New relationships form in this week’s episode of The Orville


This week’s episode of The Orville is what I consider a filler episode. Nothing exciting happens in this episode and nothing is contributing to the over-arching storyline, which I still don’t know what that is. This episode focuses on Dr. Claire and her feelings for the robot, Isaac. Both she and Isaac seek dating advice from members of the Orville. Dr. Claire and Isaac’s relationship began to form back in Season 1 and now we are seeing their feelings for each other come forth.

Dr. Claire finally realizing that she has feelings for Isaac and confides with Kelly about her feelings is a great moment for her. This scene shows vulnerability for the character, and actress Penny Johnson Jerald brings a casual feel to the screen that made the episode calm. There was a realistic approach to this episode when Dr. Claire was interacting with other members of the Orville to get advice from them.

It was sweet to see how Isaac flirts with humans. His robotic nature was charming when he attempts to compliment Dr. Claire on how she changed her hairstyle. We get to see a rare appearance of Isaac as a human played by Mark Johnson, the man behind the suit, in the simulation room as he and Dr. Claire go on a date. It is a sweet moment because Isaac knows everything about Dr. Claire since he downloaded her file into his memory, and she is upset with him because first dates are meant to learn about the other person. I can understand Dr. Claire’s frustration since she went into the date hoping to learn about Isaac and further their relationship and instead, she had to sit there and listen to Isaac list off all the things he knew about her. If I went on a first date and someone knew everything about me, I would be creeped out and leave immediately.

After a rough first date, Isaac tries to be spontaneous and bring Dr. Claire a cake at 3 AM. I like that Isaac is trying to impress her, even though it is the wrong time. It shows that he is listening, but still needs to learn more about dating. She is upset with him and he would like to take her out on another date. Their next date is easily the best thing about the episode, which is where we get to see the human form of Isaac. At one point in the show, I thought to myself, what if they somehow made Isaac into a real human? It would take a lot of explaining to do, but it would add to the character and further the relationship between Dr. Claire and Isaac. In the simulation room, Dr. Claire and Isaac have sex, which leads to an odd part of their relationship and some funny moments along the way.

Isaac believes that after they have sex, their relationship is over, and he must break it off. He seeks breakup advice from the men on the ship and proceeds with attempting to break up with Dr. Claire. Isaac’s idea of breaking up is sitting on the couch in a wife-beater, drinking, and demanding Dr. Claire around. She eventually catches on to what he is doing and ends the relationship herself. For Isaac being a robot, he knows how to act as a human well.


Seth MacFarlane has a love for musicals as one can see in his show Family Guy. Many characters such as Brian and Stewie partake in big musical numbers. His love for music shines in this episode as Isaac and Dr. Claire attend an orchestra concert presenting a rendition of Singin’ in the Rain. I immediately wanted to watch Singin’ in the Rain after I was done with The Orville. Thanks Seth!

This wasn’t an episode that was thrilling or an episode that had a lot at stake. It felt like more of a calmer episode that explored relationships. I was totally fine with this approach because it could lead to a deeper connection between the two later down the road. Dr. Claire at one point said she would like to return to Baltimore and Isaac said he would like to see Baltimore with her. Are the creators going to write these characters off? I hope not because they do have an oddly adorable relationship that I would like to see grow.

The Orville returns Thursday, February 14 at 9:00 PM on Fox.

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