Playing deadly games in Riverdale

Warner Bros. Television

Riverdale seems shadier than usual this week with three major storylines unfolding.

The first, of course, picks up from last week as Ethel recovers from her seizure, leaving Betty to suspect that Evelyn Evernever just might have something to do with it since she was at Betty’s house during her seizure and spotted nearby during Ethel’s. But how could this girl have that kind of power? Wanting to learn more about the Gryphons & Gargoyles game she was playing with Ben and Dilton, Ethel agreed to give Jughead a tutorial … but only Jughead, which left Betty to feign interest in a new club at school to recruit new members to The Farm. Evelyn was happy Betty was showing interest, but later at the Cooper home, Betty walked into what seemed like an intervention with Alice, Polly, Evelyn and other women from The Farm in attendance. And they know all of the Cooper women’s secrets, much to Betty’s dismay. But what kind of power do these women have?

Jughead met with Ethel at the bunker to learn how to play the game, wanting a copy of the manual — or the Scripture as Ethel called it — to see exactly what was going on with this game and why two people are now dead because of it. Ethel was pleased with Juggie’s game play and then they got to the part where he had to drink from one of two chalices, just like Dilton and Ben had done. Ethel told Jughead he was being ridiculous if he thought one of them was poisoned, so he took a chance and was fine. But Ethel grabbed the other one and drank it, collapsing into Jugheads arms. Luckily he was able to get her to the hospital in time, and he came away from the game with two things: blue stained lips and the Scripture. But FP and Alice somehow found the manual in Jughead’s room, and FP was not happy when he saw Juggie’s blue lips, and he burned the manual so no one would ever be able to play the game again. Betty and Jug now assume their parents had played the game when they were teenagers but still don’t know what it’s all about. At school the next day, everyone has a copy of the Scripture, slipped into the lockers by Ethel at the bidding of The Gargoyle King.

At the Leopold & Loeb Detention Facility, Archie is learning what it means to have been tapped and what it means to be the new Mad Dog. The warden is running a bare-knuckle boxing match at the prison, and Mad Dog was the star fighter. Now Archie is to be in that position but in his first fight he knocks his opponent out with one punch. The warden and his ‘guests’ want blood and Archie is instructed to go for at least six rounds. The next match features an opponent Archie could easily beat but he told the guy to hit him to prolong the fight. The guy turned out to be pretty strong, or Archie was just being a good actor because he was pretty beaten up by the time he landed that KO punch. With the victory come the spoils, but Archie’s not to thrilled with what he’s becoming — the warden’s new star.

Warner Bros. Television

Veronica is having money problems at Pop’s and Betty wonders why she hasn’t opened the Speakeasy in the basement yet. She’s putting her life on hold because of Archie which is exactly what he told her not to do so she moves on with opening the Speakeasy, Le Bonne Nuit, with Josie as her resident chanteuse and Kevin as the MC … as long as he can sing once in a while. Even Reggie is turning up more this season, serving at the bartender. But Penny gets wind of this new venue and comes to Veronica with an offer of ‘protection’ from the Ghoulies. For a price, of course.

Ronnie’s not having any of it, pretty sure her father is behind the shakedown especially after she receives a shipment of Jingle Jangle she definitely did not order, followed immediately by a surprise inspection from Sheriff Minetta. Visiting Hiram with a warning that unless the shakedown stops, she’ll shake him down by notifying the FBI about a secret drug lab in the basement of the Whyte Wyrm. On opening night, Hiram shows up with a portrait of Veronica, telling her it would be more fitting in her new place. A sort of peace offering. He even tells her he’s proud of her and spends a little time at the Speakeasy before slipping away. All may seem well, but as we all know, Hiram cannot be trusted. Is the portrait bugged perhaps? I don’t know but it seems shady.

Riverdale airs Wednesday at 8:00 PM.

What did you think of the episode? Is Hiram up to no good? Is The Farm a cult? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.


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