Judy Garland and Gene Kelly shine in the Blu-ray release of Summer Stock


It has been awhile since I have seen a Judy Garland film. Of course, I have seen films like The Wizard of Oz and Meet Me in St. Louis. With the new biopic of Judy Garland, simply titled Judy, it was a perfect time for the Warner Archive Collection to release Summer Stock on Blu-ray. I haven’t seen Summer Stock, also starring Gene Kelly, before but when I read who the main stars were, I got excited to see the film. Jane Falbury, a small-town farmer down on her luck, finds her homestead invaded by a theatrical group. Gene Kelly plays the leader of the group, Joe D. Ross, and is invited to use the farmhouse by Jane’s sister, against her requests.


Summer Stock was such a fun film. This showcased why Judy Garland and Gene Kelly were still talented performers even after they had their big breaks. Garland and Kelly truly shine in this movie whether it be singing or dancing. There are plenty of musical numbers that were crafted well. My favorite moment of the film is the musical number ‘Dig, Dig, Dig for your Dinner’ after Kelly and his theatrical group learn they can use Garland’s farmhouse to stage their play only if they help around the farm. Kelly hypes his group up before performing a musical number as well as tap dancing. It is impressive what Kelly can do with his feet. Garland gives a great performance in the film as the down on her luck farmer who is trying everything to keep her farmhouse alive. Her determination is felt throughout the film and she provides a few solo musical performances that wowed me. This film relies heavily on its dance and song sequences and at times misses parts of the story. It is focused on trying to impress the audience that certain storylines within the film didn’t feel strong. It was a fun watch though and my two-year-old daughter danced several times throughout the film.


The video presentation for Summer Stock is bright, especially with the farmhouse and surrounding sets. This Technicolor production captures colorful sequences throughout the film. The end play the theatrical group puts on is lively and the outfits that everyone wears pop.


The audio for Summer Stock was fantastic. The musical sequences and tap dancing by Gene Kelly were presented clearly. One of my favorite songs, ‘Dig, Dig, Dig for Your Dinner’, allowed for the tap dancing and singing to be heard clearly. Judy Garland singing throughout the film, especially in the beginning, boasted her musical talents.

Special Features

  • Song Selection (14 clips) — Click on any song in the selection and it will take you right to when the song starts.
  • Summer Stock: Get Happy (16:31) — This special feature talks about the film’s development, hiring Judy Garland and Gene Kelly, and a discussion from Judy Garland’s biographer.
  • Vintage Tex Avery Cartoon: The Cuckoo Clock (7:06) — This short cartoon, which feels very similar to Tom and Jerry, is about a cat that is tormented by a cuckoo. It is a fun little bonus that is enjoyable and silly.
  • Vintage Peter Smith Specialty Short: Did’ja Know (7:50) — This black and white short presents information about new dads, radiators, greeting cards, and more.
  • ‘Fall in Love’ Audio Outtake — This is a short unused song performed by Phil Silvers, Gloria De Haven, and Hans Conried.
  • Theatrical trailer (2:55)


Summer Stock was a pleasant film with impressive performances from both Judy Garland and Gene Kelly. Kelly and Garland are some of the most iconic actors to ever grace Hollywood and it was fun to see the two of them together on screen, although this wasn’t the first time the worked together. The story isn’t as strong as its musical numbers, but it is still a great film with a satisfying transfer on Blu-ray.

Summer Stock has a run time of 1 hour 48 minutes and is not rated.

Warner Archive generously provided Hotchka with the Blu-ray for reviewing purposes.


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