Dynasty :: The Birthday Party


There was a lot of ridiculousness on this week’s Dynasty, and it feels like they’ve already run out of storylines for Fallon and Liam. Could that be foreshadowing the mysterious funeral we saw at the beginning of the season with Fallon sitting alone at a graveside? That opening scene to the season told us that what we’ve seen since then has been a flashback six months prior to that funeral. This week we returned to that scene, but this time Adam joins Fallon in the front row and we’re told what follows is four months in the past, so we have progressed two months in seven episodes which actually fits a chronological timeline. But whose funeral are they at? Of course they want us to think it’s Liam, but the addition of Adam to the scene now suggests it may be Kirby since the two of them have a relationship with her. Could it be Jeff? He’s been MIA now for two episodes. Cristal was also out of commission this week, but Dominique was back from New York as if she’d never been away. But if the season sticks to its timeline, we’ve got another four months to find out who is in the casket.

[Note: Daniella Alonso has stated that this was the last episode filmed before the Christmas 2020 break, and she was absent due to her maternity leave. It’s also the first of Elizabeth Gillies’ ‘hiatits’ episodes, a term she coined meaning she took a break from baring her cleavage.]

Meanwhile to the silliness of this episode.

Adam’s birthday is approaching and Alexis is making plans for a mother/son celebration … until she walks in and finds Kirby in his bed who, upon hearing of Alexis’ plans, decides to ‘reveal’ that she had been planning a surprise party (she hadn’t) and she knows that will keep him away from his mother. But Alexis being Alexis, she reveals she’s planning a big party the same night. Hoping to put a stop to this tug of war between his mother and girlfriend, Adam tells Alexis to stop her party plans, and Alexis agrees to do it. Unfortunately she’ll have to uninvite everyone including the hospital board who are about to decide who gets that job Adam wants so badly. He can’t turn that down, and Alexis suggests that the woman he boinked on the desk of the doctor who they got fired probably shouldn’t be there.

Of course Kirby agrees that this is completely logical … oh who are we kidding? She’s plotting her revenge even though Sam advises against it. It might make her feel better, but it could do more harm to Adam and his aspirations, not to mention their relationship. Alexis is also certain that Kirby will try something so she ‘cleverly’ — as in ‘transparently obvious’ — asks Anders to help run the staff since this is her first major bash since running Blake out of the manor. He reluctantly agrees but does Alexis really think Anders’ loyalties will lie with anyone but his daughter?

There was more puffery with Culhane who was supposed to attend some charity event, being mistaken for the help, and willingly being ordered around by the woman in charge of the wait staff, Mia, for the entire event. We never did see the event, but somehow no one there knew who Culhane was so he got away with his ruse and felt like he was making a connection. Until the next event when he tried to casually explain himself to the woman and was promptly friend-zoned because she has a problem with rich people. Oof. Will Culhane go back to being a chauffer to get the girl?

Meanwhile, Fallon is trying to seal a new property deal for some land in Scotland, with Blake’s help (acting very professionally for a change), but finds herself being distracted by a seemingly needly Liam. He’s got some writer’s block going on, so he keeps popping up at Fallon’s office to bring her a snack, or hang around to go to lunch … all to Blake’s dismay, warning his daughter that business and personal relationships don’t mix well.


But out of the blue Liam’s old writing buddy Nash Martinez shows up and Liam suddenly has someone to hang out with for a few days and Fallon can get some work done. Except it turns out that Fallon called Nash and asked him to pay a visit to take Liam off her hands for a bit. And he does … but not very well because before she knows it, Fallon is being dragged off to karaoke — in a bar where they are the only three people, but at least we get to hear Elizabeth Gillies belt out a tune — and while Liam goes to get more drinks, Nash tries to make a move on Fallon. This came completely out of nowhere. Since when did inviting someone to spend time with your husband equate to ‘I want to sleep with you, not him’?

But that’s what Nash thought, but he made a deal with her to keep the whole thing quiet – aha, it was a blackmail attempt the entire time — she’d commission him to write some articles for her magazine and he’d keep quiet. And he’d eventually get around to writing something with Liam, which Liam believes is already something that’s going to happen. Fallon does not want to play this game, but she also does not want her husband to find out she called his friend to keep him occupied.

And Blake is keeping busy scheming himself, meeting up with Dominique to tell her that there are no diamonds under the manor, and to help her out — because she’s been so mistreated by the Carringtons — he’ll graciously buy the ground rights from her. And he’s even got the geological survey to back up his claims. Of course Dom ran right to Alexis to tell her of Blake’s charade, and also learned that the survey was prepared by a Carrington loyalist so it was not to be trusted. Alexis tasked Dom with finding a neutral geologist to give them the real dirt, pun intended. It was then that they learned Blake was right, there were no diamonds under the manor … they were just digging in the wrong place. So Alexis tried to renegotiate her deal with Dom to get Dom to pay half the costs of moving the dig to another part of the property, but she wasn’t buying it. Alexis was footing the bill.

At Adam’s party, Dom showed up with a bag of uncut diamonds found at the new dig, so they’ve put one over on Blake, especially after his insult that Dom would never be a real Carrington. Kirby showed up at the party, apparently drunk, and decided she was going to mingle with the hospital board. Alexis was going to stop her but then felt Kirby would make enough of a fool of herself in Adam’s eyes to break them up (she also thinks Anders is in on her plan to separate their children). But Kirby suddenly sobers up and makes for a charming companion. But she hints to Alexis that the sushi appears to be off, sending her into a panic wondering what Kirby did to taint the food. Running around the party knocking food out of everyone’s hands, Kirby just laughs and enjoys the show … and the sushi. Kirby may have won this round, but is she going to win the war? Speaking of war, the diamond payday was all a scheme between Blake and Dom to completely screw over Alexis so Blake can get his home back … and Dominique can be a real Carrington.

Fallon was surprised that Liam invited Nash to Adam’s birthday considering the two have never met, but Liam also invited Nash to stay there while he was in Atlanta so why not come to the party? And Nash is also planning to put down roots in the city, which sends up all kinds of red flags for Fallon. While she is occupied elsewhere, Sam asks Liam to come with him to help with something. Fallon takes the mic to tell Adam about this birthday present she’s giving him, which is hiring Nash to work on a series of medical articles that will take him to some of the grungiest places around the world … to which Adam responds, ‘Worst birthday present ever’ … and Nash follows Fallon to the study to tell her he’s not doing that and he’s going to expose her to Liam. But, surprise, Liam is waiting behind the door to hear everything (we are to assume that at some point Fallon told Sam what was going on and he got Liam into the study so he could hear it for himself) and is about to punch Nash in the face but Fallon tells him not to. And then she does. And then all is well as Liam says he was just trying to spend some time with her before he got busy with his writing and travel schedule. Awwwww.

It better not be Liam in that coffin.

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