Dynasty :: Everybody Loves the Carringtons


Here we are at the fourth episode of Season 4 (really just the second if you want to get technical) and we’ve already hit a fluff episode that really serves no purpose except to tie up a few loose ends and set up whatever is coming down the road next … and for Alexis that could mean absolutely nothing. But we’ll get to that. This was also a ‘gimmick episode’ but not a musical.

The gist of the A-plot this week is that Fallon and Liam are heading home from their honeymoon so Fallon can get them in front of a TV camera — they’ve been declared Atlanta’s second cutest couple, or something like that — to convince people, namely investors in Fallon Unlimited, that the Carrington dynasty is not a shambles. It’s not bad enough that Carrington Atlantic was tanked, Blake is homeless and Alexis has moved into the manor, but now Fallon finds Jeff sitting in the foyer which is his new office. At least until Alexis signs the divorce papers, and she’s not giving in to his demands until he gives in to her demands. Which is all going to make Fallon’s attempts to present a calm atmosphere at home all the more difficult.

Her solution until the interview comes from an episode of I Love Lucy in which Lucy and Ricky helped settle a fight by dividing the apartment in half. Fallon retreats into her mind and recreates the scene with Liam, in black and white and 4×3 aspect ratio, putting Alexis on one side of the room and Jeff on the other. Of course, as on the original show, what one wants or needs from the other side of the room is denied, but Fallon and Liam aren’t fighting so they can enjoy whatever they want from both sides. In real life, Fallon assigns Alexis a ‘Red Zone’ to stay in (although she’d prefer it to be a more rich burgundy) and Jeff gets a ‘Green Zone’, with a neutral ‘Yellow Zone’ where there will be peace so Fallon can do her interview.

Of course neither of them can stop fighting for a minute, and a drone with a flaming piece of paper, Alexis with a fire extinguisher, and Dominique appearing out of the blue (as she often does) put the kibosh on the interview. So Fallon enlists Sam to go on another Lucy & Ethel mission to find something to blackmail the interviewer with so she has to do the interview … but they get caught. However, Fallon’s tenacity was impressive enough to get that interview rescheduled.


But, to make sure there was no more havoc to ruin the interview again, Fallon locked Alexis and Jeff in a room and told them to settle their difference like adults. Back in her bedroom, Dominique popped up again to ask if Fallon knew where Jeff was. She lied and said she didn’t, but Dom just had to find him to show him a mock-up for an ad for the diamond company with she and Jeff in the photo. It was then that Fallon realized it wasn’t her mother Jeff was angry with, it was his mother. Without knowing that Jeff and Alexis had come to a mutual understanding, Fallon let him out of the room and told him to deal with his crazy mother and she’d deal with her own. And she did. She told Alexis that she was going to tell the world that the Carrington dynasty was doing just fine, and that she was distancing herself from all of it — she’s moving out of the manor. But … even though Liam would love to leave the madness behind, he tells Fallon that she could move 10,000 miles away and she’d always be connect to the family and she knew he was right. So, she went back and told Alexis that she was staying put and she will be the head of the Carrington dynasty. Alexis is thrilled that her daughter will be remaining in her house but … Fallon is purchasing all of the access roads that surround the manor, so if Alexis continues to act like a child the only diamonds she’ll see are when she’s playing Texas Hold ‘Em, because Fallon is done being the family’s collateral damage. Alexis looks like she’s pleased to have a new adversary. (And by the end of the episode, we still never know if she and Liam actually did the interview. They got dressed for it, but who knows if it happened.)

Meanwhile, Jeff did deal with his mother, basically reminding her that she’s never been a mother to him and that he’s given Alexis the money she needs to start digging for diamonds and Dominique can watch him as he exits the manor. I still have to ask the question if anyone has done any kind of surveying to determine if, in fact, there are diamonds buried on the property. Wouldn’t they have turned up during the construction of the manor? Did anyone verify the papers Dom keeps waving around claiming they are in fact authentic? Has no one questioned she was just hoping someone would finance their operation so she could take the money and run? Because she looked really upset about that when Jeff said he gave Alexis the money to dig. Is her scam going to be found out when that comes to pass?

There wasn’t much else this week. Sam went overboard with gifts and hiring NKOTB’s Brian Littrell to serenade Ryan, which he found just a bit overwhelming and overbearing when all he wants to do is just talk to Sam until they are back together in person. Sam finally came to his senses before he lost Ryan completely. Culhane has noticed that the player who got ‘Nancy Kerriganed’ last season has been playing oddly recently, doing great in the first half of a game, and poorly in the second, raising his suspicions. Using Kirby and Adam to steal the guy’s cell phone and keep him distracted while Culhane broke into it to find evidence of gambling and throwing matches, Culhane found what he was looking for. And it went much deeper into multiple players and the soccer league’s deputy commissioner. But the commissioner made Culhane an offer — ignore it all, or else the player will all testify that Culhane is the kingpin. (Not sure how that would work since Culhane has all the evidence he needs to prove otherwise.) And Blake is still on his quest to woo Cristal back, but she’s not having it especially after he ‘donated’ $11 million to her charity (which was just paying back the money he already took). No, she’s done, and she’s going to shack up with the priest. Blake, however, has other plans. After having Anders locate some ‘good friend’ of his, Blake went to make a confession to the priest — get far away from Cristal or his ‘friend’ was going to pay him a visit to wish he had followed Blake’s suggestion. Not sure that’s the way to get your estranged wife back, Blake.

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