The Good Fight :: Punditry and pregnancy


The Good Fight continues to be relevant with its storylines, and this week it tackles the Wild West of social media and the cult of celebrity which, probably since the series started, really put Delroy Lindo’s Adrian Boseman in the spotlight. Lucca got a little more attention this week as she revealed her pregnancy to the partners out of concern for her job.

Legally, no one could ask Lucca if she’s pregnant but once she learned Maia was given First Chair in the case Lucca has been working on for over a year, she felt it best to notify everyone of the situation and reaffirm that she is fully capable of doing her job and will only miss three days of work after giving birth. It all looks good on paper, but the reality of caring for a tiny, new human may be more than Lucca expected.

And Colin doesn’t seem to be making it easy for her as he will be sparring with her in the upcoming trial. Standing before Judge Friend (returning guest Bebe Neuwirth), Colin asked for another continuance with the date selected to resume the trial the same week as Lucca’s due date. Lucca believed Colin was trying to move the case so he would have to go up against Maia instead of her — so he’d win — but after a lot of back and forth and a refusal to grant the continuance, Colin tried to tell Lucca that he was actually looking out for her and the baby since it’s going to be a brutal case to deal with (a co-worker of his had a miscarriage during a similar trial). As she tried to shoo him out of her office, Colin dropped a little bombshell that could help a case Adrian and Diane are currently in court for.


That case involves the dangers of social media in revealing someone’s private information (very timely). A website editor is accused of publishing a private citizen’s home address after the son of the homeowner was seen in a photograph among a group of white supremacists which led to an arson. The young man denied being a neo-Nazi or having any connection to the others in the photo but he was wearing the ‘uniform’ — khakis and a white Polo shirt. The prosecution also had social media posts which seemed to confirm the man’s racist attitude but he again denied that was his words, he was just copying and pasting stuff to get a reaction.

During the case, Adrian found himself a sudden media celebrity after appearing on a cable news show as a ‘talking head.’ The appearance was brief and he didn’t even know who he was speaking to but his few minutes of air time went viral and Adrian was being recognized. The judge in the arson case went out of his way, a bit too comically, to keep reminding the jurors that a real court case was nothing like they see on TV. He was pretty condescending to them, addressing the jury more like children. But after Adrian was asked back for more on set appearances, he began to use his newfound celebrity to play to the jury … and the judge was not happy, dragging all the lawyers into his chambers to order Adrian to stop doing what he was doing. Diane, however, stepped up and asked the judge exactly what it was that Adrian was doing that he wanted him to stop, because all he was doing was pleading their case. When the judge couldn’t give her a concrete answer she told him to just give her she could appeal, which he did and they carried on.

But that little bombshell Colin dropped on Lucca completely flipped the case on its head as the arsonist had been arrested. And on the stand, under oath, she admitted that she’d never heard of the website and found the address in the phone book. Case closed and the website guy gets a nice settlement.


But back to Adrian and his meteoric rise to TV stardom, which came crashing down to Earth just as quickly. After Boseman’s first on air appearance, he made a major faux pas in bringing up another of the pundit’s salary. He was also ‘warned’ by the one other African-American man on the panel that he needed to stay in his lane. He was the ‘angry black man’ on the panel and Adrian was to be more of the elder statesman. After blowing up at the pundit about the salary, Adrian found himself the lone black man on the panel, the makeup person telling him that his performance was responsible for the other black man being fired. But on his third appearance, Adrian at first seemed lost in thought when the issue of race came up, with the white men on the panel basically complaining that black people can say the N-word but they can’t. Adrian said they could say it and dared them to, taunting them to say it until they cut to commercial. Back in the dressing room the host of the show popped in and gave Adrian a terse ‘fuck you’ … and that is probably the end of Adrian’s TV career.

The other major storyline of the episode involved Riddick, Boseman and Lockhart being invited to sit at the table with The Big Six law firms in Chicago. Adrian and Diane think this is great exposure for the firm but it seems there may be ulterior motives for the invite as the subject of police brutality cases are brought up, perhaps these cases are the reason why the police aren’t taking the ‘Kill All Lawyers’ deaths very seriously. It seems that RB&L is the only firm that really handles the bulk of the police brutality lawsuits, it’s 60% of their business, but why should this be an issue with the other law firms?

Thanks to Marissa’s clever ploy to get information from a paralegal in the lunch room, she had another bombshell for Adrian — the head of the Big Six group is trying to get the contract to handle the police department’s civil cases. He’s just pressuring Adrian to back off for his own benefit. Once that was revealed to the other lawyers at the table, the Big Six basically fell apart.

Back in her office, Diane seemed to be reveling in what turned out to be a pretty successful day when she spied, again, a couple in the building across from her office wearing Trump masks and having sex. Is Diane actually seeing this or is she losing it because of her microdosing? With the season rapidly coming to an end, Diane could find herself in a world of trouble.

What did you think of this episode? Give us your thoughts in the comments section below.


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