Grey’s Anatomy :: A Hard Pill To Swallow


So no residents – at least we’re doing that part of the time-hop right! Parker, Sims, Schmidt, (and by proxy Niko) and Helm are all off this week, recovering from last week’s bar trauma. But they’re all alive and well. Hooray for residents who survive unmitigated disaster. (And for once Meredith was involved not one iota!)

The real big bomb-drops on this week’s Grey’s – ironically or perhaps perfectly titled ‘A Hard Pill To Swallow’ was Amelia’s half-honesty – revealing to Link that the baby’s paternity is in doubt, and Koracick’s unbelievable vulnerability, but we’ll get to that later. Amelia, all things considered, is handling this with astonishing maturity; she’s really grown a lot as a character (and I think this is meant to show us just how very stable she on the other side of her massive brain tumor.) That said, I think Link misunderstood her just a hair when he told Jo that she said that the paternity didn’t matter. (While I think she doesn’t care if it’s not Link’s, she does still need and want to know.)

Link, on the other hand, seems to be struggling the most here. He wants to be okay with it, but Jo – unlike the not-poisonous catfish that our dumb ER patient swallowed at his bachelor party – plants barbs of doubt and poisonous questionability into his mind. So now he’s hurt and not okay with it. (He paged her to the plant room, for crying out loud!)

The more I learn about Tom Koracick’s really troubled past, the more I think that maybe he and Mer should end up together. The difference between the two of them is just opposing ends of the spectrum. He let his traumas harden him into an asshole and she persevered through hers. You’ll note how since his arrival to Grey-Sloan Memorial, he’s had virtually no interaction with Meredith whatsoever? I smell trauma incoming. But his confession to Bailey at the end; THAT was beautiful. Sort of like when he confessed to her about his son, and previously when he’d discussed it with April. He really is a tortured, beautiful man, who just grew this pompous wall of defense around himself … though after two miscarriages, losing his elementary-aged son, divorce, etc? I can see it.

Bailey’s back up and running … possibly making promises she can’t keep, but up and running all the same. She’s in league with DeLuca this week as they try to crack down on a mystery patient a la House M.D. (I mean that show went off the air, we still can’t account for the total and utter disappearance of Alex Karev, so we’ve got to distract loyal watchers somehow, right?)


Speaking of up and running, Mer’s going to have a hell of a time explaining that not only does she know the nightmarish-terror ‘Dr. Yang’ but that Cristina is her person. Good luck, McWidow, you’re in over your head. (LOVE Mer untying Amelia’s shoes – SO LIKE SISTERS!!! Because ‘you flirted with my potential man even though I’ve got a mess of a maybe-boyfriend on the side…’) There is some actual – can’t call it chemistry yet – but some sort of connective tissue. Maybe it’ll grow into something beautiful. Or maybe it’ll be a fistula. Too early to tell. Can’t help but wonder if Kevin McKidd and Camilla Luddington are finding it difficult to keep up their American accents now that Richard Flood is around.

Teddy found her ring. Leo swallowed it. Best-worst side-distraction ever. (Which we only find out because Owen is an over-paranoid parent … like every Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital Doctor ever) and has x-rays done after he throws up. (Also, which doctor is owning up to Patient-Zero Lucas? Not a daycare name I’ve ever heard before.)

Dying with laughter when Jo said she fears for the entire male gender because of their stupidity. She’s not wrong. Had all the warm-n-fuzzies when Richard leaves Maggie but still comes back with food because that’s what his mother taught him to do. Very much over Catherine Fox and her piss-poor attitude about their marriage. She screwed up, can’t cope with her screw-up, wants to blame his previous infidelities for her guilt about her screw-up … grow up, Catherine!

Big picture takeaway this week? Vaping turns your lungs into rubbish dumps. Toddlers swallow everything – including precious Hunt-Family heirloom engagement rings. Tell the potential father of your kid that he might actually be the potential father of your kid the minute you learn he might not be the potential father of your kid and then immediately get a paternity test. Have coffee with McWidow (I know he doesn’t have the luscious McDreamy hair …) and light a candle to remember the piece of your heart that your miscarried child took with you when they passed. Forgive yourself, and talk about your feelings after you eat pancakes. Don’t swallow big fish from an aquarium tank while drunk on a dare at your bachelor party.

Next week promises more forced-crossover with Station 19 and no doubt a catastrophic series of traumas … since it appears to be taking place at an anniversary dinner for Richard and Catherine. Buckle in, it looks like a bumpy ride from here!

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.

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