There was a lot of action on this week’s Dynasty but the main focus was on Fallon … because, of course, why waste the talents of Elizabeth Gillies, who can make even the silliest of plotlines entertaining even when they’re not coherent? And Gillies certainly earned her paycheck this week as the writers found their stash and turned in the goofiest episode of the season so far.
So what happened this week? Adam is still holed up in the loft, hiding from Blake and painting pictures of cats and hoping that father will allow him back once he’s cooled down a bit. That ain’t gonna happen. Alexis sees this as the perfect opportunity to recruit Adam into her little cabal with Jeff, unaware of the history between the two. She doesn’t know Jeff’s hatred for Adam stems from the little poisoned paint incident … until Jeff finally reveals the truth. And it upset her for a minute but she still hopes the two can work together so they can keep up their revenge campaign.
Now, ever since we got New Alexis, she’s been in superbitch mode from the moment she stepped into the courtroom. Maybe I’ve forgotten some things from last season, but I really unclear as to why Alexis is so suddenly hellbent on destroying Blake. I mean, he wasn’t the one who pushed her face into the fire. She’s gotten over that and forgiven Adam so what’s the beef with Blake? Meanwhile Blake is on a spending spree buying up companies left and right until he finally realizes what he really wants is Carrington Atlantic. Of course, that seems to be Jeff and Alexis’ ultimate revenge as they resort to blackmail to buy the company themselves.
Sam is enjoying his relationship with Fletcher but totally freaks out when Fletcher says the B-word: boyfriend. Kirby is back in the manor and is basically an ear for Fallon, Sam and Adam. Cristal is trying to dissipate her rage against Alexis after learning it was she who fired the shot that killed Mark and her baby-to-be, but no amount of meditation or yoga seems to be working. Sam finally decides to commit to Fletcher … and then finds out he’s already in a relationship, and Cristal calls her brother to kill Alexis.
But really, this week was all about the antics of Fallon who still doesn’t have Liam to keep her occupied (at least they mentioned him this week, explaining that he’s off on some writing assignment). But Fallon’s day started off badly when an article called her ‘the forgotten Carrington’. Now all she wants is to be remembered and eclipse her father in the business world. And she thinks she’ll be able to do that with her heretofore unknown streaming service. Of course, during Blake’s shopping spree, he bought his own streaming service and the investors Fallon had on the hook were suddenly more interested in dealing with Blake.
But Fallon assumed that with her connections, she could talk Culhane into letting her take over the Atlantix’s half-time show as a giant commercial for her service after she learned that the soccer game was going to be broadcast in Spain, a huge market for her investors. Except the half-time show, that no one watches … this ain’t the Super Bowl … is already set and cannot be changed so Culhane gives in and lets Fallon be the named sponsor since she doesn’t want to put her name on the stadium itself, calling it a waste of money.

The half-time show is being coordinated by Fletcher, so Fallon concocts a plan to send fake protesters to La Mirage to protest the work environment, before revealing her plan to Sam and possibly damaging the business he’s just gotten back on its feet again after the soccer player knee-bashing debacle, which will distract Fletcher from the half-time show because he’d have to go to the hotel to quell the protest and deal with the press. That will give Fallon time to get her fireworks display ready to go … something Culhane explicitly told her she could not do in the middle of a soccer game.
But she’s Fallon and she thinks her hare-brained scheme will work. And on top of everything else, she presses Sam into duty as the team mascot because the regular guy refuses to run around on a field dodging fireworks without at least some rehearsal. With Sam in place and Fletcher and Culhane now aware of what she’s about to do, they are just a few seconds too late in stopping the show … which ends up setting Sam on fire and burning the banners with only F U and Spain remaining intact. And somehow, it all worked out and Fallon got her investors back on board … but the soccer game was delayed by an hour because she also managed to set the field on fire.
If Gillies wasn’t so good at delivering her one-liners and plowing through the most outlandish material with ease, I might have been really embarrassed for her this week. And even though it all made me cringe a little, it was still funny but after a really solid ten episodes up to this point this season, I hope the writing staff had their fun and got this out of their system so the remaining eleven episodes of Season 3 don’t run the show completely off the rails.
What did you think of this episode? Tell us in the comments section below!