Shonda is keeping us perfectly disoriented when it comes to balancing out her ‘all-the-feels’ real-time dramatic elements of the show versus cheesy rom-com nonsense that makes us all roll our eyes and groan. But I want to start by praising her and the GA team once again for topical relevance and how to really put what a messed up world we live in right into perspective.
As the preview for this week’s episode showed, an ICE agent shows up for one of the doctors, who we quickly learn is an intern. And of course everyone was thinking Qadri, which is what I think think Team-GA was going for the way they kept zooming her in the promo material. But it’s not Qadri! It’s Bello! What?! Double-take! Time out!
How many of us – like I did – thought Bello was not an immigrant (or at the very least of Italian origin?) So shocker when we learn that she’s a ‘Dreamer’ or documented DACA. This such a powerfully unnerving hot topic right now. That a DACA individual can be deported if they break the law … even if it’s just running a red light. When that ICE Agent says, ‘I don’t even know what we’re doing anymore … staking out schools … taking out doctors …’ it really puts into perspective the state of things in our country. Well done, Shonda, well done.
And Meredith to the rescue yet again! Did anyone else’s heart skip a beat when she said Zurich and before she could even say ‘Doctor Yang has a job waiting for you’ we all went ‘OMG Cristina yaaaas!’ (And I had to go back and check to see if DeLuca and Cristina ever crossed paths … she was gone just before he arrived.) That was a shocker, but a brilliant way to put yet another relevant political topic under fine scrutiny within the Greyiverse, while simultaneously eliminating a character. (Bello is leaving, well, left now, and Arizona and Kepner too.)
Still unclear what’s going to happen to the two of them – Arizona and Kepner – maybe now we’re going to shuffle April off to Matthew and they can attempt to raise Ruby & Harriet together like the wedded couple that they almost never were. God bringing them back together with April secretly diagnosing Ruby’s FTT condition and all. Which is fine because Jackson will be too busy being crucified for undoing the whole hospital with his ‘road to hell is paved with good intentions’ MO. (What the hell has Harper Avery done now?!?)
Glad that Maggie’s childish behavior came to a close and that the Jaggie train is back on track. It’s even more annoying to watch them bickering and fussing like that than it is to watch them getting along amicably.
‘All the feels’ moment hands down came when Ollie took her last breath. How harrowing that was to watch Richard in that moment. Only we apparently don’t have to worry about his alcoholic relapse because his sponsor died … we have to worry about the hospital’s relapse because of whatever Jackson has unknowingly set in motion. (All a season’s ending ploy and device that we’ve seen before … we need to put the hospital in danger of collapse and ruin in the event that something catastrophic at ABC happens and somehow breaks their ordered renewal of Season 15.)
I’m still puking with love-sick nausea over the whole ‘I want to take your last name because I’ve never had the last name of someone who loved me before’ line of saccharine coming out of Jo’s mouth. But a tiny little part of me got all giddy thinking about how fun it will be to have two same-named doctors in the hospital again. (Dr. Shepherd? Dr. Shepherd? At least Jo doesn’t work in Peds!)
And what-what-WHAT is Owen doing now? He’s a single man who has never been single because he can’t avoid being coupled up, with PTSD from the war that he sort of but doesn’t actually have a handle on, he’s the head of the ER and a world-class trauma surgeon who works at Grey-Sloan – how on earth is he going to have the time to foster-to-adopt a kid??? Does anyone else see Kevin McKidd leaving as well? Maybe he’s going to pick up this kid and move to southern California to be with Meghan and Nathan and their son and live there.
Can’t even comment on the Kimmie / Alex thing. It’s just too heart-breaking. But at least we got a reprieve for a moment from Koracick. And is anyone else still feeling like things are going to fall apart with DeLuca and Arizona? It just feels sketchy to me. Bailey showing off her scar was really solid, even if it did look to be oddly placed – and when she said “…almost took me out of the game and left my child without a mother” it was really striking. But then it made me think about the start of the episode – where it was ‘take your kids to work day’ for Meredith and she was whining about three kids – but only had Bailey and Elise with her. Where was Zola??? Or is she old enough to be in school now?
At any rate, a great episode because of all the ‘OMG moments’ of emotion. And all of the suspenseful tension that she’s building up for the last few upcoming episodes. But what on earth is happening in next week’s previews??? POT BROWNIES???
Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.
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