all of his obligations, she realized that none of it matters with family, and she ended her press conference to be with the Colbys. She did get a minute with Monica and Jeff at the post-funeral gathering, but in the end it was that very thing that won back the deal with the company. And she’s asked Blake to run it for her … which she may regret because he has a lot of ideas (and how long before she realizes Blake set her up for failure so she would come crawling back to him?).

Blake’s quest to win Cristal back is just getting sloppy at this point. He actually went to Father Caleb and threatened him with bodily harm — without thinking Caleb would tell Cristal?! — and then showed up at the church to ‘apologize’ after Cristal told him she knew about the threat. But before Caleb had Blake forcibly removed from the grounds, a man interrupted and said he needed to talk to the Father because his addictions were getting bad again, forcing Caleb to cancel his lunch with Cristal.
But … the man was an employee at La Mirage, paid to distract Father Caleb and to make him see that he truly loves helping people. Blake also made a sizable contribution to the church, all hush hush, that afforded Father Caleb a raise and a new position. Cristal knew that Caleb loved what he did and she was actually the one who said she couldn’t take him away from that. She knows he loves her, but she doesn’t want the guilt of making him choose between her and the church. He actually seemed relieved that she was so understanding, so it looks like Cristal is back on the market. Blake said he’s going to play it cool so as not to make her suspicious of him, but will he finally be able to woo her back and juggle business and family?
Culhane, however, is ready to turn the tables on the soccer deputy commissioner by selling the Atlantix to a Black owner. Dawkins has other plans, so Culhane ropes Sam into his plan to get Dawkins to confess to his underhanded dealings by posing as a potential buyer. Dawkins seems to fall for the ruse, and tells Sam to book them a suite at La Mirage so they can ‘talk’ some more. Turns out Dawkins is ready to let Sam buy the team … if he sleeps with him. Fearing Sam is recording their conversation, he insists that Sam turn off his phone, which he does. But as things start moving a little too quickly for Sam, causing him to use the code ‘Olivia Newton-John’, he gets a phone call that he’s needed in the bar, leaving Dawkins high and dry. The next day, Dawkins tells Culhane he’s not selling to Sam Jones or anyone else Culhane wants, but Culhane has the goods on Dawkins, somehow tapping into Dawkins’ (Apple?) watch and using that as a recording device. So now Dawkins either sells to Culhane’s choice and retires, or he goes to jail.
As for Dominique and her children, she realized at the funeral that they knew her mother better than she did, and she also realized that family was more important than diamonds. And surprisingly, Monica said it would be okay for Dom to stay with her in New York for a couple of weeks so they can reconnect. Jeff is not quite ready to go there. What Dom doesn’t know is that Blake was lurking in the background eavesdropping on her conversation. What is he planning for or with her? Perhaps a plan to double-cross Alexis and get the manor back?
What did you think of this episode? Tell us in the comments section below!