Legendary :: Seven Deadly Sins


The seven remaining Houses faced off in two challenges this week. The first challenge had each House taking on one of the Seven Deadly Sins, featuring fabulous fashions from head-to-toe inspired by their Sin in an all-House production … while serving elements of Spin, embodying the Spins to the limit. At the end of the round, should there be a tie score, guest judge Normani has the honor or deciding which House is the Superior House of the week.


Last week’s Superior House won an advantage that was revealed this week (actually last time after the ball): They got to choose their Sin … and divvy out the rest of the Sins to the other Houses, which could give Tisci a tactical advantage. The Sin Tisci chose was Wrath. Their performance was good, a bit spooky but just a bit out of sync at times. Even Megan said they scared her a little, but they showed professional dance experience. Her score was a 10. Leiomy said they gave everything, but they should have worn different shoes so she gave them an 8. Law also said they needed more exciting footware, and he noticed they were off here and there, so he gave them an 8. Jameela said they scared the shit out of her, they nailed the story but needed bigger moments of spin, awarding them a 9. Normani appreciated the technique but thought the whole performance could have been a little cleaner. Her score was an 8. Final score: 43

Nina Oricci

Their sin was Lust, and they plan to use the Medusa storyline to sell sex. And Karma will be spinning on a stripper pole. Alright. Karma did spin at the beginning of the performance but did not carry through to the end. Their moves were sultry and suggestive, but there wasn’t much spinning within the rest of the group. Megan noticed Karma working the pole but all of her attention was on Amari, so she scored a 7. Leiomy said it was sexy but safe, they didn’t push themselves to really indulge in the Sin, and Amari’s spin was great but not highlighted, so she gave them a 7. Normani said they set the tone with the pole but the choreography was too busy, so she also scored a 7. Law said Gillette was sickening from head-to-toe but he didn’t see Lust. His score was a 6. Jameela gave a shout out to Karma, but thought the costumes covered everyone up too much. Still, her score was a 9 and Law demanded she explain her score, saying it was like a GoFundMe. Final score: 36


Sin: Sloth, which begged the question how to do perform a high energy number to a Sin that is the complete opposite? They actually managed to bring levels of energy from high to low and it worked. They had some good sync and the spin was highlighted, but Arturo’s choice of melty makeup, and his explanation that it was Sloth, showed that perhaps he didn’t know what Sloth was. Leiomy was nervous about the number at first but loved it, noting the highlighted spin, and she liked Arturo’s makeup, but they all need to work on their expressions. Her score was a 9. Normani just wants to learn their choreography, scoring them a 9. Law said he didn’t see Sloth and he didn’t love the outfits, scoring them a 6. Jameela thought it was shady to give them Sloth, but they means they are clearly a threat and should take it as a compliment. She appreciated the slow moments and she liked Arturo … from the neck down. His melty makeup reminded her of poop, and that earned them an 8. Megan didn’t like it at all and was distracted by Arturo pulling on his clothes as if he was uncomfortable. Her score was a 6. Final score: 38


Envy was their Sin, and they decided to go with a high school prom theme, but their choreographer warned them there was too much story in their story. The performance was a bit lacking in the end, and are cartwheels really considered spins? Leiomy said the spins were not delivered properly, it was sloppy and their worst performance. She also questioned if they were best dressed head-to-toe. Her score was a 5. Normani didn’t understand the vision but felt the energy was there. It was still only good enough for a 6. Law got the story but felt the performance was all over the place, scoring them a 7. Jameela understood the story but said there were two different stories going on at the same time and that was confusing and overwhelming, garnering a score of 6. Megan liked the performance and gave them a 9, prompting Law to note that Meg is very generous. Final score: 33


Sin: Greed. The theme seemed to be jewel theft, and while each of the four children had their own highlighted spin, the performance was still a bit lacking. Law said he saw head-to-toe overness in Mother Jocelyn, but the performance was disjointed. Jocelyn is serving Bridgerton and the children are giving Love Boat, and they are not the same, so that earned them a 7. Megan didn’t know what the Sin was, and she didn’t see Greed (Jameela pointed out it was the taking of the jewels), but Jocelyn was very pretty. Her score was a 6. Jameela though the Greed was very clear from the opening, and they came back stronger from nearly being eliminated last week. But she said Malik was only giving about 60% in his spin but they still got an 8. Leiomy said the spins did not give her Greed (Jameela was still puzzled that everyone didn’t get that from the stealing), Jocelyn gave head-to-toe overness, and Malik lacked in his spin. Her score was a 5. Normani did understand the Sin more than other were giving credit for, but it did get lost throughout the performance and they lacked energy, which was good enough for a 6. Final score: 32

Comme des Garçons

Sin: Pride. Their thought was to take Pride and gravitate toward Vanity. And they really went for it with custom fabric that had Mother Stasha’s face all over. While they presented their concept well, it still felt low-energy to me. Law, however, loved it, loved the attention to detail and the custom fabric, scoring them a 10. Jameela loved the story, said they were serving her favorite looks, and they delivered a $100,000 performance, which was good for a score of 10. Megan said it was a great performance, but she wants Tonka to not just represent his body because of his size (her comments of encouragement made him cry). She gave them a 9 but advised them to highlight Tonka in a different way moving forward. Leimoy commended Tonka for not giving away that he slipped, she said Stasha was impeccable and she finished the picture when she came onto the runway. It’s another 10. Normani had no comment, just waving her 10 paddle. Final score: 49.


Sin: Gluttony. They went with a sort of Candy Land / Willy Wonka theme with Mother Shannon almost like the witch from Hansel & Gretel, tempting the children with candy. The performance was very high energy, a bit twisted, and they didn’t lose a beat when one of the children’s shoes came off right at the beginning (Shannon managed to sweep it away as she walked to the back of the runway) and he managed to take the other one off mid-performance. Points just for that! Jameela said Shannon was head-to-toe over, she understood the story, but the choreo was a bit frantic so she gave them a 9. Megan loved the whole performance and gave a 10. Leiomy also loved the performance, said the Gluttony was there, but they could have used more highlights of each individual. No matter, it was still worth a 10. Normani said they checked all the boxes and it was creative chaos worth a 10. Law said the look was very London, but what moved him most was when Mother took care of the children by removing that shoe from the runway. That alone was worth a 10. Final score: 49

At the end of the first round, Comme des Garçons and Balenciaga are tied for first place with 49 points.


Round Two

The second challenge was Male Figure All-American Runway, with one member of each House serving a masculine walk … in pumps. They must get 10s across the board to advance in this round or they get chopped. The second part of the challenge would pit those with 10s against each other in a Catwalk Showdown, and the winner would receive an additional 10 points for their House. And it went something like this:

  • Dro Tisci – three chops
  • Omari Oricci – 10s across the board
  • Diego Miyaki-Mugler – one chop from Law (ridiculous)
  • Jamil Icon – 10s
  • Aus Milan – three chops
  • Savion Garçons – 10s
  • Jupiter Balenciaga – four chops (deserved, even though he said he’d be walking as Frank, his non-ballroom name)

The three men with 10s now have to change their masculine walk into a sickening prance. First it was Savion Garçons vs Jamil Icon, with Jamil the clear winner. Then Jamil faced off against Omari Oricci and it was no contest as Omari was awarded the 10 points, bring the House of Oricci from 36 to 46 points. It wasn’t enough to change the top two Houses, and Normani was tasked with breaking the tie, choosing Balenciaga as Superior House. Oricci’s win in Round Two also didn’t change the bottom two Houses, Milan and Icon. As usual, one member from each House had to vogue the ballroom down. For Icon it was Kylie Kat, and for Milan it was Marley. They both worked hard, even if it looked a bit sloppy. In the end, Law gave it to Milan for Marley’s bounce, Jameela gave it to Kylie for her face, and Megan and Normani also gave the W to Icon. Meaning this week, the House of Milan has fallen after being in the bottom for the second week in a row.

Next week it’s the Pop-Tart Ball.

New episodes of Legendary stream Thursdays on HBO Max.

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