Grey’s Anatomy :: Give A Little Bit


Let’s just be thankful that the characters of Grey’s Anatomy don’t have to self-quarantine, social-distance, or self-isolate. They’d all have the virus within a week.  

But that aside; how could they have known how prescient this episode is in regards to ‘only the wealthy get to be healthy’ and the stance they’re taking on medical care in this country. The fact that they have to take shady billions of dollars FROM corrupt sources in order to serve THOSE IN NEED … that pretty much sums up our entire health system. If you’ve got money, then you get the care you want. And they really slammed that home this week with the PTSD returning vet who even asks – ‘how many years will I have to wait before they can fit me in at the VA …’ It’s horrifying but it’s true.

Intriguing how Mer’s pro-bono day actually wasn’t really the focus. It was everything else. Jo trying to cope with her new identity. Wilson was the name she chose to run from her past back with what’s-his-face who bit it in the end after abusing her … but Karev was the name she took because she loved Alex (who did something so bad on set that he didn’t even get ‘parking lot of no return’, he got BANISHED to Izzie-land.) That’s a struggle. (For which Hunt has no answers, but really, we’re just trying to make him look good, so that when he goes ballistic after finding out Teddy cheated – twice – we’ll still feel sorry for him.)

That’s still not happening – the Teddy telling Owen the truth thing. Even after slamming it in Amelia’s face that ‘hypotheticals have consequences’ she still can’t bring herself to tell Owen that she cheated. And despite all the jerk-factors and everything else that’s wrong with Koracick? He’s actually being the bigger adult in this situation. You should feel bad for him. I do.

Nico & Schmidt are over. Good riddance. Nico DESERVES someone so much better. So glad he’s finally taken off the rose-colored glasses of his first romance. All those red flags of ‘this isn’t right’ look like normal colored flags; delighted that he’s going to find someone who is worthy of him and can give him what he deserves. (Too bad though; Nico was easy on the eyes.)


Speaking of departures … parking lot of no return was so yesterday. Say hello to the ‘highway of no return’ either because DeLuca speeds away down it never to be heard from again, or just like her one true love, he’s going to be splat on the side of it somewhere. (Next week’s promo gives zero indication and after-all, McWidow is waiting in the wings for a ‘third time’s the charm’ kinda thing? Guess we’re going to pretend Riggs didn’t happen …) THAT was intense. The code violet, which we knew was on him – and the circle they formed around him … it just sucks that he was right. But you could sort of feel that too. And again because she’s so in love with him? It absolutely clouded her judgement – Mer – and not seeing it. Bailey’s going to be kicking herself for that one.

Nice to see Richard and Jackson getting along, even if he’s still being squirrely about why he’s not operating. And Jackson – you’re lucky – because you have no friends. They all left when April left. But it’s good to think they’re going to the game together. Maggie kept her head down this episode and didn’t annoy anyone, nice change of pace. And it looks like Amelia and Link are going to be okay, as long as they keep fighting for their dreams.

DeLuca has gone off the rails; DeLuca knows how to spot a victim of human trafficking and be 100% right without issue. Two things can be true. They are not mutually exclusive. But when you go off the rails … it makes it so much harder for everyone to believe you.

Why isn’t Schmidt moving into the MerHouse? (Not THE Merhouse … but the FratFlopHouse of residents to include but not be limited to DeLuca, Helm, Parker, Brody – and the protege?) THAT is the housing solution. A-Mer home, not-THE Mer home since Mer is living in THE Mer home. But it’s cute for two seconds that he’s going to live with Jo while they get sad together.

Next week takes us away from the hospital; change of scenery isn’t a terrible idea … guess we’ll just have to wait and see how things progress. If they ever do get back to filming the conclusion of Season 16 (I think they were three episodes shy when production was halted due to COVID-19). The season finale is definitely going to be a viral pandemic. That is the one mega-disaster that has yet to hit Seattle.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.

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