The House of Grey — henceforth the name for the house where EVERYBODY lives/lived. Once again — filled with partying, dancing it out, and lots and lots of booze. Only this time it’s with 60% of the new interns — specifically Simone, Yoshida, and Lucas. Because Kwan and Jules are stuck at the hospital — *gasp* somebody’s gotta work, after all — dealing with a serious patient on Webber and Maggie’s service.
Link is still dealing with the fallout from the Tank’s death and can’t even leave the hospital without getting egged. This is how he ends up with Scout when Amelia gets pulled into an emergency surgery on Webber & Maggie’s patient. Which results in him (with Scout … sleeping through the entire screaming shouting episode somehow …) being physically pulled in to assist Jo with a laboring mom. How. HOW did that kid sleep through it!? Of course Jo gets the gooey-eyed nonsense thrown at Amelia at the end of the episode — ‘he’s so perfect … how could you just throw that away?’ — and Amelia quickly quips back, ‘He wasn’t perfect for me but he may be perfect for you.’ Also we got some facetime with Kai. Showing that Amelia and Kai are still an ongoing involvement; that’s nice!
While the interns party it up, Teddy and Owen have Ben and Bailey over for what is arguably the most amped-up, tension-fueled ‘dinner party’ (of just the two of them) to hit Grey’s since Callie brought Penny to Meredith’s house for dinner. BOOM. Teddy and Owen spend the entire dinner just sniping and biting at one another and eventually Bailey busts out with ‘GET HELP!’ and maybe they will. They probably won’t. Ben and Bailey are on the rocks ever so slightly — but recognize this as they leave — stating that they don’t want to turn into Teddy & Owen. And the revelation of Ben resenting Bailey for going back to work comes out … though it’s unclear how they plan to settle that.
Back at the hospital — the esophageal cancer patient, whose cancer has metastasized to her brain — causes Kwan to go rogue-ish. I mean compared to all the rogue-nonsense previous generations have done — him suggesting a medical divorce for the couple (who are drowning in debt because of all of the patient’s surgeries and cancer treatments) hardly warrants the way Maggie responds to him. (Maggie is new-April in the sense that she is so obnoxious we all wish she would leave.) We learn at the end of the episode — in a much needed ‘stand-his-ground’ moment that Kwan’s mother didn’t have the option to divorce him when he opened up credit cards and dug himself a Mariana trench of debt for her medical care and that he wouldn’t wish that on anyone. And self-absorbed, self-centered, void-of-empathy Maggie just immediately internalized that to ‘how does this relate to me and Winston?’ She even asked Richard about how when he and Katherine hit the rough patch — how he knew if it was just that or something ‘more malignant’. Brilliant surgeon? No doubt. Huge pain in the ass, self-absorbed, and totally unlikeable without many redeeming qualities? Also no doubt.

The house party results in a ‘dance it out’ with Helm of all people, and Yoshida … who might be vibing on that slippery slope of fun-to-romance, but we’ll see. Levi even gets semi-picked up by a traveling Nurse who’s totally flirty and totally what Levi needed to find his mojo and get back in the game, so to speak.
Lucas is the one who loses out big time here. As Simone ultimately chooses her ex over him. Even though he’s toxic. And a mess. Guess it was time for the Shepherds to be on the other side of the ‘pick me, choose me, love me’ coin. So instead of Derek walking back to Addison, Simone walks back to Jacob. Or whatever his name is. Engagement ring and all. Leaving Lucas just — lost. Again. But hey — there was drinking and dancing and even a moment when you could see all the drinking and dancing inside with Schmidt and his traveling nurse making out just outside on the veranda/porch/near-the-swing. Just like old times. Parties inside and out with that house.
Next week we get the return of Katherine Avery — and a penis surgery. So that promises to be exciting, as the tensions explode between Owen & Teddy, no doubt Simone is going to slip up and follow the Derek track, and we continue to learn more about our lovely little interns.
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New episodes of Grey’s Anatomy air Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.