Grey’s Anatomy :: Wasn’t Expecting That


This week’s title says it all — because there were so many oddly unexpected things that just came winging in out of left field it’s crazy. Particularly the bombshell ending with Zola breaking down during her presentation because she’s convinced Meredith & Maggie will get Alzheimers, die, and leave her as an orphan.

Not that anyone can ever forget that Derek died, but you burble along far enough in the series, and you get comfortable with Meredith’s new love life, and then WHAM. The gutpunch of the way Grey’s Anatomy forces you to remember all those emotional traumas from seasons gone by — and just like that out of nowhere too; it’s something else!

The hospital is virtually unrecognizable. What is this gift shop? And where was this lounge pit of fancy chairs and carpets that the residents-who-are-basically-interns were hanging out trying to discover what was happening with the mystery patient? Even the ER looks different. While the residency program was on hiatus did they use all the money they weren’t paying the residents with to overhaul the hospital?

Still don’t know most of their names — except Adams. Lucas. Who Blue and the others now think is SLEEPING with Doctor Shepherd. While the rest of us die laughing because he can’t confess that she’s his AUNT. Because that would somehow be more awkward than them thinking he’s sleeping with his attending? Shenanigans.

Bailey and Jo had a mommy powwow in the park — involving some healthy snacks, strollers, and Luna and Pru. But mostly Bailey siphoning information out of Jo about what’s going on back at Grey-Sloan. And Bailey confessing she’s not ready to come back yet. With yet being the operative word. Next week’s preview shows Bailey hijacking the ‘intern-residents’ to do some women’s community clinic work (sex ed style) with none other than THE Addison Montgomery!!! (Welcome back for the umpteenth time, Kate Walsh!)

Schmidt is being run into the ground as chief (and the only senior) resident … and we do get a quick hello/hi from Taryn Helm, who is now tending bar across the street at — what will always be, to us dieharders — Joe’s Bar. She makes the quick argument that she makes more money tending bar, working fewer hours, and that when she screws up behind the bar, no one dies. (Is that her farewell, which is more than most who just got sent off to the parking lot of no return? Or should we expect her back sometime in the future?)

Owen and Teddy are at each other’s throats; both have a cathartic confession to poor Webber, who’s stuck putting his sagely, wizened experience into play (though Teddy’s rant sounded rhythmically verbatim like the one she gave Owen about getting a goldfish and a wax some seasons back when she was trying to insist she was over him but still needed him as a friend … same rant, different words) and so Owen takes Webber’s advice and gets himself ‘physical space’ by having Nick Marsh make him the teacher of the residency program. (Pigs in the skills lab, anyone?)


Nick and Meredith patch things up after an entire episode of awkward. She basically apologizes and pulls a Derek, giving him the ‘I’ll say until you’re ready to accept it: I love you’ speech. Which he does, quite quickly. Maggie and Winston patch things up, ish. Though we’re still not talking about the brother who escaped with twenty-thousand of their dollars.

It was all about the doctors and their dysfunctionality this week, as the intern-residents, or whatever they officially are, are finding their footing. We still don’t know very much about them. At least they’re still using the tunnels (two weeks in a row too!)

Next week has all the promise of a fluff-n-stuff episode … with Bailey hijacking the new kids alongside Addison for a sex-ed class.

What did you think of this episode? Start a conversation in the comments section below.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.


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