Not sure how this episode could be any more basic … and it was actually about two rhythms shy of flat-lining. A loooot of recycled plot points being revisited here. A lot.
Kwan fainted in the OR with Katherine, Schmidt, and Adams. Because when Dr. Fox cut into the penis there was geyser blood. But the bigger takeaway here was the nervous patient, who hadn’t told his wife of 37 years that he was having problems and needed surgery. When the wife showed up, in a very concerned way — with the laughable note of ‘he forgets I handle all the insurance payments’ but she wanted him to have his pride but she needed to know he was okay … that was the mirror-foil for the fact that Katherine has been hiding the return and progression of her cancer from Richard, which they do finally address at the end of the episode, but not before his patient dies, despite their best efforts being reduced to palliative care.
Schmidt even comes together as a fully fledged, albeit ho-hum, doctor — who loudly and proudly proclaims that he isn’t ‘Glasses’ anymore. Does the whole universe — including both himself and Jo — just ignore/forget the fact that he once slept with her? He’s got himself a date with hottie-hot Carlos, the nurse who’s pulling a double shift and no, Schmidt, cannot go get a drink with you right now but will tomorrow. Didn’t that nurse say he was a travelling nurse though? So isn’t he unlikely to stick around? Anyone else think he’s got Eli vibes from when Dr. Bailey and Ben were apart after the shooting?
Hunt did a thing — he pulled a George and asked for a redo. (I feel like most of us forget George died … in a roundabout way … because of Hunt!) He called up and gets an overseer to re-evaluate his suspension. Which he passed! But not before nearly blowing it and getting Bailey to give the biggest piece of advice needed this episode (which we’ve heard before — though usually in references to medical malpractice and threats of suing doctors/the hospital.) ‘Have you tried apologizing?’ Stop defending the right things you did and apologize for the wrong things you did.
And just like that — he did. To Teddy. All of it. And she apologized too. And they made up. And he got his license back. And poof. They’re still not MerDer but they’ll do for now.
Simone and Lucas really are the anti-MerDer in literally reverse-Grey-Shepherd fashion. Remember when McDreamy chose Addison because he felt he had to? Just like Simone is doing with whatshisface right now? And remember when Meredith tried to move on (with so many I can’t list them all) and Derek basically went ballistic because he wasn’t really over Meredith? We’ve got exactly that right now with Lucas, who’s picked up — Kara? Cara? Carol? Who cares. Tall-blonde-sorta-looks-like-Izzy but from Internal Medicine. And they’re having ‘Keep Grey House awake-at-night’ shenanigans. And Simone is having NONE OF IT. So are we going to play that game all season while Simone figures out that it’s really Lucas she wants and not her fiance? Will there be a prom and she’ll run off to an exam room and end up with her panties on the bulletin board?
Link is still blacklisted. Maggie is still staying at Amelia’s — though that was a very touching moment where Amelia pointed out that even though Meredith moved away, she and Maggie are still sisters. Sorta hope Winston finds someone nice to move on to? Or maybe have a shot of being developed as a character. He’s basically a John Doe with no real identifying factors. Like they never even touched on/attempted to resolve the whole flim-flam-double-dooped brother situation with him. He could literally be Dr. Smith. Or Dr. NoName for all the development they’ve given him outside of his inveiglement with Maggie.
The proverbial bliss is gonna hit the fan next week, though. Maybe that’s why we had to have such a ho-hum episode this week. Addison’s BACK. AGAIN. AND — it looks like some rogue and violent pro-life protesters create another violent and dangerous situation for the doctors to handle. We’ve had an active shooter, mega storms of all sorts, plane crashes, ferry boat crashes, a live bomb in a body cavity … can’t say we’ve ever had a rogue, angry mob tear up the hospital before. Next week is going to be brutal.
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New episodes of Grey’s Anatomy air Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.