Isaac and Dr. Claire’s relationship continues with the newest episode of The Orville. Their mutual attraction for each other has led them to let her children know of their relationship. Both of Dr. Claire’s children, Ty and Marcus, have positive reactions towards their mom’s new relationship. It is sweet to see both Ty and Marcus have such enthusiasm when it comes to Isaac. As soon as Dr. Claire’s and Isaac’s relationship goes public, Isaac drops to the floor and his power is shut off. Without having any idea on how to repair Isaac, the crew gets permission to take him to Kaylon 1 to seek advice on how to bring their friend back to normal.
I was really impressed with the designs of Kaylon 1. When the Orville arrives at Kaylon 1, the scenes created were some of the most well-constructed scenes of the series. The layout of Kaylon 1 was reminiscent of Cloud City in Bespin from The Empire Strikes Back. The circuit board office that was the first introduction to members of Isaac’s race was fitting to how Isaac interacts with people. I thought it was creepy that every member of Kaylon 1 had piercing red eyes instead of Isaac’s blue eyes.
After Isaac was brought to his home world, the crew finds out that Isaac has collected enough data from his time aboard the Orville and was deactivated because of that. After plenty of attempts at trying to convince Kaylon 1 to allow Isaac to return home, they agreed but only for a good-bye party. This is hard on Dr. Claire as they had just started a relationship together that made her kids happy as well as her.

Dr. Claire’s son Ty is upset that Isaac won’t be returning to the Orville and discovers something horrible about Kaylons. After trying to return a photo to Isaac, Ty stumbles upon the catacombs beneath the city and discovers hundreds of bones of people that used to be the planet’s original population. The twist about Isaac’s race is that they were made by the planet’s former inhabitants but they revolted, won the war and destroyed all humanoids.
The crew also discovers that Kaylon 1 is rapidly building weaponized spheres. The Kaylons want to destroy all of humanity because they think that they will try and stop the Kaylon evolution. This leads to an epic fight between the Orville crew and the Kaylons with Isaac participating in the fight. The whole episode isn’t something I have seen before and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
I wasn’t expecting this twist and it was easily the best thing about the episode. The show ended with a cliffhanger that was well deserved. The Orville always rushes their endings and not many stories are further explored, which makes certain episodes feel simple. By making this episode a ‘to be continued’ episode, it gives me something to look forward during the week. I enjoy watching The Orville but never look forward to it since the storyline is straightforward. There are so many questions I have about next week’s episode regarding Isaac and his future role either on the Orville or at his home on Kaylon 1.
The Orville airs Thursdays at 9:00 PM on Fox.
What do you think this episode? Sound off in the comments below!
Loved this episode, it reminded me of the feeling I got seeing the Borg for the first time on SNG…all those bodies and when Issac actually hesitated when Mercer asked him to explain those bodies…creepy!