Warner Bros. Pictures
Motherless Brooklyn came out in theaters one week after my son was born so I didn’t have a chance to see it in theaters. This Edward Norton directed film was something I was interested in seeing and I am glad that Warner Brothers was able to provide me with a copy of this film to review. Norton directs Motherless Brooklyn, which he also stars in, and it is inspired by Jonathan Lethem’s novel by the same name. Norton took Lethem’s contemporary characters and placed them in a different period and set the drama in the 1950s in New York City. Norton stars as Lionel Essrog, a private detective living with Tourette Syndrome. His only friend Frank (Bruce Willis) is murdered and Lionel sets out to solve the murder.
Motherless Brooklyn is a lengthy film which clocks in at 144 minutes. Norton started writing this film back in 2012 and took many years to start filming this movie. Norton’s passion project has a classic noir atmosphere that I immediately fell in love with. He understands how to set the scenes, utilize the settings, and provide characters with intriguing backstories. There were a few moments throughout the film that could have been shaved off. Not every aspect of the film felt necessary, which makes certain parts of the movie drag. The film still would have worked as a whole if some time was taken off. Norton is an actor who I’ve enjoyed throughout the years. His work in such films as Fight Club, Moonrise Kingdom, and The Incredible Hulk have impressed me. I was excited to see him take on the role of a director and for a second time since his last film, Keeping the Faith, which was released in the year 2000. He managed to create an atmospheric film that impressed me on many levels.
Motherless Brooklyn looks great on Blu-ray. The large set designs are captured well and offer a lot of little detail. The film presents its darker scenes in a way that still feels bright. The costume designs for the characters resemble a lot of the 1950s clothing. There are beautiful shots of the city and it looks even better on Blu-ray.
I was impressed with the score and audio for Motherless Brooklyn. There are many moments within the film that feel intense that are elevated by its score. The score adds a lot of emotional moments within the film and the audio for the release captures the sound and music well. Since there is a lot of dialogue within the film, I was happy that there were no issues with the audio and it was presented clearly.
Special Features
- Making Of: Edward Norton’s Methodical Process (9:38)
- Commentary with Director Edward Norton
- Deleted Scenes (5:19)
The DVD of Motherless Brooklyn also includes the ‘Making Of’ special feature.
Motherless Brooklyn is a well-directed film with complex characters. It did feel too long at times, but for the most part, I was engaged with the storyline. Norton put a lot of effort into directing this film, which he started a while ago. It didn’t perform too well at the box office, but it is definitely a film worth checking out if you missed it in theaters just like me.
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment generously provided Hotchka with the Blu-ray for reviewing purposes.