Find a Penny, pick it up, all day long you’ll have – Dead Derek.
I’m pretty sure of all the possible outcomes we all saw coming – NOBODY saw the actual Doctor who killed Derek Shepherd (because Penny was just the intern who didn’t quite do enough) coming back into the picture. And then promptly going right back out of it. Brace yourselves this week, though it’s just blips and flashes, it’s still reliving the carnage of Derek’s final traumatic moments and it will rip-afresh those barely healed wounds of Dead McDreamy.
And while we have all the old flashback footage at our disposal (for every blessed thing that’s ever happened or gone wrong … and some things that went less wrong or even went right) we still have no guest returns. Cristina testified by letter, infamously quoting her ‘you are the sun, Meredith’ in her closing remarks. And supposedly too there were letters from Callie, Robins, Kepner, and Addison Montgomery, which we didn’t have to have read. Krista Vernoff can’t seem to get actual cast members back so we got back Patricia, Katie Bryce, and Ray the Paramedic. (We’ve already brought Katie Bryce back once, and who knew Patricia ever left? I think I thought she was like Bokhee who just gets tucked away until randomly needed to remind us that she’s still there.) But it was nice to see both Patricia and Ray. And oh my God the flashbacks. Brace yourself – lots of dead folks arising in this clip-bits. Lexie, Adele, Denny (for a hot microsecond) and a whole lotta Derek.
Not sure how Alex wrangled that mass of patients up on the spot like that … but it was a nice move. Meredith losing her damn mind (and rightfully so) at that Doctor though – WHAM. When she bolted up and roared out those names, ‘the names of the four spouses I’ve lost’, WOOF. To quote Chicago, ‘He had it coming.’ And it’s a bit like when Paul Staddler bit the dust … you didn’t want to be the one who killed him but you were also glad he was gone.
Still cannot get behind this Bailey nonsense. And jealousy? Not being ‘in the family’ for Richard? THAT is an inexcusable and petty excuse to go after Meredith, and I don’t care if she did come back and put her little bit in … I guess because Hunt has mellowed out, someone’s got to take over being Jerk-Supreme, so they tossed it to Bailey for a bit. (And why, why, WHY did not one throw up that Bailey had also committed insurance fraud to help a patient!? Oh yeah, because nobody at GA remembered that until a fan pointed it out a few weeks ago.)

Cannot even begin to address DeLuca. Meredith should not have to explain herself and try to back pedal to him about that ‘If I lose my license, and I can’t cut but you can, we won’t make it,’ thing. Because it’s truth. And Derek would have understood that. All along he’s never understood that. Can he please hop a plane to Switzerland (I’m sure Cristina can find him a position) and hook back up with Sam?
Hope Richard comes out okay with everything and everyone … wonder how long he and Alex will stay over at PacNorth now that Bailey’s off the warpath … and poor Schmidt! He wasn’t trying to do any harm … first, do no harm … it’s just real unfortunate that now he’s going to be shunned among fellow interns … residents? Are they residents yet? I think they’re still interns.
And why are we jumping down that Jaggie path again!? Because Vic isn’t getting enough crossover screen time? PS – anyone else foresee Maggie picking up those drinking tendencies of Richard’s? Alcoholism is a genetic disease, after all. Fall finale is nearly here (Only nine episodes in the first half of the season? Seriously!? SERIOUSLY!??) Guess we’ll all be hanging off the edges by this time next week.
Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.
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Agreed about Jaggie and Deluca! I just can’t with these storylines. They need to figure something else out.