Well it looks like the creatives behind Resident Alien have figured out a way to quickly and conveniently wrap up the ‘Dead Foot Killer’ storyline. After the surprise appearance by Sheriff Mike and Deputy Liv at Harry’s cabin, and the pair being even more surprised by two Astas, they were confronted with the reality that Harry is a werewolf … at least that’s what Mike thought as Harry began literally bouncing off the walls. Asta panicked and told them to stop shooting at Harry because he’s an alien … and suddenly the pair of law enforcement officials were congratulation themselves for solving the crime. And when Asta and Harry entered the diner where the pair were eating, pleasant hellos were given … because Harry erased their memories of what has happened the night before. So problem solved, let’s move on!
While Harry may no longer be a suspect in the doctor’s murder (his poor wife may eventually take the fall), he still has one major problem to contend with — the government is still tracking him, or at least trying to. David Logan is still hot on Harry’s trail but his equipment is not quite as high tech as it should be and when his makeshift satellite dish fails, he’s left with a dead signal and no real way to fix the equipment. Max and Sahar have, however, located the RV in which Logan was traveling when he sped out of town, thanks to the phone they had attached to the under-carriage. It was deserted, and it gave the kids a little privacy … so Sahar could wax Max’s hirsute back. Realizing that space travel did not increase Max’s testosterone levels, he finally admitted that he stole one of Harry’s balls — the silver ones — and demanded that Harry do something to help Max.
Mayor Ben’s wife Kate had a friend visiting the town, and this week welcomed the arrival of Alex Borstein to the show as Carlyn, who ended up meeting Harry in an unusual way. While out with Kate, she cut her knee and since they were closer to Harry’s cabin than town — and the new doctor’s skills are questionable at best — Harry agreed to treat the wound if they would immediately leave. But Harry is in the middle of trying to construct a radio to contact his people and tell them to not come to Earth and kill everyone, and Carlyn happens to work in a lab on the same kind of tech Harry has spread out on his dining room table. Carlyn is immediately smitten with Harry, which catches him off guard. But since one necessary piece of his radio keeps melting (he’s using the inside of a potato chip bag), he believes returning Carlyn’s affections may help him in the end.
Kate, Asta and Liv D’Arcy get an ’emergency text’ from their friend Kayla — the women have a text code for which they will drop everything and meet up — and it turns out the ’emergency’ is that Kayla just needed a night out away from her kids. The women have been friends since childhood, which we saw in a prologue of the young girls — and Ben — on a camping trip on which the witnessed something strange, with Liv actually seeing something bright fly overhead but the adult supervisor insisted she was lying so she had to deny seeing anything (when Asta revealed Harry’s alien truth, Liv was thrilled to know she was right all those years ago, and now she doesn’t even remember that little fact … or does she?), and since Carlyn was in town she tagged along.
This girls’ night out left Ben alone — he and Kate already had plans — so he awkwardly asked Sheriff Mike to come out with him for a drink. The invite didn’t go well, but Liv assured both of them that Mike and his father would be happy to join Ben, and they did. But Mike got more than he bargained for when Ben asked him if he should admit to Kate that D’Arcy kissed him. Mike said that was something he takes to the grave, although his father disagreed if Ben didn’t reciprocate. Mike still insisted that if Ben wanted to confess he could take a bullet to the guy at the mall who wrote on grains of rice, have him write out the confession on the bullet, then Ben should put the bullet in a gun, stand in the shower, hold a dictionary to one side of his head, a really thick one, and the gun to the other and pull the trigger. The bullet would go through his head and lodge itself in the D’s for Dumbass. Ben said he’d be dead, and Mike said he’s be dead either way. So, will he tell Kate?
As everyone enjoyed their time at the bar, Harry walked in and it was clear he was there to see Carlyn. Asta did not think this was the best idea, especially after Harry explained his plan to woo Carlyn so he could steal her security badge and sneak into her lab to get the piece he needed. Asta was appalled that he would treat a woman that way and told him he’d never know how that felt. But he persisted, and he and Carlyn were very turned on by their odd odors. When Asta again tried to dissuade Harry from using Carlyn, he suddenly left the date, making Carlyn wonder if she did something wrong. She decided to leave the group, and the women were a bit lit after a few drinks, and appalled at Liv’s paltry salary, having never gotten a raise her entire time as deputy. And worse, she needs a new car but she and her husband have been putting money aside for his new riding mower.

This prompted the women to ‘break in’ to the Town Hall — Kate said it wasn’t breaking in because she has a key — and finding the salary records, noting all of the men employed by the town get paid about 25% more than the women, even a janitor makes more than Liv. They are making it their mission to make sure the women get equal pay and they all descend upon poor Ben, waking him from a deep sleep. Kate tells him he has to fix this … before puking into a trash can.
The next day, Asta pays a visit to Harry and discovers Carlyn is there. Actually there are two Carlyns, just like there were two Astas. Shapeshifting is something the alien can do, but it’s difficult under normal circumstances. With the silver balls from Harry’s ship, the process is a lot easier. Now disguised as Carlyn, Harry can take her ID and go to the lab (and the sight of the alien Harry in Carlyn drag was hilarious) and get the part he needs for his radio. But Harry does learn what it’s like to be a woman when Carlyn’s boss gets a bit handy with her (something she had previously revealed), and the boss gets a surprise when ‘Carlyn’ gets handsy with him, or lays hands on him, throwing him back and forth across the lab. Harry assures Asta that Carlyn won’t have to worry about her boss anymore. He gets the part he needs, and Carlyn will only remember the night out, driving home and having a good night’s sleep. But his experience as Carlyn also gave Harry an insight into being a woman, and when Sahar berated him for Max’s condition and told him he would fix it or else, Harry just meekly agreed with her, surprising both Sahar and Max.
D’Arcy, whom the others envied for her free spirit, printed out hundred of flyers showing some of the salaries and demanding equal pay. Sheriff Mike reminded her that posting bills around town was a felony so she took it one step further, hiring a helicopter and dropping the flyers all over Patience (which is probably littering). And … Liv finally got her new car. And while the flyers fell on the town, Ben and Kate saw D’Arcy flying overhead, prompting Ben to let Kate know he had something to tell her. Concerned, Kate asked what it was and Ben told her … that he was definitely going to make sure the pay disparity was taken care of. But is that the end of the story?
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Resident Alien airs Wednesdays at 9:00 PM on Syfy.