Let’s Talk About ‘Alien Dinner Party’:
- This is basically a ‘bottle episode’ that takes place primarily in one location (with one additional existing set).
- General Wright meets with David Logan on a bridge to exchange the alien ball for his complete freedom from the agency. Unfortunately, a sniper shoots David and he plunges into the ragin rapids below the bridge before handing over the ball. Wright takes off but we are left to assume David is dead. The sniper … is an alien in human form.
- Harry does not like surprises and he demands everyone leave his house. Mayor Ben is adamant that they are staying to celebrate Harry’s birthday. He doesn’t know there is another birth to acknowledge as well.
- Liv is pushing her deviled eggs on everyone (her grandmother’s secret recipe). Ben refuses, but he finally tries one and loves it, but Liv won’t give him a second one because he doubted them at first.
- Harry changes his mind about eveyrone leaving when Ben calls Jay to bring a pie along with all the other food. Harry doesn’t want ‘garbage cake’.
- Harry hides the egg in the bunker, but when he goes to the basement to get ice, he finds that it has hatched … and his race’s babies are very, very carnivorous.
- Sahar realizes that the Men in Black took Dr. Stone after Max told them the doctor was an alien, and is fearful that they will return for Harry once they figure out Ethan is not an alien.
- Kate confirms she’s pregnant, then learns too many secrets have been kept between Ben and D’Arcy.
- Liv admits to Asta that she did see a UFO when they were camping all those years ago, but Asta plays off that there are no aliens in Patience.
- The baby gets loose and Liv is certain there is an alien among them, and she’s going to call the alien hunter.
- Harry and Asta, mostly Asta, have to keep making excuses to keep everyone in the cabin so they don’t get eaten by the baby.
- Harry encounters the baby outside the cabin and it attaches itself to his head, delivering a very surprising message.
Harry, Asta and Dan are more stunned than surprised when they find Ben, Kate, Mike, Liv, Liv’s husband and D’Arcy in Harry’s cabin yelling ‘Surprise!’ Harry wants them out by Ben in adamant that they will celebrate Harry’s birthday whether he wants to or not. But Harry has more pressing issues to deal with, namely the alien egg he’s carrying in his bag. He believes it will be safe in the bunker, but with the alien being a hybrid he still has no idea what will happen when it hatches. He does warn Asta that his kind are very hungry when they hatch, and can tear things apart with ease. And they all might end up as food if they aren’t careful. Asta wants to get everyone out of the cabin for their safety, but when Harry has to get ice from the basement — to keep Mike from going down there — he finds the egg has hatched and the baby has escaped to the outdoors. Harry keeps the news to himself and tells Ben everyone stay. But only if there is pie. Ben quickly calls Jay to ask her to bring one along with all the rest of the food.
Asta and D’Arcy catch up and Asta is surprised to learn that D’Arcy has quit drinking … since one o’clock anyway. But she’s found a new lease on life and is starting to take care of herself for a change. Meanwhile, Liv is pushing her deviled eggs on everyone, but the description of how they are made quickly makes Kate nauseous. She runs outside before she hurls, and D’Arcy comes out to check up on her. She finally convinces Kate to take the pregnancy test but Kate already knows because when she mentions the smell of sulfer to Ben (from the egg hatching), he doesn’t smell it but he reminds her how she had a bionic nose the last time she was pregnant. But she takes the test and it is positive.
Back in town, Max and Sahar are doing homework at Max’s house (with Nurse Ellen as their babysitter) and Dr. Ethan Stone’s name comes up. A lightbulb goes off over Sahar’s head and she realizes that the Men in Black took Dr. Ethan after Max told them the town’s doctor was an alien. And she knows that once the government discovers that town doctor is human, they will be back for the other town doctor and they need to warn Harry and Asta. Sahar knows how to lull a babysitter to sleep — with gently narrated nature documentaries — and they manage to get Nurse Ellen to nod off. She briefly wakes up when she hears the door open, but she just tells them to be back before Max’s parents get home.

Harry tries to lure the baby to him in his bedroom with Reese’s Pieces, but Asta tells him he can’t hide out in his room while there is a party going on in his honor. And the pie arrives, so the carnivorous alien baby is quickly forgotten. Liv corners Asta and reveals that she did see a UFO when they were kids, but Asta brushes off the idea that there are aliens in Patience. Jay arrives and Liv leaves Asta as Jay is coming their way. Jay surprises Asta by asking if she wants to hang out on her birthday. Asta is ecstatic that Jay asked and agrees, then she runs off to the bathroom to have a moment of happy tears. D’Arcy thinks something is wrong, but Asta says she’s fine, she just sneezed. Asta is also surprised when she opens the toilet and finds the alien baby in the bowl (which made me gasp as hard as she did). Asta is not happy to know that Harry knew the egg hatched and put everyone in danger. Asta asks Harry if he has ammunition for the guns in the cabin, and Harry tells her they are all loaded because the human Harry was very ‘rednecky’. Asta tells Dan the egg has hatched and they need to form a plan of action while keeping everyone else safe.
The kids show up at the cabin and try to get Asta’s attention but they are distracted by a sound. They see a raccoon … which is quickly devoured by the alien baby. The kids seek safety high in a tree. Mike tries to leave but Dan ‘convinces’ him to stay. They haven’t had cake yet. Harry goes to the basement again to look for the baby and is followed by Ben, who tries to get around to asking Harry to accept the position as the town’s doctor. Harry sees the camouflaged baby on the wall about to attack Ben, but he intervenes and knocks the baby off the wall while hugging Ben, telling him he’ll consider the offer. The baby somehow ends up swimming in the punch bowl, and Mike notices the punch tastes a little spicier than he remembered.
The party quickly goes south when Kate tells D’Arcy that any dreams she had of escaping Patience for New York are gone now that she’s learned a resort is being planned for Patience. She overheard a call Ben received confirming they won the contract. D’Arcy does not believe a resort is being built because the photos Ben took were for the website. Ben overhears them talking and admits he did take the pictures to win the contract but … he’s also going to use them on the website so it wasn’t a total lie. Mike comes over and believes he’s diffusing the situation by telling Kate to not be too mad because D’Arcy kissed Ben, and he didn’t reciprocate. Except that’s not what the conversation was about. Oops. D’Arcy takes responsibility but Kate just wonders if it wasn’t a big deal why didn’t Ben tell her about it?
Asta joins the conversation and also agrees that Ben can’t put a resort in Patience, and Ben wonders why no one can keep a secret because Liv and Liv’s mother also think it’s a bad idea. Mike can’t keep secrets from someone who buys him bearclaws every morning. Liv adds it took two bearclaws to find out about the kiss. Dan tells them everyone can hear them fighting now, because they have ears, and Ben says they are not fighting, he’s just trying to explain why he and D’Arcy were hanging out the other night. Oh, that’s one more layer to this lie now. D’Arcy adds she hid some weed in Max’s room, but back when she was banging Ben. Asta asks her is she actually smoked 14 year old weed and D’Arcy said she did and it was not good. Ben assures Kate that nothing happened and D’Arcy slept in Max’s bed. And then Ben decided it would be best if Kate didn’t know D’Arcy was there so she took that to mean she needed to sneak out through Max’s window. And she stole a candy bar as well. In the end, the only person Kate really felt betrayed by was D’Arcy, believing this new friendship they had was just born out of D’Arcy’s guilt and deception. D’Arcy’s sobriety quickly came to an end after four hours, while Kate stormed off to the bathroom. But, hey, they still have to blow out the candles on the cake!
Ben goes after Kate and she tells him she’s pregnant, which of course he briefly held over her head as a deception (Mike told him that was not the road he wanted to go down at this point), and neither of them are really sure what to do next. Except to get naked and start going at it in Harry’s bathroom. And then the lights go out. Harry and Asta play it off as a rabid raccoon had chewed through the wires, and Asta and Dan take up arms to try to find the alien baby. In the basement they find Max and Sahar who tell them about the mix-up with the Men in Black and the doctor, and Asta asks Dan to get the kids home safely. Liv is talking with her husband on the sofa and senses a presence, certain there are aliens in Patience, telling him she’s going to call the alien hunter. Outside, Asta and D’Arcy have a heart-to-heart and Asta tells D’Arcy to call Elliott and unmess up the mess she made by ditching him the night of their dessert date. D’Arcy texts him and he texts back immediately.

Harry is searching for the baby outside the cabin when he spots it. The baby leaps at him and lands on his head, attaching itself to Harry’s skull, delivering a message to him from … Goliath. Goliath reveals to Harry that his people are not coming to kill everyone on Earth because … they’re frightened of the other aliens already on Earth that will kill them. But a shot rings out, and the alien scurries away into the lake. Harry is bleeding. The guy from New York, telling Harry he should have just stayed in Colorado and done his job, then said he should have never made Harry kill Sam Hodges, he should have just done it himself. But before he can shoot Harry again, another shot rings out and the guy falls to the ground. Asta shot the man. D’Arcy shows up and sees Asta with her rifle, Harry shot and a dead man on the ground. ‘Oh shit.’
And that concludes the first half of Season 2. We be back later this Summer when the season resumes. Tell us in the comments below what you think of the season so far!
Resident Alien will return to Syfy this Summer.