Thanks to the unexpected pandemic production shutdown, we’re left two episodes short of a full season of Dynasty, and unlike another CW series (Riverdale), this episode did not end with much of a cliffhanger. On the plus side, the episode’s three storylines were nowhere near as dumb as last week’s even if one of them was a bit on the goofy side.
And we’ll start there. I hope this marks the end of the writers portraying Fallon as a short-tempered child. She’s supposed to be a savvy businesswoman and judging by her recent behavior, there’s no way she’d ever be able to keep a business afloat. This week she proved Liam was right in not telling her about the ridiculous rescue mission he, Adam and Sam attempted by completely blowing things out of proportion when she did find out. To be fair she did have help in the form of Sam and Kirby who took her literally when she said she wanted to have an over-the-top bachelorette party. So a fake kidnapping that made us think Evan was back again got Fallon on a plane to New Orleans with Sam, Kirby, Fallon’s assistant (to keep everyone out of trouble) and Cristal (because Sam never saw someone chew so sadly) where they promptly got drugged and woke up the next morning with no memory of what happened. The only clues were their phones were missing, there was an anaconda in the hotel room, they all had on different clothes, and Fallon’s wedding ring was gone. And then there was the matter of the torn marriage license.
The bulk of this silliness had the group attempting to retrace their steps through what was basically a scavenger hunt that gave them the name of the groom, Scorpio, and landed them in jail for stealing their new clothes and jewelry from a local shop. Kirby got a hold of Culhane to bail them out, but no one even realized the assistant was missing. Fallon finally realized that all of the unknown calls on Kirby’s phone (they found hers at a bar) was the assistant and she was in the hospital … with a message scrawled on her back from Scorpio. Turns out he’s a stripper. Getting back into the club after causing a scene the night before wasn’t easy but the assistant was able to distract the bouncer with her boobs, and they made it in just as Scorpio was taking the stage (and he was a really terrible dancer, just sayin’, and the complete opposite of all the others who were big and buff). Turns out Fallon was not the Bride of Scorpio. Sam was. Fallon got her ring back, Sam gently turned Scorpio down and Fallon and Cristal may have buried the hatchet … again. But Fallon did realize that Liam was right about her and her insane prenup that read more like a contract with decrees that Liam will treat her equally ended up in the fireplace. And perhaps Sam rethought his whole ‘I’m just chilling, nothing serious’ comment to his new ex-husband.

Back in Atlanta, Alexis caught Jeff in bed with his old flame and he admitted that now that he’s not dying he really doesn’t care about getting revenge on Blake anymore, especially after they lost Carrington Atlantic to him, and he wants to end the marriage arrangement with Alexis before the end of their one year agreement. Alexis tries and fails to make Jeff think Mia is an escort only out for his money, but she insists that there is still something to their marriage and she wants to make it work. As far as CA, she still has an ace up her sleeve.
And that ace is Adam, now Blake’s Number 2 at the company. Unbeknownst to Blake (or not?), Adam is working with Alexis to destroy CA from within. But there is an issue of that ‘stolen’ oil from Moldavia that needs to be investigated, which will hold up things for relaunching CA. But Blake tells Adam that he’s got someone on the inside of the SEC who can make the investigation go away. The way he tells Adam every little detail about the upcoming meeting at an abandoned office building seems to be a set-up but all it did was allow Adam to have someone toss a smoke canister into the very room Blake and his contact are in, complete with a Welcome to Moldavia postcard wrapped around the canister, making Blake believe he’s been targeted by the Moldavian government.
But he still manages to make the investigation go away, and Alexis is ready to throw in the revenge towel herself. But Adam still has a plan that goes into play during Blake’s press conference. Adam had the captain of one of the tankers ‘poison’ the oil so that while it was being off-loaded from the ships it would explode causing Carrington Atlantic a half-billion dollars. What Adam doesn’t know is that Anders is on to him, having been doing background checks before Blake introduced him as the CA Number 2. Anders also learned Adam is dating Kirby, and the reports of Adam’s violent past are of concern particularly when it comes to Alexis’ little accident with the fireplace. She insisted to Anders that Adam saved her life after she tripped, but he paid off someone at the hospital to see her records and they clearly indicated that someone held her down. Anders tried to warn Kirby but she thinks he’s just treating her like a child again, so the episode ends with Anders heading north to do a little ‘hunting’.
And that’s how we leave off for now. It would have been interesting to see where the final two episodes of the season would have gone and what the big cliffhanger would have been. This was a weird season though. The first half was really strong and focused but after the winter break everything went downhill quickly with loony, disjointed storytelling with the writers once again pitting Blake and Cristal against one another. Maybe Blake’s heartfelt call at the end of the episode asking her to come back will put the couple in a better place, and maybe once everyone is able to get back to work the writers can once again focus on telling good soapy stories without turning the show into a complete farce.
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