Dynasty :: My Family, My Blood


Let’s Talk About ‘My Family, My Blood’:  

  • Fallon thinks Cristal is too soft when it comes to protecting the Carrington dynasty.
  • Ben hopes Alexis can help him get some dirt on Blake, but she’s not really in that loop anymore.
  • Sam tries to set Culhane up with a new waitress, but Culhane is not playing Sam’s dating games anymore.
  • Liam and Dominique may be each others’ muses, and Dom shares Ben’s plans to subpoena Blake’s lawyer’s records … but she wants to be left out of the feud.
  • Culhane happens to meet a woman who wanders into the Sahara Club, and sparks begin to fly even as they agree to have a Not a Date date.
  • Adam wants to hawk his new injectable youth serum on Alexis’ home shopping show even though it’s not a product that can be sold on the show.
  • Jeff, Kirby, Amanda and Dex are all MIA this week.

You can usually count on an episode of Dynasty to have some camp value to it, usually from Elizabeth Gillies’ perfect comic timing and live delivery. This week was not one of those week in an episode that had very little humor, and what passed for humor was just … dumb. There were a few storylines this week, the main one focusing on the developing feud between Blake and brother Ben, but the one with Alexis and Adam was a bit much even for the absurdities of this show.

Blake, Ben, Dominique, Fallon & Cristal

The Carrington brothers feud is escalating, and after coming up short with Alexis — why Ben thinks she has any access to Blake’s private records anymore is anyone’s guess (although if she wasn’t sniping at Adam all the time, he may have been an ally) — he dropped a little info on Dominque — he’s planning to subpoena the private records of Blake’s lawyer to try and prove that Blake wanted to ship their mom off to a nursing home so it wasn’t Ben who was negligent in her death, but it was Blake who simply didn’t want the burden of caring for her. And even though Dom doesn’t want to be in the middle of the feud, she lets Blake know of Ben’s plans.

So that sets Fallon into action, with Blake agreeing that they need to break into the lawyer’s office and steal the records. Cristal tries to reason with the two of them that newly subpoenaed records that suddenly go missing will only make Blake look more guilty. Fallon just thinks Cristal doesn’t have that Carrington spirit to defend her family at all costs and when she says she will pull off the heist on her own, Cristal says she is coming along. Fallon fights her on that but Blake agrees that Cristal should go as well because the lawyer has never met Cristal (or, apparently, even looked at a newspaper) and he hasn’t seen Fallon since she was a child (or ever read a newspaper). Fallon relents but tells Cristal that she’ll do all the talking because the lady who takes down all the transcripts is a sweet old lady and old ladies love her … or they don’t hate her. At the lawyer’s office, Cristal asks to speak with him privately, nothing on the record, so they leave the room and Fallon clumsily asks just where all the records are kept. The nice lady tries to assure her that everything is safe and sound and she has nothing to worry about as far as privacy, but Fallon’s pressing of the subject didn’t raise any red flags. Instead the woman helpfully told her everything was locked in a closet next to the rest room. And there is a guard on the premises at night.

Fallon and Cristal go into cat burgalr mode — they even brought a change of clothes so they’d be in all black for the night time heist — but with the guard making his rounds every nine minutes it was going to be difficult to get in the building. Fallon decided to take matters, and a crow bar, into her own hands but wet blanket Cristal once again tries to tell her that was not the best idea because the guard was armed and she could end up getting shot. Again. Cristal also finally lashed out at Fallon and told her that just because they have different methods, it doesn’t mean that she cares about the family any less. And for the record, she insisted on coming with Fallon to protect her from herself. Ouch. Back at the manor they explained the situation to Blake and he agreed they did the right thing. But after they left him along it didn’t stop him from calling up an associate and getting him to steal the records. The news of which got back to Ben pretty quickly, bringing him to the manor to not confront Blake but to gloat. Blake fell into his trap. He was never going to subpoena those records and now he has a case against Blake for potential evidence tampering since the timing of the break-in is a little suspicious. Ben finds it amusing that Blake filed a motion against Ben citing lack of evidence and now there is a lack of evidence, giving him the feeling that he’s already won his case. Of course he’s now got not only Blake on his wrong side, but Dominique as well after she learns he just used her to deliver that false information to Blake. But Ben may have an ally in Alexis after all. And in the end, Fallon apologized to Cristal as they agreed that their differing methods were both effective at protecting the Carrington dynasty.

Alexis and Adam


Dex is apparently away on business, and Alexis is busy preparing for a special event on the shopping network she and Dom work for. As the two wrap up their weekend show, Dom announces she will be taking a little time off to focus on her designs for the airline now that she’s in the top five in the running to be selected as the official designer. But Adam is still besieging Alexis with requests to come on her show and hawk his youth serum injectables … that can only be obtained through a doctor. Why does Adam think a shopping channel that Alexis just works for, not owns, is even going to allow him to push something they can’t even sell? Even Alexis tries to get this through his head but he persists. Bringing her a strawberry-banana smoothie to butter her up, Alexis suddenly falls ill with a high fever and laryngitis. She’s so ill that the network has ordered her to stay home so what a perfect chance to Adam to step in for her since he’s her partner in Alexam? (These two need to watch the Showtime series I Love That For You because it seems like the writers did.) While he sees this as his big chance, Alexis sees it as sabotage, certain that he poisoned her smoothie. But even though she can’t speak (until she’s on camera, anyway), she is not letting Adam get away with his shenanigans. She goes on with the show but begins to have a bit of a relapse on camera. Luckily there was a doctor in the house and Adam was there to save the day … and push his product. It went so well he got an offer to host his own show, which he surprisingly turned down. He also felt some kind of way about being accused of poisoning his mother and suggested that since she’d been jet-setting around the world on her honeymoon, perhaps she just caught a bug and brought it back. She did eventually call Dex who confirmed that he too had been ill with the same symptoms so Adam is off the hook, and it also made Alexis reconsider some of her bad behavior with her kids. Deciding that she didn’t want to screw up Amanda’s relationship with Kirby, Alexis popped by the manor to leave Kirby a note of apology … but she couldn’t stop herself from snooping in her drawers. There she found what she thought was Kirby’s diary and still decided to read it, discovering that it was Anders’ diary with all of the Carrington dirt. And she’s only too happy to share this information with Ben.

Sam & Culhane / Liam & Dominique

So Sam is still trying to fix up Culhane even though Michael told him not to. But after he screwed up the relationship with Sasha — and Culhane tells him it was not his fault — Sam has hired a new waitress that he thinks will be perfect for Michael. But Mike says nah, and Sam says if that’s the case then can he please fire the woman because she’s doing a terrible job. Culhane again says nah. But while hanging out in the Sahara Club before opening, a woman walks in a catches Culhane’s eye. Since the bar isn’t open he offers to walk her over to La Mirage’s bar, but it’s definitely not a date even though the two seem to have a lot in common. Later when Michael is telling Sam about the woman — which definitely turned into more than a date up in one of La Mirage’s rooms — the bartender chimes in and says he knows her too. Okay, how? Oh, she used to stop by when the club was under construction to see her husband. The man Sam and Culhane ‘accidentally’ electrocuted. Oops. So does that mean she’s there for revenge? Is she setting up Sam and Culhane? Michael isn’t about to find out and he ghosts her before their next date. Sam tells him it’s for the best, but after overhearing her talking to Sam with a story that sounded like she and Culhane just met by chance because she had only stopped by the club to get some kind of closure, he ended up taking her out on a real date after all.


Liam and Dominique are both suffering some artistic blockage. Liam can’t come up with a good idea for his next book, and Dom is having some difficulties with her designs for the airline. So while he has nothing to do, Dom presses Liam into being a model for her to see how the uniform she’s designed fits. Ben had actually given Dom the idea for her new design after talking about a mosaic called The Four Seasons, and that led her to create uniforms for the different seasons — four times the work but in the end she felt that would set her apart. Liam had lunch with his former literature professor who suggested that he come and speak as a guest in one of his classes to talk about being a successful, published writer. Liam wasn’t sure he wanted to humiliate himself in front of a class, but the offer was still on the table. Later that night, Liam was smoking some weed to loosen up and told Fallon he’d accepted a position at the university as a lecturer, saying that perhaps getting out of the manor for a change may spark his creative juices so he can write his next book (after an earlier trip down memory lane through an old photo album only resulted in him finding a brownie recipe online which he actually baked … hours before he started baking himself).

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