Dynasty :: Do You Always Talk To Turtles


Let’s Talk About ‘Do You Always Talk To Turtles’:  

  • What the hell was Sam wearing? 
  • Have you noticed the last four or five episodes have started with a scene with a shirtless Liam in Fallon and Liam’s bedroom? 
  • Amanda apparently spent the night with Kirby, but now she wants to take things slow. 
  • Sam has a shocking vision of Culhane’s future with Sasha. 
  • Jeff has developed a Batman complex, much to his mother’s concern.
  • Morrell Green is losing clients because of Fallon’s connection to Blake’s airport so she springs into action.
  • Amanda drops more threats regarding Adam’s position with the hospital, so he calls an old friend to help import more of his special ingredient.
  • Liam and Fallon have serious mother issues.
  • Alexis and Dex must be off somewhere planning their wedding.

Mothers, or mother figures, played a part in the major storylines of this week’s episode of Dynasty. The only plot where a mother didn’t play a role was in the budding romance between Amanda and Kirby. After having spent the night with Kirby, Amanda attempted to sneak out of her room without being seen … but why would it have been a big deal if she was seen? They all live in the manor now and the two are seen as close friends by everyone else so it wouldn’t be unusual for her to pop in and say hello. would it? But after a bit of snogging, Amanda decides she wants to take things slow and go on a real date, but their picnic is interrupted by Blake who needs urgent legal assistance to get his airport open on schedule.

Also not mother-related was a minor ‘we’re running out of storylines for Sam and Culhane’ story in which Culhane and Sasha (who was oddly never seen during the production of the movie even though she was often the source of many of the production’s problems) pop in to say hi to Sam, and Sasha sees that Sam has a tarot deck. Asking him to read her, she draws the Queen of Wands which she pretty accurately describes as someone who is a natural born leader and inspires others, and incredibly self-aware. She says it’s the best card, but Sam sees something else, so he runs to Kirby with this fear that Sasha will bring chaos and destruction to Culhane’s life (I’ve found no such description of that card in any online sources). But to save his friend, who is about to ask Sasha to move in with him, Sam creates a problem at the club that Culhane needs to deal with while he’s on a date with Sasha, and Kirby just happens to be there to slip into his seat at the restaurant to have a chat with her friend Sasha. Kirby basically tells her that Culhane is a big stick in the mud, and before you know it the two have parted way. Culhane knows that Sam set him up and Kirby helped but … the split because he was unaware that they were seeing other people. At least she was.

Meanwhile, Jeff has developed a Batman complex after his break-in at the pharmaceutical company and dumping the formula for the medication on the internet. Now he wants to take down a designer sneaker manufacturer who is basically robbing his employees, cutting into their benefits, and paying his wife from a secret payroll account. Dominique doesn’t think it’s a great idea … and she’s not giving up her two pairs of sneakers because the owner of the company is a bad guy. Jeff reveals his plan is to buy a large amount of stock and expose the owner on a Zoom call of stockholders. After Jeff’s home is vandalized, presumably by the pharma guy, Dom is even more concerned for Jeff’s safety and reminds him that he can do what he needs to do more like Bruce Wayne than Batman. If he destroys the company’s owner in front of the stockholders, he is also putting 500 employees out of work. Jeff doesn’t seem to care about that as he is in vigilante mode, but after the meeting he informs his mother that he took her advice, bought more stock so he held a majority share in the company and fired the guy instead. And now that he’s gone, Jeff can proceed with exposing his misdeeds to the IRS without harming the company or its employees.

Fallon is handling the news of her being unable to have children well, and still wants to build her legacy and save the planet. The only problem is that the companies she wants to work with no longer want to work with her or Morrell Green because of her father’s airport. There’s also the matter that his company, PPA, was originally owned by Fallon but an airport is not exactly what environmentally conscious companies think of when they are trying to go green. So Fallon hatches a plan to replace light fixtures, escalators and other energy consuming equipment at the airport with her own green technology … but the airport will have to delay the opening by two months. That is not a deal Blake or Cristal is willing to take, even though they are open to making the requested replacements (why no one thought of that when the airport was under construction is anyone’s guess). But Blake and Cristal cannot afford to delay the opening with loans coming due, especially if this plan is only to help make Fallon look good to her partners.


But there is one thing she can do — sabotage. Before construction was able to begin on the property, all endangered species, plants and wildlife had to be carefully removed and thoughtfully relocated, a process Cristal oversaw to completion. Fallon managed to get her hands on one of 557 endangered tortoises and planted it on the tarmac for the inspector to see, causing a delay of the opening (which is why Blake needed Amanda to cut through the red tape). At the manor, Amanda was explaining to Blake and Cristal that there was really nothing they could do to speed up the process, and Fallon popped in to offer her condolences on the delayed opening, saying she would hold off on that request to replace the lights and such, and commented how one little turtle could screw things up. Except no one mentioned a turtle, or how many, when she was in the room and Cristal knew exactly what was going on. Barging into Fallon’s bedroom, she told her that she needed to fix this issue now before she told Blake what Fallon had done. There was no way Fallon was going to weasel her way out of this one.

Adam is having his own issues with Amanda, who is still threatening his job at the hospital. Knowing he needs to do something to cover his ass in case he does get the boot, he puts in a call to an old friend who may have some connections to help him get his illegal ingredient imported into the country. That old friend happens to be Laura Van Kirk, Liam’s mother. Laura is enjoying the benefits of Adam’s youth serum, but she’s having issues with her own mother who is trying to get her removed as the head of Van Kirk Industries. Without a company she has no ships to import the ingredient for Adam, so he needs to do her a favor — fifteen minutes with Liam. Since they’re not on the best of term, Adam says that probably won’t happen but they concoct a plan — Sam tells Liam his mother has been in a terrible accident and she needs emergency surgery. When Liam gets to the hospital and sees his ‘unconscious’ mother, he tells Adam to not bother with the operation, just let her go. Laura spring up and admonishes her son for being so callous, but he told her the next time she’s in a terrible accident, don’t reapply a fresh coat of lipstick … and take off those heels. He is unwilling to hear what she has to say and leaves, but Adam says that since he upheld his part of the bargain then she’ll still help him, right? Not quite as she still may be out of a job. Adam also tells Laura that Liam is just upset and preoccupied because of Fallon not being able to have children, and that was just the wrong thing to say to her.

With Fallon fixing everything for Blake and everyone gathered at the airport, which Blake announces is officially named the Joseph Anders Memorial Airport, Amanda and Kirby have an unexpected first date there. A little more public than they wanted so the two slip away from the crowd and board on of the private jets, so they can actually talk. They are surprised when they hear Blake bring some people on board for an inaugural flight, and figure they may find themselves joining the Mile High Club … if they don’t get caught.


Back at the airport, Fallon learns that the partners she was counting on have pulled out of their deal and tells her assistant to put together a list of potential new partners. Uninvited guest Laura shows up and confronts Fallon with vile language, ridiculing Fallon for not being able to give her son what he wants — a family, saying loudly enough for everyone around to hear that Fallon is and has always been a failure. A bit stunned at first, Fallon hauls off and slaps Laura across the face and before she can return the gesture Liam grabs her arms and tells her not to lay a hand on his wife. Awwwwww, Liam! Angry that he’s siding with a Carrington, she assures him that she will be cutting him out of her will and out of her life. Liam is not angry about that. Back at the manor, Fallon has a chat with Cristal about her situation, and Cristal says she can relate but she found other things to fulfill her life and Fallon will too. Fallon also offers to make all of the necessary green replacements at the airport at no charge, but Cristal says she will cover 50% of the bill. Settling down for the night with Liam, Fallon drops some news on him — she’s okay to having a child through surrogacy and he is beyond thrilled. Now the question is, who will carry the child (I’m going to go out on a limb and say Amanda since I’m sure Fallon will want some Carrington blood in that kid).

Unable to sway Liam, Laura is ready to make a new deal with Adam to get him what he needs — a lifetime supply of his serum. He’s only got a handful of syringes on hand, so she’ll take them and then the rest when he gets what he needs. Adam isn’t comfortable with Laura administering the serum on herself, but she tells him she’s been getting maintenance and injecting herself since before he was born. All she needs to do now is send an email she’s been holding on to until he gives her what she wants. Adam asks her to send the email after he notices all of the syringes he gave her are empty. He asks if she took them all and warned her she didn’t know what the side effects of that much serum would be. She assures him she knows what she’s doing … and falls flat on the floor. Adam thinks she’s just knocked out but when he rolls her over, she’s got one of those high heels embedded in her heart. And that is why he told her to send the email first. But using facial recognition, he unlocks her phone and sends the email, then quickly make sure there is no evidence that he was there, wiping down any potential fingerprints and gathering up the syringes. But I’m guessing there is probably security footage of him in the building or in her office. But how will the news of his mother’s death impact Liam, and will he find himself the heir apparent to a company he never wanted?

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