Dynasty :: That Unfortunate Dinner


It’s crazy to think that it’s been a full year (shy of two days) since the last episode of Dynasty aired, a third season cut short by two episodes because of the sudden production shutdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic. While production was able to resume for Season 4, the pandemic played havoc with the network schedules forcing The CW to hold all of its new offerings until after December. And because of that very full schedule, Dynasty got pushed off until now, which means we’ll have a full summer of new episodes.

Of course, having a full year off also makes it difficult to remember exactly what happened in that last episode, particularly with Sam’s storyline. Luckily I was able to refer back to the last post (be sure to check it out if you need a recap too) and remembered the goofy bridal shower where everyone blacked out and Sam ended up marrying a male stripper. Now it makes sense as to why they are annulling or dissolving the marriage. But the guy, Ryan, might have other plans, lying to Sam about his flight being cancelled, or being bumped from his flight, to stay in Atlanta for a few extra days so the two can hang out one last time. Sam even fell for it … until he called the airline to confirm Ryan’s story and learned it was all a lie.

But, the bulk of the episode was focused around Fallon and Liam’s rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding. Actually, before that the show opened with a funeral, a casket being lowered into the ground, revealing Fallon sitting alone, dressed in black, in front of the grave. But that’s all we got before the episode shifted backwards six months to the day before the wedding, and a great joke about Cristal. If you’ve watched Dynasty from the beginning you know over three seasons there have been three Cristals and I joked that they should have made it a running gag that there would be a new actress playing Cristal every season. What they did as Fallon was complaining about the cake topper made me laugh out loud. Good job, writers!

Fallon is not one to hold to tradition, but Alexis not-so-helpfully reminds her that scoffing at tradition will only bring the couple bad luck. If Fallon wants this marriage to work — and we all do, so there better not be some nasty surprises coming or we revolt! — she has to adhere to the tradition of something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. She starts off with new — a shiny red sports car. Liam doesn’t believe in superstitions but he is more than down for the car. She secured something blue as well. Something old was an old clock that has been in the family for generations, but something borrowed was the hard one because it had to be borrowed from someone in their families who’s had a happy marriage, not easy to come by in the Carrington or Van Kirk families. Blake offered Fallon the boutonniere he wore when he and Cristal were married while he was in prison (even if their marriage is currently on the rocks), while Alexis offered her a crystal horse ‘with an ass full of diamonds’. Alexis assured Fallon this will help her and Liam ride successfully into the future. Fallon chose the boutonniere. But was that the best choice?

Perhaps not since Blake and Cristal are still trying to heal the emotional wounds they’ve inflicted on each other. Blake is desperately trying to save Carrington Atlantic, but putting business before his wife has taken a toll and driven her to have relations with a priest. But Blake is also trying to juggle a reconciliation lunch and a business meeting at the same time. The lunch is brief — it seems that Blake had Adam call Cristal to lure her back to the hospital so their lunch didn’t interfere with his meeting, but Blake is still having a hard time coming up with collateral to cover a new deal that will fix his finances after the Moldavian oil tanker blew up (thanks to Adam). No bank will float him a loan, and his only choice seems to be putting his personal wealth at stake. Seeing no other option, Blake finally signs the papers … shocking Alexis and Jeff, who were behind the offer the entire time. They are pretty sure they have Blake over a barrel at this point, but a Carrington always seems to find a way out of trouble.

Speaking of trouble, Adam is about to find himself in a heap of trouble when he discovers Anders is jetting around the world trying to dig up information on him. No knows where he is, but thanks to some quick snooping on Kirby’s phone — after she tells Adam her father’s been blowing up her phone all day — he sees that Anders is in Billings, Montana. Where Adam grew up. Where Adam murdered his mother by overdosing her. Getting more info from an investigator, Adam learns Anders visited the caretaker for more than two hours so she’s sure to have spilled all the tea on Adam, which prompted Adam to pack a bag and try to make a run for it. But Kirby stopped him and he admitted that he killed his mother and he pushed Alexis into the fire, and that Kirby’s father knows all of this (I don’t think he also mentioned making the oil tanker blow up but that is sure to come out). Kirby calming tells him that everyone has secrets. Do tell!


Dominique is also floating around the action this week, trying to get her new business afloat, a sleepwear company. But her backer is pulling out because the House of Devereaux reality series was cancelled and that was how the backer expected to be promoted. No show, no deal … unless Dom can cough up 50% of the financing in three days before her new show starts (A talk show? Whatever it is, it doesn’t involve ‘nighties’). She tries Blake but he doesn’t even bother humoring her. She sneaks up on Fallon while she’s taking the ‘something old’ clock which Dom reminds her actually belonged to someone on her side of the family so it is as much hers as it is Fallon’s. Fallon doesn’t care. But that clock does ‘strike’ an idea in Dom’s head.

The rehearsal dinner seems to be going just fine, but as Fallon and Liam are about to welcome everyone, they see an unexpected and unwelcome guest — Liam’s mother, whose entrance causes a waiter to drive a bottle of champagne through Liam’s face on a portrait of the couple (more foreshadowing since Fallon dropped the cake topper earlier and the groom’s head broke off). While Fallon and Liam are distracted, Dom decides it’s the time to take what’s hers — the clock. But Jeff catches her and makes her take it back. Feeling defeated, Dom makes a surprise appearance at her mother’s house to mend fences. But mom has a surprise for Dominique: a key to a safety deposit box left to her by her father. Could it conveniently be the cash she needs to launch her business?

While Liam is getting security to escort his mother out of La Mirage, she manages to have a word with Fallon who, surprisingly, suggests that Liam probably should talk to her. (Now if I’m a guessing man, I would say it’s going to be Laura Van Kirk who’s in that casket at the top of the show. I would assume her impending demise is the only thing that would make her want to be at her son’s happiest day. Right?) Liam and Laura come back to the party all smiles, so it seems whatever her plan was worked. And that’s because Fallon decided to replace the boutonniere with the crystal horse. Nothing else could go wrong, right? After the broken topper, the church flooded forcing the move of the ceremony to the manor, and the priest had an allergic reaction to kiwi so now they need a new officiant. And in walks the new priest, the one Kirby calls out when she accidentally turns on the microphone as the priest Cristal is sleeping with. Oops. (And how did she know? Did Cristal blurt that out during the drunken bridal shower?)

That sets Blake off, so Cristal yells out that he slept with Liam’s mother, Alexis adds that she’s slept with her husband, Blake punches the priest in the face (he thought he was coming to the Vank Kirk wedding, which technically he was), and Fallon has had enough, excusing herself from the festivities in as calm a manner as she could. Back at the manor, Fallon is sure their marriage will be a trainwreck where the train falls off a mountain, into the ocean and then hits an iceberg. Liam feels otherwise, saying all this drama proves they can weather anything … and then he pulls out cocktail napkins from every date they ever went on. Liam is a keeper. (You hear that, writers? Liam. Ia. A. Keeper!) So it looks like they may have the fairytale wedding Fallon has always dreamed of.

But … Fallon’s assistant Melinda seems to have other plans. It seems that she is in cahoots with someone who caused the flooding at the church, and was behind the priest’s allergic reaction, because anyone can officiate a wedding these days. That someone just may be Evan Tate, the guy who for a hot second thought he and Fallon had something while Liam was suffering from amnesia, and who now seems to be having a very hard time letting that very brief fling go. Uh oh.

What did you think of the season premiere? Tell us in the comments section below!


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