Dynasty :: The Aftermath


Well, the third season cliffhanger from last week (what was meant to be the third season cliffhanger, that is) was no Moldavian Massacre. No one died, not even Evan. Kirby’s stab wound missed all the major organs, and Blake can’t walk but it’s just swelling at the base of his spinal cord. Both will recover. As for Evan, he had some minor wounds, was treated and released into police custody … although Fallon would have gladly kicked out the plug if he’d been connected to anything. So everyone is as well as can be expected, so Fallon and Liam can jet off to Bora Bora on their honeymoon, right?

Not exactly.

Fallon may not have suffered any physical injuries but she’s certainly got a very damaged conscience, blaming herself for bringing Evan into their family and holding herself responsible for the physical injuries sustained by Kirby and Blake. So now she’s turning into Fallon Nightingale, vowing to care for both of them until they have fully recovered. For Blake, that means notifying Alexis that she’s bringing Blake back to the manor for the duration of his recovery whether she likes it or not, and no matter how long it takes. Unfortunately, Alexis has fired all of Blake’s personal staff so Fallon is left on her own to do everything, from preparing food to giving Blake his meds … neither of which she’s particularly good at.

And when Anders bring Kirby home, Fallon adds her to the list of people to care for even though she’s got both her father and Adam at her beck and call. Meanwhile, poor Liam is being the best husband ever, totally allowing Fallon to indulge in her guilt trip but at some point he wants to go on his honeymoon. But Fallon makes every excuse in the book to stay with her ‘patients’, going so far as to create Bora Bora out by the pool but they don’t exactly get the private time Liam expected.

That’s because Alexis has scheduled a press conference to announce her new diamond venture to the world (in a ridiculously short dress). She thought she was going to be able to pull a fast one on Jeff by not telling him there were three partners in the venture, but he found out. He just didn’t know who. She couldn’t tell him it was Dominique so Alexis invented cousin Bob Morrell, and Jeff insisted they have dinner because Jeff’s not going into business with someone he doesn’t know. Alexis and Dom managed to hire and rehearse an actor to play Bob, and the dinner actually went well. So well that even when Jeff tried to buy Bob’s shares — and I fully expected him to take the check and run (but, of course, he couldn’t cash it with the name Robert Morrell on it) — Bob gave him a solid response that the diamond mine was left to him to keep it in the family. Alexis was impressed. Why she chose to have ‘Bob’ at the press conference is a mystery because surely someone would recognize the guy from his pizza commercial that’s currently running.


While Fallon is trying to distract Liam from the media circus on the lawn behind them, Sam just comes out of nowhere and takes Fallon’s cocktail, then Jeff shows up, Alexis’ scam blown by Culhane who looked into ‘Bob’s claims that he had season tickets to the Atlantix. Nope, no Bob or Robert Morrell ever had tickets, so Jeff knew Alexis was lying. And he was even more upset when Dominique appeared out of the crowd and announced that she was the third partner. That pretty much killed the deal with Jeff, so now Alexis and Dom have to go digging for another backer. Alexis isn’t about to put the manor up for collateral after working so hard to take it our from under Blake. But she has another problem with Jeff because she didn’t sign the divorce papers before the press conference so the good faith agreement she had with Jeff about the manor is now null and void and Jeff is moving in because half of it belongs to him.

It’s going to be a full house soon, and Sam has offered Blake a suite at La Mirage when he’s ready as a thank you for Blake’s support over the years … and not throwing him out the several times he had reason to. In return, Blake wants Sam to ask Cristal to talk with him. Sam isn’t sure Cristal will be receptive since she’s been shacking up with the priest — Blake thinks that’s over with — but he said he’d try. But Alexis saw Cristal and the priest at La Mirage the night of her dinner, and dropped the bomb on Blake that the two really seemed to be together. After Fallon nearly killed him and Kirby with her kindness, the both ‘fired’ her but Blake asked her to get his favorite cigars for him. She knew he only smoked them when he lost something big and he told her about Cristal, but Fallon said the Blake she knows would not give up so easily. (By the way, there was zero mention of Sam’s ‘husband’ this week. Weren’t they going to try to make their relationship work?)

Unfortunately for Fallon, she realized that she isn’t staying at the manor because she’s guilty about what happened to Blake and Kirby, she actually has no guilt (and Blake said that sounds like the Fallon he knows) she’s just terrified to leave the house, it’s her safe haven. Blake reminded her that she has a husband now, and he will be there for her. Since it had only been48 hours, she kind of lost sight of that in all of the mayhem but she had a talk with Liam and it looks like she’s reconciled everything and is ready to move forward with Liam by her side.

Cristal did show up to talk to Blake, to tell him that she’s leaving him for the priest but when she got there she saw that his physical therapist was doing everything wrong. She offered to write down some exercises for him and he was being so grateful that she even offered to be his therapist … but that was all. But she did not tell him what she came to tell him, so perhaps Blake will be able to sweet talk her back into his arms. He’s already admitted his faults of putting business ahead of his wife and his new attitude seems to have melted the ice a bit. Maybe he’s on to something.

And with all of the mayhem at the wedding, Shirley Duncan got very spooked and flew back to Colorado, telling Culhane to tell Anders that she’s changing her phone number and not to call her. Seeing this as a setback in his crusade to nail Adam to the wall, Anders has to resort to his own trickery to get Adam to confess to murdering his mother and pushing Alexis’ face into the fire. He does manage to push Adam’s buttons just enough to get the murder confession, which he recorded on his phone, but after Alexis kind of berated him for how bad his parenting was with Kirby (and Kirby’s words about how he basically deserted her when she was a child), Anders seemed to have a change of heart, telling Adam and Kirby that even he has things in his past he’s not proud of and people can change, so he’s dropping his crusade against Adam and he’s deleting the recording. But … Anders just couldn’t bring himself to actually delete the recording, so that is sure to come into play somewhere down the line.

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