Grey’s Anatomy :: The Whole Package


Six sorts of faff-tastic all around Grey-Sloan Memorial this week. A strong balance of nonsense and humor to help even out the ugly-cry severity of last week’s episode, though there are still some deep and troubling things happening. Though probably the most deeply troubling is where Jo’s mental status is ultimately headed … and whether or not she’s gonna make a break for it and run.

The more we get DeLuca forced on us – like this whole passive-aggressive Richard Webber approval thing – the more we dislike him. Maybe it’s because half a hot minute ago he was deeply and world-endingly ‘McDreamy choose me’ style in love with Sam Bello. Who got deported not even a full year ago and already he’s so deeply in love with Meredith that nothing else matters. Maybe THAT is why he and Mer just don’t work. End of story. Move on. It’s cute that Mer is sort of hung up on him for a moment – because clearly Link has other options (and too bad Riggs sounds really happy back in SoCo with Megan) – but that too shall pass.

Alex seems to have developed late-onset Izzie syndrome. He’s waaaaaaay too invested in the patients. First it was Kimmy, now the boy with golden blood. He’s in peds so he has to advocate for his patients like Robbins taught him – but I see this leading to disaster. Maybe it’ll pan out that he meets a great mom once Jo’s sanity finally breaks and she runs away from him too.

The whole Jo storyline is a huge back-pedal and just making her intolerable. It’s a lot to process, but we’ve been down this road with her before. And the fact that she just keeps shutting Alex out shows that all the progress made on building her up and changing her was basically for naught. No one’s perfect but … she’s heading for disaster. Of course, if/when that happens, maybe Alex & Mer will get together. (They’ve been so subtly subconsciously hinting at that since the very first episode of season 1 that even though we’ll all hate it at first – we’ll all just swallow it as acceptable … just the way we swallowed McDreamy as the adulterer and cheered him on to be with Mer even though when Clive did the same thing to Maggie … we ran him out of town on a rail. ‘Good guys’ like Alex & Derek are just what Grey’s supports will – well – support.)

LOVE LOVE LOVE that Megan tries to knock some sense into Owen. Hooray for his penis and his penis saving the patient’s penis, so to speak … and of course only on Grey’s Anatomy could you have a character shout in exultation, ‘My baby brought me a penis!’ and it be a cause for joyous rejoice. But Owen is still deeply, deeply screwed up. Been saying that since day one. We saw it with Cristina, and Amelia, and Teddy and Amelia, and Teddy again. And Megan is 100% right. He needs help. But he likely won’t get it. And he’ll likely continue to be a walking tornado when it comes to both Amelia and Teddy.


Best thing about this episode was Bailey and those STEM students! We’re putting female power in perspective! (Catherine Fox is head of urology even though she’s not there full time!? But at least we have Catherine Fox …?) Yoda she was indeed. And that little conference of the Jedi Force between Bailey and Webber, talking about Alex having the interns doing all the monthly reports. That was hilarious but so, so accurate. ‘He must never know that he has done better than us.’ HA!

Good to see more patient-case involvement, even if it was brief. LOVED seeing Alex’ practiced hand with ‘getting through’ to his peds patients, even if this one looks like another hopeless case. The Mer-Jackson estranged-sibling bonding thing is not completely unpleasant. They both have/had actual fathers who are not Richard Webber … and yet still have Richard Webber. It’s sort of par for the course.

We finally get to meet the missing Shepherd sister next week!!! (And possibly some of Derek’s 5 nieces and 4 nephews? Since obviously none of them are Amelia’s … or does nobody remember Derek telling Meredith that way back when?) Of course, that means next week will likely be ‘superfluous distraction’ taking Amelia & Link to NYC … but that’s a series of characters we haven’t yet thoroughly explored so I’m cool with that.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursday at 8:00 PM on ABC.

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