Richard Webber is the epitome of his generation – truthfully. Shonda has once again addressed a hot-button issue – with misgendering/correct pronouns with the patient who comes into the ER via the helipad … which suddenly has a receiving channel? Since when? Every helipad instance in Grey-Sloan history has this itty-bitty lean-to and the doctors running like mad out under the chopper … but suddenly now we have a receiving tunnel … I digress. Richard doesn’t mean to misgender, but isn’t going to hide his struggle with it. He flat out says it’s hard on the ear, and that he wants to adjust and is trying to keep up – but the world is moving so fast. I love this illustration of where he is because it is so prevalent in society. He wants to do the right thing but learning something new – unless you’re the other patient this episode – doesn’t happen in the blink of an eye, especially when the new is changing at breakneck pacing.
Not sure that it was the best use of Shonda’s storyline resources to make the Gender Fluid patient also the tie-in to Jackson’s mama concerns, but i guess we can only have three patients when Teddy becomes the fourth. HOT MESS right there. Not Teddy, but the all-out war that’s going to devolve around her. For as big of a sleazy jerk as Koracick started out being, we’re all pretty much smitten with him now … and even when he was that lovable sleazeball, he was always honest with it. He never tried to front the way Owen does. And despite Owen’s spectacularly hilarious ‘baby-talk’ voices … he’s still a mess. He’s let Amelia go. For now. He’s still got Leo, and Tom Koracick is right. Teddy deserves better. Always has.
Nice to see Carina is still there … but I guess we need to find her a hot and steamy doctor/intern/fellow/resident/patient to get down with? She swings both ways if memory serves, and was way, way more interesting when she was getting hot-n-bothered with Arizona (and also Hunt) last season. She’s really super bland and milquetoast these days and if we’re keeping her (especially in trade for Arizona and Kepner … at least Kepner’s obnoxiousness was noteworthy!) she needs to get a personality transplant. Stat.
Poor Schmidt. Numbers? Add that to the ever-lengthening list of nicknames. Remember that time he was Blood Bank? Though that was probably actually a pretty cool nickname. (Anyone remember Charles Percy – ‘Nose Dive?’ DeLuca and Maggie said it. ‘Kids are mean; it never ends.’ They’re both right though completely out of context with one another.)

We got all four interns this week too! Maggie’s mood rooms are a bit much … but it was a great excuse to sneak in some Dr. Bailey dorktasticness! You go, Dr. Tetris! And I loved that ‘Action Force 4’ moment where they slow coded their walk out of the double doors into the mathlete room. HILARIOUS. The hospital is full of super dorks! Love it! I’ve always loved how Sci-Fi Bailey is. (Callback to that kid encased in carbonite at the end of season 6!) Speaking of the mathlete kid, Nora, looks like Mer’s auto-eyelet cell thingy was a screaming success since that’s the surgery she was having! (HOW do Alex & DeLuca keep working together? I feel like after the ‘beat to a pulp’ incident many seasons ago … they just need to stay far, far away from each other. Mer’s temporary fling or not.)
Speaking of temporary flings … is this one with DeLuca over with yet? Seriously. I know that he ‘needed a minute’ and Meredith is easily swayed by boys who speak Italian and cook for her … but it looks so awkward. And she’s right. She is so way past that point in her relationship. Of course … Link isn’t really an option anymore, and I’m hating Link & Amelia far less than I initially did.
That blue-room sexy time was really a lovely cap to the show. (Clearly Jo’s mom-hunt did not go well since she feigned sleep for Alex and woke up crying … either that or she didn’t go and spent the day hiding out at home … coin toss, really.) But the whole ‘let’s avoid one another because we have such great chemistry’ has clearly worked for every couple who has ever sexed on Grey’s in the whole of 15 seasons. Clearly. And when did Maggie become the sister we tell the secrets to? Also, where was Dr. Kim this week? Still can’t have a full cast running all at once? But I’ll settle for the four interns.
Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursday at 8:00 PM on ABC.
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