Grey’s Anatomy :: Blowin’ in the Wind


Legit lost count of how many mega-disasters have hit Grey+Sloan over the last 15 seasons but we haven’t had a wind storm yet, so why not!? And did we seriously not fix the generators from the end of Season 9 when the last mega-storm swept through Seattle? Seriously?? Because when the power goes down (thanks to all the McHotness happening in that ambulance bay!!!) and for two seconds we get total darkness – and then the back-up lights flicker on – shouldn’t they re-power the elevator?

Dear Cici, while you’ve had a fabulously extended story arc – please take your organs and go. At this point, don’t even care if you’re going to an above ground or below ground destination, just go!!! Let’s get back to finding our Mer-matches the good old fashioned way. In a bar. With a guy. Or you know, doing a reverse-semi Derek and picking up the intern. Even though DeLuca’s not an intern anymore. Honestly I’d say keep looking. Or bring back Riggs. He was the closest thing to Derek we were ever gonna get. Link’s new hair looks stupid and DeLuca is just – I don’t know – something about him just doesn’t situate well with Meredith. Though at least he sort of knows her kids?


Sisterhood of the Fracturing Hippa. That’s what we’re going to start calling Maggie & Meredith. ‘You broke hippa with Teddy, now we’re even.’ Two rights don’t make a wrong, Meredith. But all things considered, she probably should be prepared, especially since Jackson knew about her mother’s breast cancer long before she did. Big question is, will Catherine make it? Or is she already dead? Koracik answered her phone, Maggie is boo-hooing on Jackson at the end saying ‘so sorry, it’s your mom’ even though we know she only just learned about Catherine’s mega spinal tumor … so flip a coin for a gut check and let’s see if she makes it to the other side of the season.

Betty came back high, no surprises there. Great work on the parallel patient stories to make Amelia realize just how much she loves Betty. And the whole ‘basically unscathed’ thing with Teddy and Owen’s patient … though, seriously? Blurting it out in the OR like that!? I get it, Jackson had to weigh in about Harriet, but seriously? Come on. We can do better, Shonda. As for the three of them … and all the babies that may or may not be … well, guess we’ll see how that plays out now that the cat is almost out of the bag.

Speaking of cats out of bags … anyone else thinking Jo’s pregnant? Scrambling around for those chips like the world was ending when she couldn’t find them? And seriously? Not that you wanted anything bad to happen to Alex or Jo – but the way they kept panning in on that window whilst they were reliving their second honeymoon? Why didn’t something come flying through it? (Like the tree through Meredith’s living room window the last time those two were together in a mega storm. We recycle every other thing around here …)

Benching Richard was the right call, thank you, Bailey. Why on earth does that man immediately jump to the ‘my wife is having an affair’ when he could’t get Catherine on the phone? Why is that everyone’s assumption at Grey+Sloan? #toomuchsexytimeinelevators At any rate, he’s getting back on track, that’s good. And did we miss an episode where Ben & Bailey separated? Do these things just happen in vacuums of space that we’re supposed to remember not happening like they happened? And how did HE not end up coming through the ER in the wind storm? THAT was what we were all expecting/waiting for … but I guess Station 19 must be holding its ratings okay for the moment.


Did Parker blow away in the super wind storm? Saw all the other interns … though who could focus on anyone but Glasses with all his passive-aggressive UST between him and Dr. Nico Kim, who now has a first name! Saints be praised he has a full name that has been recognized and spoken aloud! SO MUCH PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE. There is a land called Passive-Agressiva and while Addison Montgomery-Shepherd may have been its queen? Schmidt is sooooo its ruler now. Loved his little dorksplanation of the Sun-thingy. (D&D Sword?) Super cute. Dorks unite! AND FINALLY – that McHotness Explosion, which clearly brought down the power-pole of the entire hospital as you witnessed, was FINALLY FINALLY exploded! WOO! Also, Dr. Kim is a moron trying to go through the ambulance bay. But hey, how else were we going to get them trapped in the ambulance? Because you can’t make out in the Denny Duquette Memorial Clinic!! Even Mer-Der never did THAT.

Somewhat of a lackluster Winter Finale … but I’m thinking that’s because we’ve only had 8 episodes to build ground with. I feel like in previous seasons … before ‘winter finales’ were a thing … we got like 10 or maybe even 12 episodes to work with. But let’s all praise the TV gods that it’s not Season4 & the writers’ strike all over again. Guess we’ll see how things play out at the end of January 2019. Probably not till the second or third week in … but let’s all chew on this for a bit before we go. Kate Burton is listed as a guest star for this season, alongside Jeff Perry, who we know is dying and will be making a reappearance as Thatcher … but surely Ellis’ lil ghosting on Dia de los Muertos isn’t what they meant? Will Ellis somehow be a tag-along with Thatcher? Maybe there’s another ‘memories-based’ episode coming in the back half … we can only hope!

Happy Winter Holidays & New Year’s!!

Grey’s Anatomy will return in early 2019.

What did you think of the winter finale? Start a conversation in the comments section below.


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