There was a lot going on in this week’s Dynasty and it was actually a heck of a lot of fun. And damn them, they are really making me like Adam and New Alexis.
The main plot of the episode was Fallon’s attempt to save Kirby from the con man/cult leader Joel. After calling her father to say goodbye, Anders became very concerned and Fallon actually roped in Sam, Jeff, Culhane and Adam to help break into the compound in South Carolina where Joel’s group is holed up. Although it seemed the real rescue mission this week should have been locating Liam because he was not seen or mentioned once, and Fallon seems to have completely forgotten about him.
Dynasty‘s MVP is Elizabeth Gillies as Fallon. It’s hard to make such a self-centered, brash character likable but Gillies does it with aplomb because even though I’m sure she takes her job seriously, she seems like she is completely in on the joke here that Dynasty is not meant to be taken seriously, that it’s just an hour of escapism that we can laugh at and with as the writers spin one outrageous situation after another. And most of that fun always falls to Gillies who can deliver a witty aside like no one’s business. They’ve also infused the character with a bit of Lucy Ricardo who was always cooking up some crazy scheme to get into one of Ricky’s shows.
Now Fallon is always cooking up a scheme to help herself or someone else, but usually herself. To ‘save’ Kirby, she had Adam pose as a doctor to interview for a job at Joel’s compound. Fallon was in disguise as his nurse but when she was turned down for admittance, she also became his wife! And Adam tried to push that further by suggesting a little one was on the way … which almost pushed things a bit too far for Fallon’s liking. And when they assumed Joel was about to initiate Kirby into another level of the group that gave him full access to her money — and she had not-so-coincidentally just sold Fempirial — the ‘doctor’ and ‘nurse’ staged an impromptu musical number to ‘Happy Together’ (which was meant to be ironic). Seeing Gillies and Sam Underwood completely letting go and getting into the song — and they both have great voices — was a hoot, and when Fallon revealed her true identity to the group and was met with blank stares, her reaction was even more amusing.
The ruse got Fallon and Adam tossed out of the compound with the threat of arrest if they tried to get back in so Fallon … went back in to apologize to Kirby. She could see that Kirby was making her own decision and her apology was heartfelt. So much so that as she and Adam began their long walk home (the group had taken all of their possessions including the rental car), Kirby showed up and said she decided to come home … and her father had already sent a car. In the end, though, it was Fallon who recognized that it was she who needed saving, from herself and her father. She patched things up with Kirby and her little adventure even bonded her a bit more with Adam, but it made her realize that Kirby was right when she told Fallon that she was the most toxic Carrington of them all, and the only way to neutralize that toxicity is for her to move out of the manor … and Blake is not happy about that.

But let’s face it, every one of the Carringtons are toxic. Blake committed murder and used his daughter and wife to cover for him. Cristal knew full well that he killed Mack, Fallon did not but she does know the truth now because Adam finally felt that he could be honest with her. But Adam didn’t even know the real story. He had the basics that Mark Jennings was shot and the gunshot caused Cristal’s horse to throw her causing a miscarriage, but Adam still believes Mack was the shooter.
Cristal, however, revisited the site of the shooting and found a custom Carrington bullet casing. The doofus gardener told Cristal that Mack had access to the gun room and ammunition, so he must have been the shooter … but he knew it was Alexis and informed her of Cristal’s snooping. Blake tried to get Cristal to put the past in the past but she kept digging and learned that Mack wasn’t even in town the day of the shooting, even though Alexis had claimed to see him that day (sort of how she claimed to see Blake kill Mack by the pond). Cristal put two and two together and tried to confront Alexis, who was trying to get away from the manor but ran straight in the direction of the lily pond. Cornered by Cristal and with nowhere to go, Alexis admitted she pulled the trigger but she wasn’t aiming for Mark. And that led to something Dynasty fans have probably been waiting for since Alexis was added to the show — CATFIGHT! And they pulled off a doozy by recreating the fabled lily pond catfight from the classic series. And this time, it didn’t look like two stuntmen in drag doing all the hard work. Cristal decided that drowning Alexis wouldn’t bring Mark back but she would get her revenge. And later she revealed to Blake that Alexis was the cause of her miscarriage. So, I wasn’t sure about Elaine Hendrix taking over for Nicolette Sheridan, but after this episode I can see she is completely into this 100%. I don’t know if Sheridan could have been as vicious as Hendrix was before, during and after the fight so I am getting on board with her casting (and she does bear a resemblance to her TV daughter).
Elsewhere, Culhane was given complete ownership of the Atlantix soccer team because the symptoms of Jeff’s neurological illness are appearing to get worse, and Sam and Fletcher are starting to get a bit closer. Blake is hoping to have his membership in the yacht club reinstated but the ‘commodore’ isn’t keen on having an accused murderer in the club, even if he is going to invest a ton of money into the marina which will also dock his new 300′ yacht, the Freedom (which is five feet longer than the commodore’s, which prompted a joke about deck size … yes, they went there). In the end, Blake had the goods on the commodore skimming money from the members so guess who is a newly installed member of the yacht club?!
All in all, this was another fun, dramatic and entertaining episode of Dynasty.
What did you think of this episode? Tell us in the comments section below!